Seeds of Success #26 / Theodore Roosevelt

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming. To he who actually strives to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

~ Theodore Roosevelt

Semillas del Éxito #27 / Mario Benedetti

Todos los días son un día menos
todas las noches una noche más
el corazón pregunta a que he venido
si todo es tan liviano y tan fugaz

todas las playas son la playa menos
cuando son invadidas por el mar
y las cuatros estaciones no hacen ruido
en las esquinas de la realidad

todos los dioses son un dios de cero
que se ha quedado sin eternidad
mientras tanto luchan con el aire
los pájaros que aprenden a volar

todas las muertes son la muerte de otro
y la olvidamos para no llorar
pero también están los que / inocentes/
con pies desnudos pisan el umbral

todos los días son un día menos
todas las noches una noche más
pero si aún hay rosas a la vista
la vida es una fiesta de guardar

~ Mario Benedetti

Seeds of Success #27 / Mario Benedetti

Every day is one less day
every night another night
deep inside we wonder what it’s all
about if everything is so brief and light

every beach is another beach
until it is overtaken by the sea
and the four seasons make no
noise in corners of reality

every god is a god of nothing
who has been left without eternity
and in the meantime the birds fight
with the air as they learn to fly

every death is the death of another
and we forget them so as not to cry
but also there are those who / in innocence/
in bare feet cross on over to the other side

every day is one less day
every night another night
but as long as there are roses in sight
life is a celebration in which to delight.

~ Mario Benedetti

Semillas del Éxito #28 / Joan Manuel Serrat

Todo pasa y todo queda,
pero lo nuestro es pasar,
pasar haciendo caminos,
caminos sobre la mar.

Nunca perseguí la gloria,
ni dejar en la memoria
de los hombres mi canción;
yo amo los mundos sutiles,
ingrávidos y gentiles
como pompas de jabón.
Me gusta verlos pintarse
de sol y grana, volar
bajo el cielo azul, temblar
súbitamente y quebrarse.
Nunca perseguí la gloria.

Caminante, son tus huellas
el camino, y nada más;
caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.
Al andar se hace camino,
y al volver la vista atrás
se ve la senda que nunca
se ha de volver a pisar.
Caminante, no hay camino,
sino estelas en la mar.

Hace algún tiempo, en ese lugar
donde hoy los bosques se visten de espinos,
se oyó la voz de un poeta gritar:
caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar,
golpe a golpe, verso a verso.

Murió el poeta lejos del hogar,
le cubre el polvo de un país vecino.
Al alejarse le vieron llorar,
caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar,
golpe a golpe, verso a verso.

Cuando el jilguero no puede cantar,
cuando el poeta es un peregrino,
cuando de nada nos sirve rezar,
caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar,
golpe a golpe, verso a verso.
golpe a golpe, verso a verso.
golpe a golpe, verso a verso.

Joan Manuel Serrat
con Antonio Machado

Seeds of Success #28 / Joan Manuel Serrat with José Antonio Machado

Everything comes and everything goes but ours is to go,
to go making roads over the ocean.

I never went after glory, nor to leave on the minds of men my song.
I love the simple things, weightless and light, like soap bubbles.

I like to see them reflect the sun and the grain, float beneath the great blue sky, suddenly shake and then break.

I never went after glory…

Walking are your footsteps, the road and nothing more.
Walking there is no road
We make our road as we go.

As we go, we make our road and as we look back,
See the road over which we will never again go.
Walking there is no road, only the wake we leave as we go…

For a very long time and in the very same place the forests have been dressed in thorns.
A poet was heard shouting:
“Walking there is no road, we make our road as we go…”
Blow by blow, verse by verse.

The poet died a long way from home.
The dust of a neighboring nation covers his soul.
When he left, they saw him cry:
“Walking there is no road, we make our road as we go…”
Blow by blow, verse by verse.

When the songbird can no longer sing,
When the poet is a pilgrim,
When not even praying helps:
Walking there is no road, we make our road as we go…
Blow by blow, verse by verse.
Blow by blow, verse by verse.
Blow by blow, verse by verse.

~ Joan Manuel Serrat with José Antonio Machado

Semillas del Éxito #29 / Atribuido a Mario Benedetti

Qué tengas un gran día, a menos que tengas otros planes…

Esta mañana desperté emocionado con todas las cosas que tengo que hacer antes que el reloj sonara.

Tengo responsabilidades que cumplir hoy. Soy importante. Mi trabajo es escoger qué clase de día voy a tener.

Hoy puedo quejarme porque el día está lluvioso…. o puedo dar gracias porque las plantas están siendo regadas.

Hoy me puedo sentir triste porque no tengo más dinero…. o puedo estar contento porque mis finanzas me empujan a planear mis compras con inteligencia.

Hoy puedo quejarme de mi salud…. o puedo regocijarme de que estoy vivo.

Hoy puedo lamentarme de todo lo que mis padres no me dieron mientras estaba creciendo…. o puedo sentirme agradecido de que me permitieran haber nacido.

Hoy puedo llorar porque las rosas tienen espinas …. o puedo celebrar que las espinas tienen rosas.

Hoy puedo autocompadecerme por no tener muchos amigos…. o puedo emocionarme y embarcarme en la aventura de descubrir nuevas relaciones.

Hoy puedo quejarme porque tengo que ir a trabajar…. o puedo gritar de alegría porque tengo un trabajo.

Hoy puedo quejarme porque tengo que ir a la escuela…. o puedo abrir mi mente enérgicamente y llenarla con nuevos y ricos conocimientos.

Hoy puedo murmurar amargamente porque tengo que hacer las labores del hogar…. o puedo sentirme honrado porque tengo un techo para mi mente y cuerpo.

Hoy el día se presenta ante mi esperando a que yo le de forma y aquí estoy, soy el escultor.

Lo que suceda hoy depende de mi. Yo debo escoger qué tipo de día voy a tener.

Que tengas un gran día… a menos que tengas otros planes.

~ Atribuido a Mario Benedetti

Seeds of Success #29 / Attributed to Mario Benedetti

Make it a great day, unless of course, you have other plans…

This morning I awoke excited about all of the things I have to do today before the alarm went off. I am important and my job is to choose what kind of day I will have.

I can complain because it is raining… or I can give thanks because the plants are being watered.

I can feel sad because I don’t have more money… or I can be happy because my financial situation drives me to plan my purchases more intelligently.

I can complain about my health… or rejoice that I am alive.

I can feel sorry for what my parents didn’t give me when I was growing up… or I can be thankful to them for allowing me to be born.

I can cry because the roses have thorns… or I can celebrate that the thorns have roses.

I can feel sorry for myself because I don’t have many friends… or I can get excited and embark on an adventure to discover new relationships.

I can complain because I have to go to work… or I can shout with joy because I have a job.

I can complain because I have to go to school… or I can open my mind energetically and fill it with new, rich knowledge.

I can mutter bitterly because I have housework to do… or I can feel honored because I have a roof for my mind and my body.

The day presents itself before me, waiting for me to give it form, and here I am; I am the sculptor and on me it depends what kind of day I will have today.

Make it a great day unless, of course, you have other plans.

~ Attributed to Mario Benedetti

Semillas del Éxito #30 / Facundo Cabral

No estás deprimido, estás distraído…

Distraído de la vida que te puebla, tienes corazón, cerebro, alma y espíritu… entonces cómo puedes sentirte pobre y desdichado.

Distraído de la vida que te rodea, delfines, bosques, mares, montañas, ríos.

No caigas en lo que cayó tu hermano que sufre por un ser humano cuando en el mundo hay cinco mil seiscientos millones, además no es tan malo vivir solo; yo la paso bien decidiendo a cada instante lo que quiero hacer y gracias a la soledad, me conozco, algo fundamental para vivir.

No caigas en lo que cayó tu padre que se siente viejo porque tiene setenta años, olvidando que Moisés dirigía el éxodo a los ochenta y Rubinstein interpretaba como nadie a Chopin a los noventa por sólo citar dos casos conocidos.

No estás Deprimido, estás Distraído…

Por eso crees que perdiste algo lo que es imposible porque todo te fue dado, no hiciste ni un solo pelo de tu cabeza por lo tanto no puedes ser dueño de nada además la vida no te quita cosas, te libera de cosas, te aliviana para que vuelas más alto y para que alcances la plenitud.

De la cuna a la tumba es una escuela, por eso lo que llamas problemas son lecciones y la vida es dinámica por eso está en constante movimiento, por eso sólo debes estar atento al presente…

No perdiste a nadie, el que murió simplemente se nos adelantó porque para allá vamos todos, además lo mejor de él, el Amor, sigue en tu corazón…

No encuentras la felicidad, y es tan fácil, sólo debes escuchar al corazón antes que intervenga la cabeza…

Haz sólo lo que amas y serás feliz. El que hace lo que ama está benditamente condenado al éxito, que llegará cuando deba llegar porque lo que debe ser será y llegará naturalmente.

~ Facundo Cabral

Seeds of Success #30 / Facundo Cabral

You’re not depressed, you’re distracted…

Distracted by the life which fills you. You have a heart, a brain, a soul, and a spirit; so how can you feel poor and wretched? Distracted by the life which surrounds you. Dolphins, forests, oceans, mountains, rivers.

Don’t fall into what your brother fell who suffers for one human being when there are more than 5.6 billion in the world, and besides, it’s not so bad living alone. I enjoy each moment deciding what I am going to do, and thanks to the solitude, I know myself, which is fundamental for living.

Don’t fall into what your father fell who feels old at 70, forgetting that Moises led the Exodus at 80, and Rubenstein played Chopin like nobody at 90, just to cite two known examples.

You’re not depressed, you’re distracted…

That’s why you think you lost something which is impossible because everything has been given to you. You didn’t make not even one single strand of hair on your head, and as such, can own nothing. Besides, life doesn’t take things away from you, it frees you from them, making you lighter so that you can fly higher and reach plentitude.

From the cradle to the coffin is a university. That’s why what you call problems are actually lessons. Life is dynamic, and that’s why it’s always in movement, and why you need only be aware of the present…

You didn’t lose anybody. Those who have died simply beat you to the punch, because we are all headed there. Besides, the best of them, their love, remains deep inside of you.

You can’t find happiness, and it’s so easy. You need only listen first to your heart before your head intervenes…

Do only what you love and you will be happy because those who love what they do are blessedly condemned to success, which must come when it will come, because what must be will be, and will come naturally.

~ Facundo Cabral

Semillas del Éxito #31 / Rob McBride

La vida está hecha de momentos…

Momentos mágicos que nos hacen estremecer con placer y que forman una parte integral de la existencia. Momentos que se convierten en las películas de la mente y que pueden ser accedidas las 24 horas al día para anclarnos en aquellas experiencias que confirman lo maravilloso que es estar en este viaje increíble que llamamos vida.

Momentos cotidianos que constituyen el día a día y conforman una gran cantidad de nuestros minutos, horas y días. Momentos que pueden pasarse por desapercibidos si no estamos prestando atención a cada instante; el vuelo de un pájaro, el color intenso de una flor, el aire invisible que nos da vida.

~ Rob McBride

Seeds of Success #31 / Rob McBride

Life is made up of moments…

Magical moments which make us quiver with pleasure and form an integral part of existence. Moments which become the motion pictures of our mind and are available 24/7 to anchor us to those experiences which confirm how marvelous it is to be on this incredible journey we call life.

Everyday moments in which consist our day to day and comprise a surprising number of our minutes, hours, and days. Moments which can be overlooked if we’re not paying attention to each instant; the flight of a bird, the intense color of a flower, the invisible air giving us life.

~ Rob McBride

El Viento de la Oportunidad

Como el viento, la oportunidad casi siempre está presente pero rara vez es muy evidente. A veces se nos acerca sigilosamente como una suave brisa, mientras que otras nos puede derribar con su fuerza.

La mayoría de las veces estamos sumergidos en nuestros propios pequeños mundos, prácticamente sin darnos cuenta de su presencia. Algunos aprovechan con éxito su poder para mejorar su suerte en la vida, mientras que otros lo resisten, prefiriendo mantenerse firmes donde están, pocas veces considerándolo como más que una molestia. Muchos de nosotros nos quejamos de nuestra falta de oportunidades, sin embargo, están disponibles para todos los que estén dispuestos a usar su fuerza para llevarlos a lugares que jamás pensamos ser posibles.

Como un velero que usa el viento para ir de un lugar a otro, nosotros también podemos aprovechar de él para movernos de donde estamos. La mayor parte del tiempo, como un barco anclado en un puerto, subimos y bajamos con la marea, buscando refugio de su fuerza cuando los vientos se vuelven demasiados fuertes. Sin embargo, si jugamos bien nuestras cartas, nos puede llevar a lugares lejanos y a nuevos espacios asombrosos, si tan solo estamos dispuestos a desplegar nuestras velas y utilizar su fuerza.

Como un marinero que aprende a navegar por el océano aprovechando el viento, nosotros también podemos aprender a utilizar la oportunidad para nuestro beneficio, en lugar de simplemente luchar contra ella. Si bien podemos tomar una oportunidad antes de estar preparados para ella, estar listos para ella nos permite mejorar el uso de su poder. La oportunidad adecuada sin la preparación adecuada puede llevarnos a un mar vasto e interminable, o inclusive dejarnos varados en alguna isla en el medio de la nada.

Desde el momento en que nacemos, hasta nuestros últimos días, los vientos del cambio y la oportunidad nos llevan de aquí para allá.

¿Alguna vez has pensado en esto?
Los libros de historia están llenos de historias de aquellos que pasan de la pobreza a la riqueza aprovechando las oportunidades de manera eficaz, sacando de ellas el mayor provecho. También encontramos relatos de algunos que nacen en el regazo de lujo y con oportunidades aparentemente infinitas, pero que terminan varados contra las piedras de alguna costa desconocida que no llega a ninguna parte.

¿Qué marca la diferencia?

La vida no tiene favoritos. A todos nos dan 24 horas del día y 365 días del año para hacer lo que queramos, aunque a menudo no creemos que sea así. Lo cierto es que podemos permanecer como estamos, resistiendo los vientos del cambio y de la oportunidad que se presentan para llevarnos a lugares desconocidos, o podemos llenar nuestras velas con su fuerza para que nos lleven a donde siempre hemos querido ir. Si bien muchos se mantienen firmes, negando ceder a su poder, otros aprovechan la oportunidad fluyendo con él, en vez de resistirlo.

Muchos dicen que la suerte es cuando la oportunidad se encuentra con la preparación. También es el caso cuando los vientos de cambio nos llaman a sucumbir a su fuerza omnipresente. Si tomamos una oportunidad antes de estar debidamente preparados, podemos terminar en otro lugar, aunque bien es cierto que también aprendemos algo en el intento. Por el contrario, estar debidamente preparados para la oportunidad para cuando se presente nos puede llevar a nuevos y emocionantes puertos en lugares exóticos e interesantes.

La vida nos brinda oportunidades todos los días, pero de nosotros depende si nos lleva a la frustración y al fracaso, o al éxito fabuloso y extraordinario. En lugar de resistir los vientos del cambio y de la oportunidad, podemos prepararnos para ellos y así aprovecharlos, para que nos guíen a lograr nuestro mayor deseos.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
18 dic 2021
LL V 17

The Wind of Opportunity

Like the wind, opportunity is almost always present, yet rarely evident. Sometimes it sneaks up on us like a gentle breeze, while at others it can knock us over with its force.

Most often we are submerged in our own little worlds, virtually unaware of its presence. Some successfully harness its power to better their lot in life, while others brace themselves against it, preferring to stand fast where they are as it whirls about, rarely considering it as anything more than a nuisance. Many of us complain about our lack of opportunity, yet it is available to all who are willing use its strength to take us to places we never thought possible.

Like a sailboat which uses the wind to get from one place to the next, we too use opportunity to get around. Much of the time, like a boat anchored in port, we rise and fall with the tide, seeking to escape from the wrath of the winds force when it becomes too strong. Yet, if we play our cards right, it can take us to faraway places and amazing new spaces, if only we are willing to unfurl our sails and garner its strength.

Like a sailor who learns to sail the ocean blue by harnessing the wind, we too can also learn to use opportunity to our benefit, rather than simply bracing against it. While we can take advantage of opportunity before we are prepared for it, being ready for it allows us to best utilize its power. The right opportunity without proper preparation can lead us to a seemingly endless sea of nothingness, or perhaps even leave us stranded on some deserted isle.

From the time we are born, to our final days, the winds of change and opportunity take us here and there.

Have you ever thought about this?

The history books are filled with stories of those who go from rags to riches by effectively using opportunity to their best advantage. So too we find accounts of how many who are born in the lap of luxury, and seemingly endless opportunities, yet end up crashing into the rocks of some unknown coast, leading no where.

What makes the difference?

Life plays no favorites. We are all given 24 hours a day and 365 days a year to do as we please, though often we don’t think this is so. The fact is that we can remain as we are, resisting the winds of change and opportunity which threaten to take us to unknown places, or we can fill our sails with its force to take us where we want to go. While many stand firm refusing to budge against its power, others are take hold of opportunity flowing with it, rather than resisting it.

Many say luck is when opportunity meets preparation. So too is the case when the winds of change beckon us to succumb to its ever-present force. If we take an opportunity before we are properly prepared, we can end up someplace else, though we can learn from the experience as it takes us there. Contrarily, being properly prepared for opportunity when it comes our way can take us to new, exciting ports in exotic and interesting places.

Life brings opportunity daily, but on us it depends whether it leads us to frustration and failure, or to outstanding, fabulous success. Rather than resisting the winds of change and opportunity, we can prepare for them and then take them, so they may guide us to achieve our greatest desire.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
18 Dec 2021
LL V 17

Life is Here and Now

A reflection over this present moment as it relates to the past and to the future.

Why are we all here?

What is this all for?

As for me, I’m not really sure, but I do know that there seems to be some grand plan behind all we have before us, and take granted for, on a daily basis. Could it be simple chance that everything works so perfectly? The sun and the clouds, the mountains and the streams, the birds and the bees, as well as you and me?

Doesn’t it all seem eerily perfect, as if the ideal picture of what Heaven can truly be?

And it is indeed Heaven, when we see it that way. Every breath of air we take is a blessing from some place which many seek to explain and understand, yet few know for sure the truth of it all; and of those who claim they do, I doubt much of what they say as well.

Can any of us truly know what all this craziness about us has to do with time, in the grand scheme of things? Can what we do today or tomorrow really make any difference in the grand scheme of it all?

I think so…

After all, we only ever have this moment right now and magic can happen when we least expect it. If you think about it, anything can happen in the next 24 hours, but much more than that, the future will be influenced by what we do in this exact instant of time, because it is all we ever really have.

Is this all nonsense?

This may be, but yet for some reason I come here to try and make sense of all of this with you; and too with myself in attempt to gain a better understanding of our existence.

Does it really matter?

Is it important?

Again, I think so. How many of us get up each day and go about our way without every really thinking about what is important in life?

Most of us, I would say. So it can pay great dividends to take a moment and reflect about our place in the whole scheme of things, as you too are now doing, since you are still with me. Are we only here on Earth to go through the motions without ever considering how what we do influences our surroundings.

Think for a moment about possibility. It is always present and in this exact instant, we can set into motion our greatest dreams and desires. But, we need to take action to do so, otherwise the song remains the same. Consider the following:

If you have a deep desire to get in touch with someone who was an important part of your life, you can do so. You may or may not meet with success, or you may even create a problem where there is none. But right now, without over-thinking it, you can initiate the process. That one call, e-mail, SMS, or Whatsapp could change your life forever.
That friend could be someone you always wanted to start a business with, or perhaps an old flame which never extinguished. Or it could be nothing at all. Maybe all that happens as a result is the exchange which goes something like this: “Hey how are you?” Being responded with a, “Fine, thanks,” with a little emoji and a thumbs up sign to to confirm this to be true. My point is that something is set in motion by virtually all we do.

Maybe you always wanted to live in a certain neighborhood, or in a particular house. Recently you saw a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, and you are wondering if you should call or not. You know it would cause major disruption in your life and is an expense you can ill afford, but, it’s your dream house!

You could pick up the phone right now, call the Realtor and ask to go see the home. So many possibilities open up from there, one of which could be a curt response saying it has already been sold. But so too, it could lead to you actually living in that home you always dreamed of. It could happen, but it only if you do something. There is no other option. No tomorrow, only now. Tomorrow may be to late and yesterday already happened.

Life doesn’t happen then and there, rather here and now. It is not about what once was, or what one day will be. There is magic in this moment, and this special quality has to be with the seed of possibility. You can plant a seed right now, right here today, which can change your life forever.

We can begin to pursue our passions, instead of punching the clock for some crass, ungrateful asshole. We can begin to march to the beat of our own drum, rather than getting beat over the head by some stupid idiot. We can begin to do as we please, rather than doing as we are told.

In 24 hours, our lives can be completely different than they are right now, depending on what we do right now, in this moment. If we are content with what we are doing, how we are doing it, and who we are doing it with; by all means let’s just keep doing that, thank you very much! But if not, why not do something to change it.

If we are in an impossible work situation, we can do something right now to change it. We can ask for a transfer to a different department, or update our resume to look for another position. We can learn more about what really interests us, and consider how we can do what we love, and get paid for it.

Life is an open playing field for all. There is absolutely no one who can limit what we can achieve, except for ourselves. We can look to any type of job or business and find people who have come all different areas of life to become one of the best in their business.
Without a doubt, some are given many more opportunities to succeed, and this helps many, though hinders others who are given the exact same set of circumstances, but screw it up despite the most favorable of conditions.

So too there are those who are born under the worst of circumstance, and with the most undesirable upbringings, who become super stars in what they do.

Why do some rise to the top of the heap in their chosen field of endeavor; while others sink to the bottom, regardless of what they choose to do?

While many factors are certainly attributable to our ultimate success and failure in life, one key ingredient seems to be to remain in the magic of this moment, rather than being allured away to the past or the future. While the past creates our present state, only what we do (or do not do) right now ultimately influences our future.

It’s really quite simple. What we do in this instant creates our future, for better or worse.
If we are happy with the direction we are going, let’s keep headed there, if not, and if we feel have not yet achieved our full potential, or if there is some aspect in our lives which is not ideal; then it’s time to do something about it.

Isn’t this what sets winners apart from losers?

Though, in reality, what is “winning” or “losing” but a perception of a situation?
Some of those who have had the biggest failures in life sometimes end up with outstanding success. While those who have been on top of the world can too fall to the depths of depression. Once again, I propose that life is not about what happened there and then, or about what one day might be, but only about this moment, right here, right now.
Everything happens right now, in this moment.

If we content with how things, let’s party on Wayne: if not, why not use this moment to do something about it?

Is all just as you want it to be, or is there something you would like to do to change about your current circumstance?

∞ Rob McBride ∞
13 Dec 2021
LL V 16

In Harmony

“Blue Blaze”

Me and My Harp

June 8, 2021 marked an important milestone in my life. It was on this day that my family gave me my first harmonica for my 59th birthday. While I thought having one of these tiny instruments might be fun, I never realized the effect it has had on me since that time.

I have literally had my harmonica by my side since then. The infrequent moments when I have misplaced it have caused me no small amount of duress. Over the last several months, and in the process, I’ve lost a screw, popped another one two. and popped screws and blown a reed, but my Blue Blazer still serves me despite her battle scars.

I have learned much, in particular with Luke, an excellent teacher at; and watched countless videos of pros and wannabes, all with something to say about this magical instrument. Before going to bed at night and as I wake up in the morning, I have melodies playing in my head. I imagine how the harp will sound when I finally figure out some of its more subtle capabilities. I realize now that the harmonica is perhaps one of the easiest instruments to play, but which can take a lifetime to master.

I’m just getting started as I approach six months with my harp. During that time, I haven’t read quite as much as I typically do and my writing has been limited to a few blurbs here and there. But on the upside, practicing with it every day has helped me to understand this magical little instrument and slowly but surely, I’m starting to get the hang of it. At least to me my playing sounds a bit better, though to others it may still sound a bit like a shrieking cat.

I’ve learned that even with a blown 4 draw, I still have 19 holes left, with a whole lot of sounds I can make, even without that D note and all its permutations, on my C key harmonica. I’ve learned that if you have the right key harmonica and have a decent sense of timing, you can probably play along pretty well with most songs in the same key by playing chords. Things get a bit more tricky with single notes and melodies, but this also is where the real fun starts.

Now, when I hear music, I stop and listen to each sound and imagine the instrument creating it. I think of how much practice each musician has endured to be able to play at that level, and how far I’ve yet to go on my own journey to be able to do the same.

I hear scales in my head as I go to bed and wake with them still rising and falling as I start my day again. When I lost my D note (I later learned this is a natural phenomenon caused by a lot of playing or doing so too hard), I started playing the Blues scale on the piano because I could no longer play it on my harp. Now I am able to go up and down that scale pretty well in the keys of D and E. I hear people talk of other types of scales, of their steps, and so many other things which simply heighten my interest and make me want to learn more about the music which has always been around me, but never quite taken hold of me as it now has.

My greatest interest with the harmonica, as it is with many who play an instrument, is to be able to play by ear. I am beginning to understand that some theory is helpful on our way. Knowing how scales are formed, the differences between those that are Major and those that are Minor, as well as other nuances helps me to put together what once seemed like Greek.

Over the last several months, I have sat down on several occasions to put in writing my thoughts about how music I now hear in my mind has invaded my life. Sometimes I’ve gotten down only a few lines, and at others I’ve written a bit more. Each is very similar, and yet at the same time different.

Following are a collection of ideas that all have to do with being in harmony with life.

Bobby McB

The Scale of Life

We are each like a musical note on the scale of life. By ourselves we lack diversity and our existence can certainly be monotonous. With others we are multifaceted and can create sweet symphony.

We might even say that when we get along with others we are playing in the same key; while with others, try as we might, we never quite jibe and most certainly are off key. This doesn’t mean we are any better or worse than they, simply different.
Being in harmony isn’t always easy.

If we play in D, we just may not fit into a world of those in the key of C’s. Our best efforts may just be thwarted until we find some with whom we are more in tune.

Life is a Symphony

Life is a symphony from beginning to end,
Each day we live forms part of our song.

We are a note in each melody that plays,
And ours is often to simply play along.

The Melody of our Tune

Have you ever thought that life is much like a symphony?

Each day is a song making up the great whole. We are the notes which make the melody of our tune.

Sometimes we strike a chord with others we meet making a sweet sumptuous sound, while at others no matter how we try, the sound comes out squeaky or flat.

The Language of Music

Life is a symphony with a myriad of songs brought forth by a wide variety of thoughts and emotions.

We are each a note within the great whole. Sometimes we play together in harmony with those around us. At other times it doesn’t matter what we do, we are just a little off key.
Though we are all similar, we are all so very different as well. As we each have a unique thumbprint, so too is our note not just exactly like any other. With certain people we just seem to click and strike a chord. With others try as we might, we get nothing more than discord.

Luke says that playing music is a lot like language. Though we all use the same words and a similar grammatical structure, we each have much different ways of expressing ourselves. The harmonica brings out the best, and at times the worst, of this expression.

Some of our symphonies are spectacular masterpieces which hold beg for attention with each successive note; others are no more than karaoke in the shower, in a never ending chorus of different songs which while similar to those of others, lack the depth and expression which are the makings of sweet symphony.

Through the first part of our lives we set the tone for how our symphony of life will be played. If we learn, are open to criticism, and follow our heart, we are likely to get all we need to create a wonderful vibe in our own symphony of life.

Each day is like another song, full of crescendos,
Led often by circumstance and innuendo.

My Blown 4 Draw Reed

The Sound of Music

Life is like a symphony which begins when we are born.
Some start loudly with a flurry of sound and emotion,
Others quietly, waiting for something to happen.

Our emotions play the notes of each song that plays.
Some days play an allegro reaches crescendo,
Others are melancholic in diminuendo.

Our feelings ebb and flow with the sound of the music.
Sometimes events can cause massive confusion,
Others with a beat which brings resolution.

The melody takes us methodically from day to day.
At times we are guided by a big bass back-beat.
Others, hearing anything at all is a great feat.

The melody we play depends on the notes we feel.
There are times when they ring sharp and clear,
Others when they are dull and difficult to hear.

Yet each day as we begin the day a new tune begins.
On us it depends what kind of music we will make,
We have the power to make it magic or fake.

Strike a Chord

Life is like a symphony where we each have our roles.
Some vibrate in the key of “C”, while those around us
May be “D’s”, “E’s”, or perhaps “A’s”, “B’s”, “F’s” or “G’s”.

With some we strike a chord,
With others only discord.

We each play a melody
As our part of the symphony.

Sometimes we are slow and flat,
Others we are sharp and fast.

At times we are a sweet lullaby,
At others, mass cacophony.

In moments we play out loud,
In others, blend into the crowd.

We can stand up and be heard,
Or disappear into our own little world.

Each day we are given a stage on which to play.
On each it depends which tune we carry every day.

Tic – Toc

Have you ever noticed that life is very similar to a symphony?

Each of us are like notes in a grand melody which takes us through life. Those around us accompany our tune and form part of rhythm. Like a radio station playing different sounds at different times, so too goes the melody we play as we go through time.

The tic-toc of the never ending clock is like a metronome clicking silently in the background, marking time for our song. Sometimes the tempo is kicked up several notches, while at others becomes little more than a deep, steady beat, as is the case when we sleep.

Like the notes belonging to certain keys in music, we too are like those notes. C’s get along swimmingly with E’s and G’s, not always as much with A’s and F’s. And, of course, there are those who are sharp and/or flat, what’s up with that?

Sometimes we seem to go along in harmony with our surroundings, feeling comfortable with those around us and our environment. Then at others we are ill at ease and uncomfortable for some inexplicable reason.

Others around us march on in time to their own beat, rhythm and rhyme; sometimes forming part of our melody, and at others simply lost in their own tune. We have moments when everything seems to click just so, and others when nothing seems to come out right.

Yet the more that we practice, the better we seem to get in the never-ending path to figure out how to make harmony with the world around us. Perhaps this is one of the most amazing things about the harmonica is that your blow holes are always in harmony with the key of C, while your draw holes are so with the key of G. That is precisely why you do not need to know about music theory to play the harp!

Similar to those who can whistle or sing in tune, the instrument becomes nothing more than a means to an end. As you go up the harmonica, the tones become sharper and as you come down they become flatter. Of course, you have to be aware of the double draw on the 6 and 7 to keep the scale going in the right direction, but other than that, with a little bit of practice you can be playing a pretty mean Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Now without my beloved 4 draw, which a bent to the point of eventually breaking, I learn many things. First and foremost is that the harder you play the harmonica, the shorter it will last. The second is that even without that one note, I can learn to play around it, or go up or down an octave to get the same melody. The third is that now I am beginning to hear the notes as if for the very first time as I practice nice, long, slow tones, just as Luke suggests.

Have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument, or if you do play one like to have the ability to carry it around with no hassle, buy a harmonica! It could be the beginning of something great!

Ode to my Organ

What is this?

Some may laugh and others may snicker,
But my organ is incredible, of that none can bicker.

I walk around with it in my mouth all day,
To the delight of some and to others dismay.

Some may think it rather small,
But with it, I truly have a ball!

I take it with me wherever I go,
And seek to play it like a pro.

I keep it at always at hand,
Ready to join the band.

Then when I put it in its case,
I hold it firmly by the base.

Others may play with it now and then,
But it is my very own special friend.

∞ Bobby McB ∞
20 Nov 2021
LL V 15

El Reloj de Arena de la Eternidad

La vida se parece mucho a un enorme reloj de arena que representa el tiempo. Dentro de él, podemos ver todo el tiempo que ha pasado antes de nosotros en la parte inferior, y todo el tiempo que queda por llegar en la parte superior.

Somos un solo grano de arena en este reloj de tiempo y se podría decir que nuestra vida comienza cuando pasamos por el estrecho cuello de él. A medida que nacemos, somos guiados primero por una caída brusca donde la gravedad nos lleva. Al llegar a la parte inferior, nos movemos y nos deslizamos un rato, antes de llegar al descanso; donde a menos que alguien dé vuelta al reloj de arena, permaneceremos hasta el final de los tiempos.

Considere también que absolutamente todo, bien sea animado o no, también es como un reloj de arena. La computadora en la que ahora escribo, los bolígrafos y el papel a mi lado, junto con todos los que he conocido y conozco, también están sujetos a un comienzo y un final.

¿Alguna vez has considerado que todo es como su propio reloj de arena?

¿Será que cuando tenemos hijos creamos otro reloj de arena que de alguna manera también contiene parte de nosotros?

¿Qué pasa con un maestro que ha sido particularmente influyente a sus alumnios o un vecino que ha sido útil a otros?

¿Qué pasa con un ser querido que se ha ido pero que con frecuencia viene a la mente con sus palabras de sabiduría y consejos, a pesar de haber fallecido?

¿Podría ser esto de alguna manera lo que se entiende por eternidad?

¿Podría ser que mientras la gente piense sobre nosotros que nuestro propio reloj de arena de alguna manera se da vueltas una y otra vez?

Ciertamente, no conozco las respuestas absolutas a estas preguntas, pero como todos, puedo reflexionar sobre nuestra propia existencia. Si hay una verdad universal entre la mayoría de las religiones y la política, es que las buenas acciones cosechan recompensas positivas.

Quizás cada vez que hacemos una buena acción, somos recompensados ​​con un poco más de arena en nuestro propio reloj de arena y por cada mala acción se nos quita algo. Aunque personalmente este escenario no me parece que sea lo más probable.

Así también de donde vinimos hace tiempo, así seguramente algún día para allá volveremos a ir. De cenizas a cenizas y de polvo a polvo, es lo que se dice. Personalmente, a mi me parece que todos podemos ser simplemente un pequeño grano de arena en el gran reloj de arena de la eternidad.

Aun así, por tan pequeños que podemos ser en el gran esquema de existencia, podemos dar lo mejor para aprovechar al máximo cada momento que nos toca en nuestro propio reloj de arena.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
20 Sep 2021
LL V 15

The Hourglass of Eternity

Life is much like an enormous hourglass which represents time. Within it, we can see all the time passing before us on the bottom, and all the time yet to come on the top.

We are like a single grain of sand in this hourglass of eternity and it could be said our life starts as we pass through the narrow neck in the apparatus. As we are born, we are led first on a wild fall, as gravity takes us down. When we reach the bottom part, we slip and slide for awhile, before eventually coming to rest; where unless someone turns over the hourglass, we will remain until the end of time.

Consider also that everything, animate or not, also is an hourglass of time. The computer I now type on, the pens and paper by my side, along with everyone I have ever known or now know, is also subject to a beginning an an end.

Have you ever considered that every single thing in turn is also like its own individual hourglass?

Might it be that when we have kids that we create another hourglass which somehow also contains part of us?

What about a teacher who has particularly influential over his/her students, or a neighbor who has been helpful to others?

What about a loved one who is gone but who still comes to mind frequently to with words of wisdom and advice, despite having passed away?

Could it be this is somehow what is meant by eternity?

Might it be that as long as people think about us that our own hourglass of time is somehow turned over again and again?

Certainly, I do not know the absolute answers to these questions, yet I can ponder upon our own existence just as well as any other. As I consider this great question, if there is one universal truth remaining true between most religions and politics, it is that good deeds should be done to reap positive rewards.

Perhaps each time we do a good deed, we are rewarded with a bit more sand in our own hourglass of time and for each bad deed some is taken away. Though somehow this doesn’t seem to me to be so likely.

So too from where we once came, so too surely we will one day go. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust is what they say. It seems to me we may all simply be a small grain of sand in the great hourglass of eternity.

Though we may be ever so small in the great scheme of things, we too can make the most of our own hourglass of time by making the most of each and every moment.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
20 Sep 2021
LL V 15

Problems are Like Weeds

Have you ever had a weed problem in your garden?

Photo by Johnson Chou on Unsplash

If so, you have probably tried many different ways of getting rid of them. One way is to just take the lawn mower or a weed whacker and cut them down to size. The problem is that while it makes them look better for awhile, before long they are back stronger than ever! A much better solution, but one which takes much longer, is to take them out by the root. Once done, the same weed won’t come back though in time, others most likely will.

Problems are very much the same. If we just gloss over a problem and don’t really get it from the root, it is likely to come back again to haunt us. Similar to taking weeds out from the root in our garden, it is likely to take much more time and energy to get to the source of our problem and extirpate it from there, but once done, at least it won’t come back.

Let’s look at an example:

Have you ever had too much month at the end of the money?

It happens to the best of us at some time or another. We often look look to friends or family to help us out of a tough situation, even selling things to cover the shortage until we get more money again. The problem is that unless we get to the bottom of the problem, it is likely to keep happening. The solution tends to be fairly simple but far from easy. We need only increase our income or decrease our expenses, either will work. Once this is done, the problem goes away, at least for the time being.

In our garden we can use many methods to get rid of weeds, some of them quick and easy, others more difficult and involved. The same thing happens with problems. We can zap them with a quick dose of motivation, which tends to make us feel good for a short period of time, but unless we truly solve the problem, it can and will come back.

Have you ever noticed how the more weeds you have, the more seem to sprout up? The same tends to happen with problems.

Unless the ground is properly prepared, taking the weeds out one by one can be quite a chore. If it hasn’t rained in a long time or we haven’t soaked the area thoroughly, it will be difficult to get the entire weed out. Instead, it’s likely to break off, leaving the root embedded in the soil to keep growing. Getting rid of our problems once and for all is a very similar process. To do so, we must first properly prepare our minds and/or bodies to do so. If the problem involves talking to someone or doing something, it generally takes preparation to get the desired result.

Rather than simply glossing over problems and then hoping that they go away, we can take the time and energy necessary to get to the bottom of them and then take them out by the root so they don’t come back.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
15 Aug 2021
LL V 14

Los Problemas son como la Maleza

¿Alguna vez has tenido un problema de maleza en tu jardín?

Photo by Maarten Deckers on Unsplash

Si es así, probablemente hayas probado muchas formas diferentes de deshacerse de ella. Una forma es simplemente tomar la cortadora de césped o una desbrozadora de malezas y cortarlos a la medida. El problema es que si bien los hace lucir mejor por un tiempo, ¡en poco tiempo están de vuelta más fuertes que nunca! Una solución mucho mejor, pero que lleva mucho más tiempo, es sacarlos de raíz. Una vez hecho esto, la misma hierba no regresará con el tiempo, pero es probable que otras sí lo hagan.

Los problemas son muy parecidos. Si simplemente pasamos por alto un problema y realmente no la sacamos de raíz, es probable que vuelva. Al igual que eliminar la maleza de la raíz en nuestro jardín, es probable que lleve mucho más tiempo y energía llegar a la fuente de nuestro problema y extirparlo de allí, pero una vez hecho, al menos no volverá en ese mismo lugar.

Veamos un ejemplo:

¿Alguna vez ha tenido demasiado mes al final del dinero?

A los mejores nos pasa en algún momento u otro. A menudo buscamos a amigos o familiares para que nos ayuden a salir de una situación difícil, incluso vendiendo cosas para cubrir la escasez hasta que obtengamos más dinero nuevamente. El problema es que, a menos que lleguemos al fondo del problema, es probable que siga sucediendo. La solución tiende a ser bastante simple pero nada fácil. Solo necesitamos aumentar nuestros ingresos o disminuir nuestros gastos, cualquier de las dos opciones funcionará. Una vez hecho esto, el problema desaparece, al menos por el momento.

En nuestro jardín podemos utilizar muchos métodos para deshacernos de las malas hierbas, algunos de ellos de forma rápida y sencilla, otros más difíciles y complicados. Lo mismo ocurre con los problemas. Podemos eliminarlos con una rápida dosis de motivación, lo que tiende a hacernos sentir bien durante un corto período de tiempo, pero a menos que realmente resolvamos el problema, puede volver y volverá.

¿Alguna vez has notado que entre más maleza tienes, más parece brotar en otros lugares? Lo mismo suele ocurrir con los problemas si no los resolvemos por completo.

A menos que el terreno de nuestro jardín esté debidamente preparado, quitar la maleza una por una puede ser una tarea ardua. Si no ha llovido en mucho tiempo o no hemos empapado bien el área, será difícil sacarla por completo. En cambio, es probable que se desprenda, dejando la raíz incrustada en el suelo para que siga creciendo más adelante. Deshacerse de nuestros problemas de una vez por todas es un proceso muy similar. Para hacerlo, primero debemos preparar adecuadamente nuestras mentes y / o cuerpos para hacerlo. Si el problema implica hablar con alguien o hacer algo, generalmente se necesita preparación para obtener el resultado deseado.

En lugar de simplemente pasar por alto los problemas y luego esperar que desaparezcan, podemos tomarnos el tiempo y la energía necesarios para llegar al fondo de ellos y luego eliminarlos de raíz para que no vuelvan.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
15 de agosto de 2021
LL V 14

Un Triángulo de Confianza

Recientemente estuve hablando con uno de mis mejores amigos David Jones, sobre las relaciones humanas. Hemos sido amigos desde que tengo memoria y durante la mayor parte de nuestras vidas. Me explicó un concepto que tiene mucho sentido cuando se trata de prácticamente todas nuestras relaciones, ya sean personales o profesionales.

Me dijo que las relaciones, tanto las buenas como las malas, se establecen principalmente en tres elementos:

1) La Confianza
2) El Respeto
3) La Honestidad

Investigué un poco sobre el tema y encontré varios modelos similares con una terminología ligeramente diferente. Sin embargo, me gusta la forma en que mi amigo lo explicó con estos términos.

La confianza en una relación no es algo que viene fácilmente. Al contrario, es algo que se va construyendo con el tiempo, y se basa en gran medida en el respeto y la honestidad que le damos a los demás. Si respetamos a los demás y somos honestos con ellos, se fomenta la confianza en la relación. Si no respetamos a los demás y no somos honestos con ellos, generalmente no se genera confianza.

Podemos elegir respetar a los demás y ser honestos con ellos, pero si confiamos en ellos ciegamente, a menudo nos decepcionaremos. Piense por un momento en la mayoría de los estafadores. Suelen generar la confianza tejiendo una historia que nos lleva a creer que nos están diciendo la verdad. Si les damos nuestra confianza demasiado rápido, es probable que se vayan con nuestro dinero que nos ha costado tanto ganar o con alguna otra posesión.

Si después de conocer a alguien sentimos que nos respeta y es honesto con nosotros, tendemos a confiar en él. Aun así, todavía podemos meternos en un lío, ya que es posible que simplemente nos hayan estado engañando todo el tiempo para obtener lo que quieren. Sin embargo, llega un momento en una relación en el que debemos comenzar a confiar en el otro. Esto puede suceder rápidamente cuando tenemos una buena “corazonada” acerca de alguien, o puede durar años antes de que realmente confiemos en ellos.

Respetar a los demás en términos de sus pensamientos e ideas suele ser una cuestión de cortesía común. Todos somos diferentes y venimos de un conjunto de circunstancias distintas. Nadie es “mejor” o “peor” que otro, simplemente somos diferentes. Por definición, si hubiéramos crecido en las mismas condiciones y con las mismas oportunidades de otro, o sin ellas, lo más probable es que actuaríamos y pensaríamos como esa persona.

La honestidad suele relacionarse con la comunicación. Cuando les contamos a los demás el porqué hacemos lo que hacemos y nos sentimos como sentimos, poco a poco comenzamos a construir una relación que puede basarse en una base sólida de confianza en lugar de un débil conjunto de mentiras.

Si queremos construir mejores relaciones, podemos comenzar respetando a los demás y siendo honestos con ellos en cuanto a nuestros deseos e intenciones, en lugar de no respetarlos y mentir solo para obtener lo que queremos. Esto no garantiza que la persona confiará en nosotros o que establezcamos un vínculo fuerte, pero es un buen comienzo.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 de junio de 2021
LL V 13

A Triangle of Trust

Recently I was talking to one of my very best friends David Jones, about relationships. We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember and for most of our lives. He explained to me a concept which makes a lot of sense when it comes to virtually all of our relationships, whether they be personal or professional.

He told me relationships, both good and bad, are based primarily on three elements:

1) Trust
2) Respect
3) Honesty

Subsequently, I did a bit of research on the subject and have found several similar models with slightly different terminology for different applications. Nevertheless, I like the the way he explained it with these terms.

Trust in a relationship is not something which comes easily. On the contrary, it is something that is built over time, and is largely based on the respect and the honesty we give to others. If we respect others and are honest with them, trust in the relationship is fostered. If we do not respect others and are not honest with them, trust is rarely built.

We can choose to respect others and be honest with them but if we trust them blindly, we will often be disappointed. Think for a moment about most scam artists. They tend to try and build trust by weaving a story which leads us to believe what they are saying is true. If we give our trust too quickly, they are likely to walk away with our hard earned money or something else we own.

If after getting to know someone we feel they respect us and are honest with us, we will tend to trust them. Even so, we can still get burned as they may have simply been tricking us all along to get what they want. Nevertheless, there comes a time in a relationship where we need to begin to trust people. This can come rather quickly when we get a good “feeling” about someone, or it can take years before we truly trust them.

Respecting others in terms of their thoughts and ideas is often a matter of common courtesy. We are all different and come from a different set of circumstances. No one is “better” or “worse” than another, we are simply different from one another. By definition if we had grown up under the same conditions and with the same opportunities of another, or lack thereof, we would most likely act just as they do.

Honesty is most often related to communication. When we tell others the reasons why we do the things we do and feel the way we do, we slowly begin to build a relationship which can be based on a solid foundation of trust rather than a flimsy set of lies.

If we want to build better relationships, we can start by respecting others and being honest with them as to our desires and intentions, rather than not respecting them and lying just to get what we want. This does not guarantee the person will trust us or that we establish a strong bond, but it’s a great start.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 June 2021
LL V 13

Our Weather Within

Have you ever noticed we carry our own weather within us?

Sometimes we feel bright and sunny, others dim and gloomy. The weather outside can, and often does, influence the way we feel inside but this isn’t necessarily always the case, nor does it have to be.

There are days when we wake up rip, roaring, and ready to rock; and others when all we really want to do is to pull the covers over our head and stay in bed. Many circumstances influence our own weather within including our health, our emotions, the weather outside, and the weather within those around us. What’s more, we can go from feeling truly fabulous to absolutely terrible in an instant.

What is behind the weather we hold within?

Why is it so variable and what can we do to make it better?

Similar to the weather outside, our own is in a state of constant flux. The barometric pressure indicates a change in the weather, for better or for worse. So too do our own thoughts and emotions generally indicate where our own weather is headed.

We all have different triggers affecting how we feel. Some individuals can harm others, deceiving, robbing, and perhaps even killing others, yet not feel a drop of remorse; while others will ruminate for days causing a maelstrom in our mind only for a few unkind words exchanged with another. Some are able to change their weather inside in a heartbeat, while others toss and turn at its will.

None of us are the same. There is no pat answer which works for all. Nevertheless, here are a few ideas to optimize your own weather within:

Fill your mind with positive thoughts and ideas.

Understand that just because it is raining outside, you need not cry on the inside.

Exercise and eat well to give your body the energy it needs to optimize your own weather within.

Realize that as terrible as your weather inside may be, there is always renewed hope in the dawn of a new day.

Surround yourself with people who are generally sunny inside, offering them some of your sunshine whenever they feel stormy.

Determine to be a thermostat, being the master of your own climate; rather than a thermometer, merely reflecting the temperature around you.

As the weather outside changes, so too does the environment. After the rain comes the sunshine, after the winter comes the summer, after the light comes the dark. Perhaps we too can learn to understand that the harshest lessons of life often bring its greatest lessons.

While this certainly is much easier said than done, we can positively influence our weather inside. The wind, the humidity, and the temperature affect the weather outside. When we realize that our health, our emotions, and above all our thoughts, create our own weather within, we can better manage our own disposition so it is bright and sunny, rather than dim and gloomy.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 May 2021
LL V 12

Nuestro Clima por Dentro

¿Has notado alguna vez que llevamos nuestro propio clima por dentro?

A veces nos sentimos brillantes y soleados, otras tenues y sombríos. El clima exterior puede influir, y a menudo lo hace en la forma en que nos sentimos por dentro, pero este no es necesariamente el caso, ni tiene por qué serlo.

Hay días en los que nos despertamos con ánimo, celebrando el día y listos para trabajar; y otros cuando todo lo que realmente queremos hacer es cubrirnos la cabeza con la cobija y quedarnos en cama. Muchas circunstancias influyen en nuestro propio clima interno, incluyendo nuestra salud, nuestras emociones, el clima afuera y el clima dentro de quienes nos rodean. Es más, podemos pasar de sentirnos verdaderamente fabulosos a absolutamente terribles en un instante.

¿Qué hay detrás del clima que tenemos dentro?

¿Por qué es tan variable y qué podemos hacer para mejorarlo?

Similar al clima exterior, el nuestro está en un estado de cambio constante. La presión barométrica indica cambios en el clima, para bien o para mal. Así también nuestros propios pensamientos y emociones indican hacia dónde se dirige nuestro clima interno.

Todos tenemos diferentes detonadores que afectan cómo nos sentimos. Algunas personas pueden hacer daño a otras, engañar, robar y tal vez incluso matar a otras, sin sentir ni una gota de remordimiento; mientras que otros estarán destrozados durante días por causa de una pequeña discusión. Algunos de nosotros podemos cambiar nuestro clima interior en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, mientras que otros dan muchas vueltas tambaleados a su voluntad.

Ninguno de nosotros somos iguales. No hay una respuesta sencilla que funcione para todos. Sin embargo, ofrezco algunas ideas para optimizar tu propio clima por dentro:

Llena tu mente con ideas y pensamientos positivos.

Comprende que solo porque está lloviendo afuera, no hace falta llorar por dentro.

Toma en cuenta que por terrible que sea tu clima interior, la esperanza se renueva con cada nuevo día.

Haz ejercicio y come bien para dar a tu cuerpo la energía que necesita para optimizar tu propio clima interior.

Rodéate de personas que son soleadas por dentro, ofreciéndoles algo de nuestro sol cuando están abrumados.

Decide ser un termostato, siendo el dueño de tu propio clima; en lugar de un termómetro, no más reflejando la temperatura del ambiente.

A medida que cambia el clima exterior, también el medio ambiente cambia. Después de la lluvia viene el sol, después del invierno viene el verano, después de la oscuridad viene la luz. Quizás nosotros también podamos aprender a comprender que las lecciones más duras de la vida a menudo traen consigo las lecciones más importantes.
Si bien esto es mucho más fácil decirlo que hacerlo, podemos influir positivamente en nuestro clima interior. El viento, la humedad y la temperatura afectan el clima exterior. Cuando nos damos cuenta de que nuestra salud, nuestras emociones y, sobre todo, nuestros pensamientos, crean nuestro propio clima interior, podemos manejar mejor nuestro clima para que sea brillante y soleado, en vez de oscuro y sombrío.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 de mayo de 2021
LL V 12

¿Tienes un Problema?

Si es así, ¡tengo una solución!
Podría ser tan sencillo como 1, 2, 3 …

Si eres como la mayoría de las personas, no tienes un problema, tienes muchos. A menudo, nuestro único deseo es de no tener ningún problema, pero son inherentes a la vida. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en esto?

Las únicas personas que no tienen problemas son las que están muertas. Sin embargo, si realmente lo pensamos, ellos también tuvieron problemas, sólo que cuando murieron, probablemente se los dejaron a otro. ¿Habrá algún momento en tu vida en el que no tengas que pagar las facturas del teléfono y de la electricidad, o en el que no tengas que reponer la comida que acabas de comer?

Muchos de nosotros somos adictos a las listas de “Quehaceres”. Escribimos todo lo que tenemos que hacer y de alguna manera creemos que lograr cada elemento en la lista hará que nuestros problemas desaparezcan, ¡y los de la lista sí se van! Pero tan rápido como nos ocupamos de un conjunto de problemas, ¿te has dado cuenta cómo surgen otros?

Siendo este el caso, tener problemas significa una cosa. Significa que estamos vivos y, sin duda, ¡este es un gran comienzo! Por lo menos parece mejor que la alternativa. Así que alégrate de tener problemas, porque el día en que no los tengas probablemente será el día en que le pases los tuyos a otro.

En cuanto a los problemas en sí, siempre hay una solución. Puede que no nos guste o que no estemos dispuestos a implementarlo, pero hay una manera de resolver cualquier problema que podamos tener. No es necesariamente “fácil” de resolver, pero en la gran mayoría de los casos hacerlo es un proceso bastante “sencillo”. Sigue estos pasos para encontrar soluciones a tus problemas:

1) Ocúpate: no te quedes por ahí sentado, triste y abandonado, pensando en lo que está mal, ocúpate de averiguar cómo arreglarlo. Si necesitas hacer una llamada, házlo; si es necesario implementar un cambio, impleméntalo; si no sabes lo que debes hacer, busca alguien que lo sepa. No esperes a que el problema desaparezca porque rara vez lo hace y es probable que la situación se empeore antes de mejorarse.

2) Se útil: la mayoría de las cosas que hacemos en la vida involucran a otras personas. Para la mayoría de nosotros, no es posible vivir por mucho tiempo sin depender de alguna manera de los demás. Por ejemplo: si tu problema es no tener suficiente dinero, piensa en cómo puedes ser útil a los demás para generar lo que necesitas. Todo el mundo tiene una variedad de necesidades. Si tu necesidad es un flujo de caja adicional, simplemente necesitas encontrar algo que puedas hacer para satisfacer las necesidades de otros y estarás bien encaminado para resolver tu problema de no tener suficiente dinero.

3) Se agradecido – Esto parece ser un hecho, pero en muchos casos no lo es. Nos apresuramos a quejarnos del clima, de nuestros dolores y molestias, o de lo que no nos gusta de nuestros clientes y vecinos. Es muy fácil encontrar cosas que están “mal” en nuestra situación actual, pero cuando vas por ese camino, da un giro, cambie de dirección y comienza a enumerar todas las cosas que están “bien” en tu vida. ¿Estás respirando? Va uno. ¿Y tu corazón, está latiendo? Va otro… Creo que podrás ver hacia donde voy. Cuando comenzamos a observar nuestro entorno inmediato, generalmente hay una lista increíblemente larga de cosas por las cuales podemos estar agradecidos.

Toma cada día uno a la vez. La ciudad de Roma no se construyó en un día y, si bien muchos problemas pueden resolverse en un período de tiempo relativamente corto, otros demoran más. No te desanimes cuando se acumulan los problemas. Toma uno a la vez haciendo lo que puede ser hecho con cada uno estando ocupado, útil y agradecido. ¡Si lo haces, podrías resolver tus problemas tan sencillo como 1, 2, 3!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
4 May 2021
LL V 11

Do You Have a Problem?

If so, I’ve got a solution!
It can be as simple as 1, 2, 3…

If you are like most people, you don’t have one problem, you have many. Often our only wish is to have no problems at all, yet they are inherent in life. Have you ever stopped to think about this?

The only people who don’t have problems are those who are dead. If we really think about it though, they too had problems, it’s just that when they died, likely they left them to someone else. Will there ever be a time in your life when the telephone and electricity bills won’t have to be paid, or that you won’t have to replenish the food you just ate?

Many of us are addicted to “To Do Lists”. We write down all the things we have to get done and somehow believe accomplishing each item on the list will make our problems go away, and those on the list do! But just as quickly as we take care of one set of problems, have you ever noticed how others seems to pop up?

Being this the case, having problems means one thing. It means we are alive, and this is certainly a great place to start! For now anyway, it certainly seems to beat the alternative. So be glad you have problems, for the day you don’t will likely be the day when you pass yours on to someone else.

In terms of the problems themselves, there is always a solution. We may not like it or may not be willing to implement it, but there is a way to solve any problem we might have. It isn’t necessarily “easy” to solve, but in most cases doing so is a fairly “simple” process. Follow these straightforward steps to find solutions to your problems:

1) Get Busy – Don’t just sit there looking glum thinking about what’s wrong, get busy to find out how to make it right. If a call needs to be made, make it; if a change needs to be implemented, implement it; if you don’t know what needs to be done, find someone who does. Don’t wait for the problem to go away because it rarely does, and the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better.

2) Be Useful – Most things we do in life somehow involve other people. Not many of us can get along for too long without somehow relying on others. For example: if your problem is not having enough money, think of how you can be useful to others in order to generate the cash flow you need. Everybody has a variety of needs. If your need is money, you simply need to find something you can do to fulfill the needs of others and you will be well on your way to solving your money problem.

3) Be Grateful – This seems to be a given, but in so many cases it is not. We are quick to complain about the weather, our aches and pains, or whatever it is we don’t like about our clients and neighbors. It is fairly easy to find things that are “wrong” with our current situation, but when you start going down this path, do an about face, change your direction and begin enumerating all of the things that are “right” with your life. Are you breathing? That’s one. How about your heart, is it beating? There’s another… I think you get the idea. When we begin to look around our immediate surroundings there is generally an incredibly long list of things for which to be grateful.

Take each day one at a time. Rome was not built in a day, and while many problems can be dealt with in a relatively short period of time, others take longer. Don’t lose heart when problems mount up. Take each in turn, doing what can be done today by being busy, useful, and grateful. Doing so can help you solve your problems as simple as 1, 2, 3!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
4 May 2021
LL V 11

Juventus – A Fountain of Youth

Have you ever thought about how much money people spend to try and look younger? People subject themselves to surgeries, harsh diets, and killer workouts often in an attempt to shave a few years off of their appearance. But I wonder, should we really be concerned with how we look or how we feel?

No doubt that a scalpel can make us look better in a heart beat, but how long will the results last? The same can be said for radical diets and exercise, often quickly forgotten after the desired results are attained, or tossed to one side if they don’t work immediately. For the long run, doesn’t make sense for us to change our lifestyle and our habits, so not only will we look better, but more importantly, feel better as well?

Since my ride on an airplane in the early 1990’s with a very fit man who was almost 80, I have done exercise pretty much every day. He explained to me the virtues a workout he had done since being in the Royal Canadian Airforce, called the Five Basic Exercises (5BX RCAF). The only exception to my exercises was a time period between 2018 and 2020, when after slipping and falling, I hurt my back. Because of my pain, I justified not doing my daily exercise, first for a few days, but which then led to weeks and months. While I made a pretty good case to myself as to why I wasn’t exercising, the overall result affected not only my energy level, but also my attitude.

I had what Zig Ziglar refers to as “Stinking Thinking”. I was lethargic and found myself moving around like a little old man. About a year ago, I decided to see if I could find some exercises that would help me to strengthen my back, and fortunately, I found several. After several weeks of doing them and working on my core, my back got stronger and was no longer hurting as it once did. Several months later, I realized I had not gotten back into my daily routine of exercise, so I made an effort to do so. Since that time, my energy levels have increased and my attitude has gotten better.

Better yet, my new exercise routine now incorporates several things I like. I call it Juventus. Besides being the name of one of the most famous soccer teams in the world, also means young or youthful (coming from the ancient Roman goddess named Juventa). It combines the following:

  • Radio Gold Instrumental (morning)
  • My Music on Shuffle (evening)
  • 32 Roga Yoga Moves (they include Yoga, Tai Chi, calisthenics, and even some dancing and air guitar if the music is right)
  • 5 Tibetan Rites (from the book the “Eye of the Revelation”)
  • 3 additional stretching moves
  • Seeds of Success (a series of quotes I have memorized from different sources)

You can click on any of the links above to take you to examples of each. While it seems to me that just about any type of exercise will do, this combination works for me.
Our lifestyle, with all of its conveniences, has led many of us to be lazy and subject to obesity. In terms of diet, there are many different opinions and each can sound convincing. Some tout high protein or high carbohydrate based diets. Others claim being a vegan or a vegetarian is the right way to go. My overall favorite, which I have put into practice also since the early 1990’s, is the Anti-Diet.

Regardless of the exercise and diet plan we choose to follow, most important is to follow a routine that works for our body type and schedule. Exercise does not have to be done in a gym, and a proper diet isn’t always to lose weight. Walking briskly is said to be one of the best overall workouts and a diet consisting of all food groups can provide tremendous results (when combined properly and eaten in moderation).

If you find yourself either over or underweight, and/or with problems maintaining your energy, the good news is that you can start a program today which will can have you feeling better as soon as tomorrow. Discover what kind of exercise you enjoy and a diet that works for you. When you do, you can begin not only to look younger, but more importantly, feel better.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
28 Feb 2021
LL V 10

Juventus – Una Fuente de la Juventud

¿Alguna vez has pensado en cuánto dinero se gasta para lucirnos más joven? Hay muchos que se someten a cirugías, dietas radicales y entrenamientos asesinos en un intento de quitar algunos años de su apariencia. Pero me pregunto, ¿deberíamos preocuparnos por cómo nos vemos o cómo nos sentimos?

Sin duda, un bisturí puede hacernos ver mejor en un instante, pero ¿cuánto durarán los resultados? Lo mismo puede decirse de las dietas y el ejercicio, que a menudo se olvidan rápidamente una vez obtenidos los resultados deseados, o en otros casos, que se dejan a un lado si no funcionan de inmediato. A largo plazo, ¿no tiene más sentido modificar nuestro estilo de vida y nuestros hábitos, no solamente para vernos mejor, sino para sentirnos mejor?

En un vuelo por avión a principios de la década de 1990, conocí a un hombre atlético y fuerte que tenía casi 80 años. Él me explicó las virtudes de un programa de ejercicio que él había practicado desde que estaba en la Fuerza Real Aérea Canadiense que se llama los Cinco Ejercicios Básicos (5BX del RCAF). Desde aquél entonces, he realizado estos ejercicios. y otros, casi todos los días. La única excepción fue durante un período de tiempo entre 2018 y 2020, cuando después de resbalarme y caer, me lastimé la espalda. Debido al dolor, justifiqué el no hacer ejercicio, primero por unos días, pero que luego en lo que se convirtió en semanas y meses. Si bien quizás tenía una buena excusa, mi falta de realizar ejercicio afectó no solamente mi nivel de energía, sino también mi estado de ánimo.

Tenía lo que Zig Ziglar llama el “Pensamiento Apestoso”. Estaba letárgico y me encontré moviéndome como un viejito. Hace aproximadamente un año, decidí ver si podía encontrar algunos ejercicios que me ayudaran a fortalecer la espalda y, afortunadamente, encontré varios. Después de varias semanas de hacerlos y trabajar ciertos músculos, mi espalda se fortaleció y ya no me dolía como antes. Varios meses después, me di cuenta de que no había vuelto a mi rutina diaria de ejercicios, así que me propuse hacerlo. Desde entonces, mis niveles de energía han aumentado y mi actitud en general también se ha mejorado.

Mejor aún, mi nueva rutina de ejercicio ahora incorpora varias cosas que me gustan. Yo lo llamo Juventus. Además de ser el nombre de uno de los equipos de fútbol más famosos del mundo, también significa joven o juvenil (proveniente de la antigua diosa romana llamada Juventa). Mi rutina consiste en lo siguiente:

  • Radio Gold Instrumental (mañana)
  • Mi Música Aleatoria (tarde)
  • 32 movimientos de Roga Yoga (incluyen Yoga, Tai Chi, calistenia e incluso algo de baile y tocar guitarra en el aire, si la música es buena y lo merece)
  • 5 Ritos Tibetanos (un ritual implementado a diario de cinco movimientos del libro “The Eye of the Revelation”)
  • 3 movimientos adicionales de estiramiento
  • Semillas del Éxito (una serie de citas que he memorizado de diferentes fuentes)

Puedes hacer clic en cualquiera de los enlaces anteriores para ver ejemplos de cada uno. Si bien me parece que casi cualquier tipo de ejercicio funcionará, a mí me gusta esta combinación.

Nuestro estilo de vida, con todas sus comodidades, ha llevado a muchos a ser perezosos y sujetos a la obesidad. En cuanto a una dieta adecuada, hay muchas opiniones y cada una puede ser muy convincente. Algunos promueven dietas ricas en proteínas o carbohidratos. Otros afirman que ser vegano o vegetariano es el camino correcto. El que a mí más me gusta, que también he puesto en práctica desde principios de la década de 1990, se llama la Antidieta.

Independientemente del ejercicio o de la dieta que decidamos seguir, lo más importante es tener una rutina que funcione para nuestro cuerpo y nuestro ritmo de vida. No es necesario hacer el ejercicio en un gimnasio y la mejor dieta no siempre es para perder peso. Se dice que caminar enérgicamente es uno de los mejores ejercicios y una dieta que consiste en todos los alimentos puede proporcionar resultados fabulosos (siempre y cuando se combina correctamente y se come con moderación).

Si tienes sobrepeso o bajo peso, y/o tienes problemas para mantener tu energía, la buena noticia es que puedes comenzar un programa de ejercicio y dieta hoy que te permita sentir un poco mejor mañana mismo. Descubre qué tipo de ejercicio es el más placentero para ti y cuál es la dieta más te conviene. Cuando lo hagas, puedes comenzar no sólo a verte más joven, sino más importante, a sentirte mejor.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
28 Feb 2021
LL V 10

Little Guys Inside

Have you ever considered how many things our body does without us even thinking about it?

Our heart beats, our lungs breathe, and the rest of our body does its thing as we go about our daily deed. I don’t know about you, but I find it fascinating how all this gets done. We are able to walk upright without falling down, eat and the digest our food most of the time, barely aware of all our bodies do just to accomplish the simplest of tasks. Yet all this is all somehow done, usually without our conscious knowledge.

I propose: we must have little guys inside who take care of all these things. Do you remember Biology? I suppose these little guys are really called cells, but to me they certainly seem like a whole bunch of workers, all moving in a coordinated effort to do one primary thing: to keep us alive and well.

We know that we have many different kinds of cells. Sometimes they work in harmony, and others in opposition. Some of our cells keep our vital functions going, others are in our brain, controlling virtually all our thoughts and actions. Still others are in our blood stream and in our skin. Each of these cells is constantly in a process of evolution and change, very similar to our own life process. As new cells are born from the existing ones, the older ones die or are no longer viable. Through all this magnificent concert of action between and among our cells, we are largely unaware of all that is going on, yet its song continues within us 24/7, when we are awake, when we are asleep; from the day we are born, to the day we die.

I imagine our cells to be workers, each belonging to a different part of our body. Some of our little guys belong to vital organs, assuring each keeps doing what it’s supposed to do. Many of our little guys are in the brain, likely with separate committees for our emotions, actions, and other basic functions. Some work on the surface of our bodies, forming protective barriers against intruders and fighting off enemies through movement, as well as promoting blood clotting to keep us from bleeding to death.

As we consider all our little guys inside do for us: shouldn’t we do our best to keep them healthy, enabling them to better do their job? Isn’t it the food we eat, the things we drink, the air we breathe, and the thoughts we keep what gives our little guys the “nutrients” they need to operate at peak performance?

Seems to me we often complicate health matters far too much. If we have learned anything in our existence here on the planet, it’s that there seems to be a grand scheme of things providing each living being with what it needs to survive. In our case, food, water, air, and thoughts are what our little guys need to accomplish their mission. While it’s not always possible: what about if we put in our bodies only things that grow out of the ground, fly, swim, or walk around? Must we put so many chemicals in our body?

When we treat our bodies as if they were temples, exercising them and only allowing good things inside, our ability to fight off physical and mental disease, as well as negativity becomes much stronger than if we fill them with garbage and so much other rubbish.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
29 Jan 2021
LL V 9

Pequeños Hombres por Dentro

¿Alguna vez has considerado cuántas cosas hace nuestro cuerpo sin que siquiera lo pensemos?

El corazón late, los pulmones respiran y el resto de nuestro cuerpo hace lo suyo a medida que realizamos nuestras acciones diarias. Me parece fascinante cómo se hace todo esto. Somos capaces de caminar erguidos sin caernos, comer y digerir nuestra comida, la mayor parte del tiempo sin darnos cuenta de todo lo que nuestro cuerpo hace para realizar las tareas más simples. Sin embargo, todo esto se hace de alguna manera, generalmente sin nuestro conocimiento.

Propongo que debemos tener pequeños hombres por dentro que se encarguen de todas estas cosas. ¿Te acuerdas de la biología? Supongo que estos pequeños hombres en realidad se llaman células, pero para mí ciertamente parecen un montón de trabajadores moviéndose en un esfuerzo coordinado con un sólo objetivo: mantenernos vivos y bien.

Sabemos que tenemos muchos tipos diferentes de células. A veces trabajan en armonía una con otra, y otras en oposición. Algunas de nuestras células mantienen nuestras funciones vitales, otras están en el cerebro, controlando virtualmente todos nuestros pensamientos y acciones. Otras están en el torrente sanguíneo y otras en la piel. Cada una de éstas células está en un proceso constante de evolución y cambio; muy similar al proceso de nuestra propia vida. A medida que nacen nuevas células de las existentes, las más antiguas mueren o ya no son viables. A través de todo este magnífico concierto de acción entre nuestras células, somos en gran parte inconscientes de todo lo que está sucediendo, pero su canto continúa por dentro 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, cuando estamos despiertos y cuando dormimos, desde el día en que nacemos hasta el día en que morimos.

Imagino que son trabajadores, cada uno perteneciendo a una parte diferente del cuerpo. Algunos de nuestros pequeños hombres están en los órganos vitales, asegurando que cada uno siga haciendo lo suyo. Muchos de ellos están en el cerebro, probablemente conformando distintos comités para nuestras emociones, acciones y otras funciones básicas. Otros trabajan en la superficie del cuerpo, formando barreras protectoras contra intrusos y luchando contra enemigos, a su vez promoviendo la coagulación de la sangre para evitar que nos desangremos si nos cortamos con algo.

Cuando consideramos todo lo que los pequeños hombres por dentro hacen por nosotros, ¿no crees conveniente hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo para mantenerlos saludables, permitiéndoles hacer mejor su trabajo? ¿No es la comida que comemos, las cosas que bebemos, el aire que respiramos y los pensamientos que guardamos lo que les da a nuestros pequeños hombres los “nutrientes” que necesitan para funcionar a su máximo rendimiento?

Me parece que a menudo complicamos demasiado los asuntos de la salud. Si hemos aprendido algo en nuestra existencia aquí en el planeta, es que parece haber un gran esquema dirigiendo todo que proporciona a cada ser vivo lo que necesita para sobrevivir.

En nuestro caso, la comida, el agua, el aire y los pensamientos son lo que nuestros pequeños hombres necesitan para prosperar. Si bien no siempre es posible, ¿qué tal si nos alimentamos con cosas que crecen del suelo, vuelan, nadan o andan caminando por ahí? ¿Es necesario ingerir tantos químicos?

Cuando tratamos nuestros cuerpos como si fueran templos, ejercitándolos y sólo permitiendo que entren cosas buenas, nuestra capacidad para combatir las enfermedades físicas y mentales, como también la negatividad, se vuelve mucho más fuerte que si los llenamos con tanta basura y propaganda.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
29 de enero de 2021
LL V 9

APAGA las Notificaciones

ENCIENDE la vida.

Detente, mira y escucha al mundo que te rodea, hay tanto que ver, sentir y experimentar.

¿Has notado cómo nuestros teléfonos son tan insistentes en darnos notificaciones?

Vienen a nosotros de muchas diferentes formas, cada una diseñada para llevarnos a un lugar diferente y, a menudo, en una dirección diferente. Las telecomunicaciones y las redes sociales se han convertido en un almacén de información, donde nosotros somos la mercancía. Somos desglosados, categorizados y empaquetados en cómodas cajas, listos para ser utilizados en una campaña publicitaria.

Hoy en día podemos estar hablando de algo un minuto y en un instante estar recibiendo un anuncio para comprarlo. ¡El Gran Hermano está mirando! George Orwell no estaba muy lejos con algunas de sus predicciones, excepto que en lugar de ser monitoreado para ser recompensado o castigado; nuestros hábitos y movimientos están siendo rastreados para vendernos cualquier cosa. Dondequiera que miremos hay algo más para comprar, una nueva promoción, una nueva idea o un enfoque diferente.

Quizás esto no sea algo malo, después de todo, si nos venden lo que queremos, quizás nos ahorre tiempo. Sin embargo, a veces parece que lo electrónico de nuestro mundo puede llegar a ser demasiado. Estamos constantemente inundados de ofertas para comprar algo o hacer una nueva inversión. Entre la radio, la televisión, los teléfonos y las vallas publicitarias, somos bombardeados con ofertas, cada una compitiendo por nuestra atención y, en última instancia, deseando nuestro dinero o participación en algo.

Si bien es difícil apagar el aluvión visual de información a medida que avanzamos en nuestro camino, podemos controlar nuestra “exposición electrónica”. Podemos tomar control de lo que vemos en el teléfono en vez de ser controlados.

Podemos hacer lo siguiente:

Primero, y lo más importante, simplemente APAGUE todas las notificaciones en tu teléfono, excepto aquellas que son de vital importancia, como pueden ser las llamadas telefónicas. Tan pronto como lo hagas, te garantizo que sentirás una fresca sensación de alivio, libre de las campanas y silbidos que antes te acompañaban en todo momento. En lugar de mirar constantemente al teléfono cada vez que hace un sonido, puedes hacer algo más importante con tu vida que seguir un enlace tras otro que te lleva y te guía.

Mi segunda sugerencia es establecer una parte del día cuando estés ENCENDIDO al mundo y otra en la que estés APAGADO. Me gusta estar encendido de 8 am a 8 pm, ya que la mayoría de lo que tengo que realizar puede ser hecho durante esas horas. De 8 pm a 8 am, a veces tengo el teléfono encendido, pero generalmente me alejo de las redes sociales y los mensajes, utilizándolo sólo para escuchar música, tomar fotografías o ver películas.

¿Cuánto tiempo te lleva revisar tus mensajes y las redes sociales por la mañana en tu teléfono?

Si eres como muchas personas, es lo primero que haces. En lugar de comenzar el día con tu teléfono, ¿qué tal comenzar el día leyendo un buen libro, hablando con tu pareja o simplemente tomando una taza de café mientras contemples el amanecer del día?

Esto puede sonar bien, excepto que quizás quieras darle los buenos días a alguien especial en otro lugar del planeta. Si es el caso, ¡házalo! Quizás incluso puedas tomar una “taza de café” virtual con ellos. Enciende el teléfono, llámalo o inclusive haz una llamada por video si es posible. Pero después de hacerlo, ¿hay algo más que puedas hacer en lugar de pasar por las interminables historias, publicaciones, tweets y correos electrónicos que se han convertido en una parte tan importante de nuestras vidas?

A menos que tengas alguna información vital que estés esperando a primera hora de la mañana, ¿qué tal si le des un descanso a la mente por un rato antes de encender el teléfono, decidiendo tú, cuando quieres comenzar tu “día electrónico”, en lugar de hacerlo automáticamente al despertar?

Nuestros teléfonos son vitales para mucho que hacemos y debemos utilizarlos para ser más productivos, pero sin que nos usen. En lugar de dejar que sean ellos los que dicten cuánto tiempo les dedicamos y qué hacemos con ellos; que seamos nosotros los maestros en lugar de los esclavos. En vez de levantar automáticamente el teléfono cada cierto tiempo para ver que ocurrió en el mundo después del último sonido, puedes decidir cuándo tomarlo y cuánto tiempo dedicarle.

Hay mucho que ver, sentir y experimentar en el mundo que nos rodea. Es imposible ser apreciada de la misma manera a través de una pequeña pantalla en un dispositivo móvil. Tómate el tiempo para detenerte, mirar y escuchar al mundo que te rodea APAGANDO las notificaciones y ENCENDIENDO la vida.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
30 dic 2020
LL V 8

Turn OFF Notifications

Turn ON Life

Stop, look, and listen to the world around you, there is so much to see, feel, and experience!
Have you noticed how these days our phones seem so insistent on giving us notifications?

They come to us in a grand myriad of ways, each designed to take us to a different place, and often in a different direction. Telecommunications and social media have become an information warehouse where we are the merchandise. We are itemized, categorized, and packaged into convenient little boxes, ready for use.

These days we can be talking about something one minute and the next receive an advertisement to buy it. Big Brother is indeed watching! George Orwell wasn’t too far off with some of his predictions, except that rather than being monitored to be rewarded or chastised; our habits and movements are being tracked to sell us things. Everywhere we turn there is something else to buy, a new promotion, a new idea or a different approach.

Maybe this isn’t a bad thing, after all, if we are sold what we want, perhaps it saves us time. Yet sometimes it seems the electronic nature of our world can become a bit too much. We are constantly inundated with offers to buy things or to make a new investment. Between radio, television, telephones, and billboards, we are bombarded with offers, each vying for our attention, and ultimately wanting our money or participation in something or another.

While it’s tough to turn off the visual barrage of information as we go about our way, we can control our “electronic exposure”. We can decide to be in control of what we see and when we see it.

We can do so by doing the following:

First, and most importantly, simply turn OFF all notifications on your phone, except for those that are vitally important, like phone calls. As soon as you do, I guarantee you will feel a sudden sense of relief from all the bells and whistles normally being emitted from the device. Instead of constantly looking at your phone whenever it pings or pangs, you can do something more important with your life than following advertisers links from one place to another.

My second suggestion is to establish a time when you are ON to the world, and a time when you are OFF. I like 8 am to 8 pm to be on, since most things can generally be taken care of during those hours. From 8 pm to 8 am, I sometimes have the phone on, but I generally stay away from social media and messaging, using it only for listening to music, taking pictures, or watching movies.

How long does it take for you to grab your phone and check your messages in the morning?

If you are like many people, it’s the first thing you do. Instead of starting your day with your phone, what about starting your day by reading a good book, talking with your mate, or simply having a cup of coffee while watching the sunrise?

This may sound okay except that you may want to say good morning to a special someone somewhere. If that’s the case, by all means do it! Maybe you can even have a virtual “cup of coffee” with them. Turn on your phone, call them up, and video if possible. Not a problem, but after you do it is there something else you can do rather than simply scrolling through the endless stories, posts, tweets, and e-mails which have become such a part of our lives?

Unless you have some vital information you are waiting for first thing in the morning, how about giving your mind a break for awhile before turning on your phone, using it when you are ready to start your “electronic day”, rather than grabbing it automatically as you wake up?

Our phones are vital to many of the things we need to get done in today’s world and we should use them to be more productive. But, instead of letting them dictate how much time we spend on them and what we do with them, we can be their masters rather than their slaves. Instead of automatically picking your phone up every little while to see what has happened in the world whenever it dings, instead you can decide when to pick it up and how long to spend on it.

There is so much to see, feel, and experience in the world which is not contained within the small screen of our mobile devices. Take the time to stop, look, and listen to the world around you by turning OFF notifications and turning ON life.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
30 Dec 2020
LL V 8

Like a Puppet on a String

Do you ever feel like a puppet on a string?

The harsh reality is that we are each very much like a puppet on a string. Like the toy figurine which moves as someone above manipulates the strings, our actions are often controlled by someone or something else.

Virtually all of us are subject to the great puppeteer called nature which indicates when we should eat and when we should sleep, when we should seek a mate and when we should be inventive and create. So too are the majority of us subject to the strings governments pull, taking us to and fro, paying taxes, fees, and other dues. Many are subject to the strings of an employer or other overseer who manipulates their every move, doing their best to squeeze each bit of benefit they possibly can from their employ.

Many of us live in “free” countries, where we can do as we please, as long as it doesn’t interfere with a gamut of strings which inevitably pull us here and there.

Is it possible to break free from all of these strings which seem to direct our every move?

Likely many will continue to dictate our behavior regardless of what we do, yet we can take control of many of which others seem to tug as they see fit..

What to do?

Are you confused?

In order to better direct our own actions and free ourselves from control at the whim of others, we can take charge of our own lives, living with more direction and intention, rather than in pacific abnegation.

Two groups form in all societies since the beginning of time and will likely be around long after own time here on Earth has expired. We can call the first group the “Proletariat” and the second the “Bourgeoisie”. To explain each of these terms in just a few words: the vast majority consisting of the former follow a chosen few of the latter. Out of any group, we find a select few generally rise as leaders.

We can choose one of two routes. We can join the vast majority of people in the world, who will by default take the easiest path by doing nothing, and thus forming part of the vast masses which make up the Proletariat. Or, we can join those few brave souls who take the more difficult road, eventually breaking free from many of the ties binding them to the wishes of others.

Few, if any, can escape the effects of nature tugging on their strings. Those who try to go against Mother Nature usually lose. For example, fighting against the negative impact of age can be battled in many ways, and these are precisely the source of profits for many of the Bourgeoisie in this day and age. While billions of dollars are spent yearly on trying to stay young, perhaps eating well and exercising remain as the most effective deterrents to aging; yet even with an optimal diet and good health, sooner or later the incessant clock of Father Time will too lead us to our final tick.

Those who escape the reaches of government ties are generally outlaws or indigenous people who live on the outskirts of society. If we want to live life within the parameters of civilization, we must adhere to a certain degree of twisting and turning the wheels of government turn from time to time.

As for the rest of the strings which pull at our heart, soul, and being, in many cases rather than being subject to the tugs of others, we can instead become the puppeteer, deciding for ourselves which strings to pull. While it isn’t easy, and the road is certainly more difficult than doing nothing at all, the benefits to be had can greatly outweigh the cost of what can be lost.

There are many definitions for success. One I like is this:

“Success is being to be able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and with those you want to do it with.”

I don’t believe it is realistic or possible to do anything we want all of the time. Yet with some work, we can move toward that ideal state. Likely, early on in life there will be little we can do to escape the constant tugs on our puppet’s strings. Initially, we are subject to the direction of our parents, who move us to and fro, usually with love, but not always so. They carefully give us the tools they believe we will need to live in a better way. They teach us that we should be nice to others, to be industrious, and by all means to eat our vegetables too.

While in school, our teachers and peers, help to form the adult “puppet” we will one day become, with a little luck and a lot of work. We are taught all about history, geography, science, math, and so much more. We are taught about what is supposed to be “good” and what is supposed to be “bad”, finding some things make us happy in life and others sad.

As we start into adulthood, we almost always have to work for someone else, whether it be a company or an individual. Some become employees, others apprentices; but in some way or another, we need to figure out what to do in life and how to do it. Very few are able to live in the lap of luxury their entire lives doing absolutely nothing from the start, though certainly some do.

Here is where things become interesting. Those who continue to react to the strings pulled by others (the path of least resistance), tend to continue to do so for the rest of their lives, never breaking free of the chains that bind them. Yet those who choose to stand out, speak up, and do something to better their lot have a much better shot at rising to the top and becoming part of the elite Bourgeoisie.

Like the cream that floats to the top of milk, a few select individuals will do the same in society. In most societies around the world we can choose to be part of the few who are their own puppeteers rather than being one of those whose strings are constantly yanked and pulled forever and a day.

How can we be masters of our destinies rather than followers to our ultimate fate?

It’s simple, though far from easy. One of the first things we must do is to be willing to take more risk than others. I’m not talking about doing crazy, stupid things: but rather carefully considering possibilities and taking a risk when the reward can greatly outweigh he cost. By using our minds instead of our hands to create the kind of life we really want to live, though doing this by necessity may also use our hands, depending on what we choose to do.

Do you really want the strings of your puppet to be constantly tugged and pulled in so many different directions or would you like to be the one doing the tugging and pulling? What then can you do to be your own puppeteer?

Choose the road less traveled when you come to a fork in the road rather than the easier route.

Choose to go left in life every once in a while, rather than always going right just because the rest are doing so.

Choose to do what others are unwilling to do when it comes to difficult decisions.

Choose to be the master of your destiny rather than a tool for others.

Speaking up and taking more risk will not necessarily free us from the strings which make us twist and turn from time to time at the will of others, but doing so will likely increase the possibility we can rise to the top, and form part of the elite Bourgeoisie, where like it or not, the air is a little fresher, the lines are a little shorter, and life is a little larger.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
30 Nov 2020
LL V 7

Float your Boat

We are much like a ship on the ocean…

Recently I saw the following quote, the source of which is unknown to me:

“Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.”

This got me to thinking about our relationship with the world around us, and how similar we are to a ship. Some boats are small and light, others they are large and heavy. Some are simple and functional, others more complicated and ostentatious. Each is built at some point in time either close to a source of water, be it a river, lake, or ocean; while others begin their life with little or no access to the vital liquid which allows them to function.

The great majority of these vessels (though not all) make it to the water, but what happens from there is unique to each. Similarly, each of us is born someplace. From there, we make our way into the world. Some boats stay close to port, others are dragged inland and parked in someone’s garage or backyard. Yet each has the potential to sail the ocean blue.

We too have the same opportunity to stay close to home, or to venture out in the world in an attempt to reach our full potential. Along the way, there are many different elements affecting our journey. The weather, traffic, and accessibility can help or hinder a ship in its quest to reach the water. Other people, emotions, and world events also have a direct impact on our ability to travel.

Once we get to the water, the ship is equipped for the voyage. A compass, a map, and a life preservers are among the items provided to assure everyone gets to where they wants to go. We are equipped with education, knowledge, and time to do whatever it is we want to do in life. Sometimes the equipment is sufficient, other times it is lacking.

There comes a time, when we need help from an outside source. We can only be on the water so long without having some kind of contact, be it another boat, or land. We often believe we can be independent, and while we can learn to be comfortable with ourselves, at the same time, we need others.

What has to be done if the boat is taking on water?

It must be fixed! The water must be bailed out and the source must be detected and repaired, there is no other alternative. If the boat continues to take on water, it will sink. The same happens with us. The emotional baggage we take upon ourselves can be real or imagined. Regardless, it can weigh us down to the point of sinking us.

How much are you carrying around with you which adds nothing to your voyage and instead pulls you down?

Typically, we drag around much more with us than we really need. Wouldn’t it make more sense if we traveled lightly? How about if instead of accumulating so much stuff, we instead focus on what we really need and enjoy life more?

In this day and age, people tend to love money and use people. Instead, why don’t we strive to love people and use things? By doing this we can travel more lightly, smoothly, and safely to whichever port set our sights on.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
30 Oct 2020
LL V 6

Fallen Soldiers

From our ranks, we have fallen soldiers. Some have gone without me even being aware, until sometime later, when in conversation, we hear about their absence.

“Did you hear about Chris?” I remember being asked, after the first from our class fell. I shook my head, not knowing what had happened.

“Oh, he’s no longer here!” came the answer straight and clear.

We all seem to want to know the circumstances, yet may fear the response; the why and the what for. Yet in the end, only one thing stands out, only one thing matters. They are no longer here to fight another day.

The game of life is much like a battle. From our first breath, we need to struggle to make sure the energy of life fills our lungs. From that point on life beats magically within us, as it does for all living things. In order to keep going, battles we must overcome.

Our first major challenge comes as we strive to live life outside of our mother’s womb. For any one of a number of reasons, this often doesn’t happen. Infant mortality depends in large part on where a woman lives when she has her baby. Many places around the world can’t handle complications routinely managed where more advanced medical care is available.

As we grow up, so too there are dangers. Yet we have all seen how babies bounce back. They are surprisingly resilient! They can take a licking and keep on ticking. In fact, until we teach them to cry, when they fall they often do not, unless of course it really hurts. Perhaps one of our biggest dangers as we grow is how to deal with rejection. Many cannot and do not, choosing instead to take their lives as a way out of their misery.

And so we go through life, her topsy turvy ways a part of the grand scheme of things. While some of us go sooner and others later, there is only one thing for certain, when it’s all said and done, even the last one standing will too succumb to life’s final stratagem, taking us from this reality we now know, to something which as yet remains unknown.

As for our class, around 80 of us that graduated in 1980, from the Albuquerque Academy. Of that group, the four who have fallen represent about 5% of our total number. Though small in percentage, these four people represent so much more to me. On the one hand, but for the grace of God, there go I; and on the other, each lives on in my soul in many different ways.

Of the four, perhaps the one I knew the least was Chris Mullins. What I did know about him, I liked quite a lot. He liked to party and he liked to have fun. When he left us, I was reminded that our time too here on Earth is limited, and no one lives forever.

Tim Anderson was the one of the four I knew the best. He and I were bosom buddies in high school. Our schedules were similar, and we had many of the same interests. We would walk over to the gym during football and baseball season to practice, and competed with each other against others on many playing fields. During the weekends, we normally went to the same parties and hung out in the same places. When we played baseball, he pitched and I caught. When we played football, he ran and I blocked. When we went out on double dates, however, each of us was on our own.

Then there was Mark Skotchdopole. He was in a separate reality and he continues to be one of the nicest people I have ever met. In my heart, he is one of my greatest heroes. During high school, we didn’t share the same sports or activities, but when we did hook up, we always had a good time. With Mark, I got to know him better later, when he was already sick, and getting sicker. I had the opportunity to talk with him and visit with him on several occasions before he died in 2012. His outlook on life and positive attitude, even in the face of death, stay with me to this day. While I’m sure he probably had some bad days, and likely too got down, I never saw it.

And now to their ranks, the first female from our group goes. What I can I say about CJ Gulley (Coffin)? While I’m sure each has their own opinion, this is my take. Many of the girls were surely intimidated by her beauty. Blond hair, blue eyes and a nice slim body were, no doubt, the envy of more than one. That she got the boys’ attention, probably pissed them off as well. Yet behind the façade, which everyone could see, was a woman who strove to be integral in thought, mind, and body. Eating right and exercising were a part of her daily routine, as was fighting for justice in her own way, working in social services and seeing how the monster works from the inside out.

This message cannot be complete without also mentioning Grant Bauer. Though he wasn’t in our class (though far outclassed many of us), he too was an integral part of experience. His memory also lives on in those of us fortunate enough to have known him.

40 years after we graduated, and almost exactly 15 years after many of us saw each other, we continue forward with the great majority still alive, and a good many of that number still kicking. It is eerie to think that 15 years ago to the day I was sitting down having a beer with the three classmates who have fallen since that time. Yet here I stand, along with the rest. We continue daily, still in the game, doing our best to make the right moves.

Surely, more and more of us will drop as time goes by, it’s inevitable. I say this not as an ominous omen, rather as a reality of life. While Chris, Tim, Mark, CJ, and Grant are no longer with us in body, they can continue to live on the hearts of those of us who knew them. Perhaps this is what a soul and eternity are all about… Regardless, they can each serve as a beacon of light to remind all of us:

Be life long or short, we should be grateful for each and every moment here on Earth.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
27 Sep 2020
LL V 5

My Buddy Billy

Some called him daddy, others husband, uncle, boss, co-worker, friend, godfather, or buddy.

For me, he was my Buddy Billy…

He was one of the first to greet me upon my arrival to Caracas
He was the one who was always there when I needed him
He was one of the few people who kept his word
He was one to always want to be on time

Now that my Buddy Billy is no longer in the same physical space as we are, it seems somehow he hasn’t actually left us, the fortunate who remain.

Fortunate to have known a person who, while not perfect, was a role model worthy of following in our own journey. For those of us who knew him, we would marvel with his wit to identify and express what was going on in a few words.

So many beautiful times with him and his family bring a smile to my face. Trips to the beach, to the mountains, and much more. Happy moments like birthdays, graduations, weddings, and too difficult times like death and other complications. My Buddy Billy was always there with just the right thing to say with a devilish look in his eye or an overall demeanor of complicity.

When he walked along the street, he greeted people kindly, respecting each regardless of his station in life. He talked to those of high rank and also to those of the lowest. If he had something to say, he would say it, and then let the other interpret the meaning as they pleased.

My Buddy Billy worked hard and earned the respect of those with whom he interacted, as much with his bosses as with those he was responsible for, which were at times many. He maintained order in chaos directing his team of workers much as the notable Dudamel directs a great orchestra.

My Buddy Billy looked nice and was very careful with his appearance, though he also know how to let his hair down when the situation was right to rest and relax, going from being formal to comfortable with ease. He felt at home just about anywhere.

He was astute and did business negotiations easily. While surely some didn’t go as he expected, usually it seems as if they did. Nevertheless, the constant weight of making ends meet in a situation which was constantly deteriorating was perhaps the beginning of his end.

I remember sharing many things with my Buddy Billy, among them:

Going by boat to the Keys in Morrocoy
Traveling through the Pampas of Argentina
Skiing through the Rocky Mountains of Colorado
Sitting at home watching just about any kind of sporting event
Going up to the Avila for a pork sandwich or perhaps heading to the other side
Being lost in the city and calling him, so he could help me find my way
Resolving problems with him, because it was his specialty
Playing tennis almost every Sunday in the park
Being together during important times
Passing time just about anywhere

While there are many ways to remember someone when they leave this reality we know to another yet unknown, I choose to remember my Buddy Billy’s wonderful qualities that made him so special to so many of us.

RIP it my friend!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
20 Feb 2020

El Gran Guille

Algunos lo llamaban papá, otros esposo, tío, jefe, compañero, amigo, padrino o pana.

Para mí, era ¡mi gran pana Guille!

Él fue una de las primeras personas que me recibieron en Caracas
Él fue quien siempre estaba ahí cuando lo necesitaba
Él fue de los pocos que cumplía con su palabra
Él fue de los que quería llegar a tiempo

Ahora que el Gran Guille no está en el plano físico con nosotros, me parece que él aún no se ha ido del todo de los afortunados que nos quedamos.

Afortunados de haber conocido a una persona, que si bien no era perfecta, fue un ejemplo digno de seguir. Para quienes le conocimos, no dejaba de asombrarnos la “chispa” que tenía para identificar y expresar lo que ocurría en un determinado instante en pocas palabras.

Fueron tantos buenos momentos con él y su familia, que recordarlo me dibuja una sonrisa en el rostro. Los viajes a la playa, a la montaña y más allá. Momentos de felicidad como fueron cumpleaños, graduaciones y las bodas, así también los momentos difíciles, tales como la llegada de la muerte y otras situaciones complicadas. El Gran Guille estaba ahí siempre listo con unas palabras acertadas, una sonrisa de picardía o un gesto de complicidad.

Cuando caminaba por la calle, saludaba a la gente con gentileza, respetando a cada quien independiente de su estrato social. Podía conversar con las personas de una posición alta y de la misma manera con los que no tenían techo. Si tenía algo que decir, lo decía y ya, dejando que el otro interpretara su mensaje como mejor le pareciera.

El Gran Guille trabajaba bien y se ganó el respeto de aquellos con quienes interactuaba, tanto por parte de sus jefes, como también de los quien estaban bajo su mando, que en momentos eran muchos. Él logró mantener el orden dentro del caos dirigiendo a su equipo de trabajo, tal como el notable Dudamel dirige una gran orquesta.

El Gran Guille se vestía bien y era muy cuidadoso con su apariencia, aunque también sabía ponerse cómodo y relajado dependiendo del lugar, pasando de la formalidad a la comodidad con facilidad. Era un hombre que se sentía en casa en casi cualquier lugar.

Era astuto y hacía los negocios fácilmente. Aunque seguramente en uno que otro no obtuvo la ganancia esperada, en la mayoría de los casos parece que el resultado era positivo. Sin embargo, la carga constante que implicaba cuadrar las cuentas y su lucha contra una situación cada vez más difícil, fue quizás el inicio de su final.

Puedo recordar con gratitud el haber compartido muchas cosas con el Gran Guille, entre ellas:

Viajar en lancha a los Cayos de Morrocoy
Pasear por las grandes Pampas de Argentina
Esquiar en las Montañas Rocallosas de Colorado
Estar sentado en casa viendo cualquier deporte en la tele
Ir al Ávila para comer un sanduche de pernil o quizás ir a otro lado
Estar perdido la ciudad, y llamarlo porque sabía que él sabía la vía correcta
Jugar un partido de tenis casi todos los domingos en el parque
Resolver problemas con él porque era su especialidad
Estar juntos en momentos importantes
Pasar ratos juntos donde sea

Mientras que hay muchas diferentes maneras de recordar a una persona cuando se ha ido de esta realidad ya conocida por nosotros hacia otra aún desconocida. Elijo recordar las excelentes calidades del Gran Guille que lo hacía tan especial para tantos de nosotros.

¡QEPD mi pana!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
20 Feb 2020

Uno por Uno

Uno por uno entramos en el mundo
Poco a poco se va revelando su secreto

Dos personas van agarrados de la mano
Dibujando en la arena un dulce sueño

Juntos el resultado suele ser otro ser
Pronto mamá y papá tienen otro deber

El nuevo bebé abre los ojos de repente
Y la emoción que trae consigo es evidente

Al ver el pequeño ponderamos la vida
Y al verlo es evidente y hay poca duda

Cuando pensamos en el significado de la vida
Vemos que crear otra vida es parte de la respuesta

∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 Nov 2019

One by One

One by one we come into the world
Little by little its secrets are unfurled

Two by two many go hand in hand
Drawing sweet dreams in the sand

Time together often brings another
Making them mother and father

As the young one opens his eyes
He brings excitement and surprise

We often wonder what life’s about
With a little one there is no doubt

The meaning of life becomes clear
As we beget it, no doubt we are near

∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 Nov 2019
LL V 3

What We Have Inside

We cannot give what we do not have
We cannot be what we are not
What we have inside
Will come out
Like it or not

We may act like another
And get away with it for awhile
But what we do speaks so loudly
People will not hear what we say

A glass can only spill its contents
All it has lies within its borders
When we are angered by another
Our contents will become self-evident

We cannot give what we do not have
We cannot have what we do not live
We cannot live what we cannot conceive
We cannot conceive what we do not believe

Believe in yourself / be congruent in thought and action
It’s really much easier than you imagine
Put joy and happiness inside
Hang on and enjoy the ride

∞ Rob McBride ∞
01 Nov 2019
LL V 2

Lo Que Tenemos Por Dentro

No podemos dar lo que no tenemos
No podemos ser lo que no somos
Lo que tenemos por dentro
Saldrá por fuera

Podemos actuar como si fuéramos otro
Y podríamos pasar por él por un rato
Pero lo que hacemos habla tan fuerte
Que no se escucha lo que decimos

Un vaso sólo puede derramar su contenido
Y lo que tiene está por dentro
Al molestarnos por otro
Lo nuestro se muestra

No podemos dar lo que no tenemos
No podemos tener lo que no vivimos
No podemos vivir lo que no concebimos
No podemos concebir lo que no creemos

Cree en ti mismo / sé congruente en pensamiento y acción
Realmente es más fácil de lo que imaginas
Pon alegría y felicidad en tu centro
Agárrate duro y disfruta el camino

∞ Rob McBride ∞
01 Nov 2019

El Círculo de la Vida – Nace mi primer nieto

Massimiliano @ una semana

Un nuevo día viene con el amanecer del sol tempranero
Luego se desaparece furtivamente con el atardecer

Una semilla se germina con la humedad y el calor de la tierra
Dando comienzo al mundo un nuevo brote fabuloso

Una flor estira sus pétalos delicados hacia el cielo
Luego se caen al azar cuando se maduran

Un nuevo bebé nace del vientre de su madre
Comenzando el conteo en su paseo incesante

El círculo de la vida nunca termina

Convierte lo que parece ser temporal
En algo maravilloso, mágico y eterno

∞ Rob McBride ∞
22 Sep 2019

The Circle of Life – My first grandson is born

Massimiliano at one week old

A new day comes with the dawn of the early morning sun
Then it disappears silently as dusk sneaks upon us

A seed germinates in the moisture and the warmth of the earth
Bringing forth into the world a fabulous new sprout

A flower spreads its delicate petals towards the sky
Then sheds them randomly as they mature

A new babe is born from the womb of his mother
Starting the clock on his non-stop trek

The circle of life is never-ending

It converts what seems to be temporary
Into a wondrous magical eternity

∞ Rob McBride ∞
22 Sep 2019

Lunar Letter / Borderline to Perfect

While some things merit striving for perfection, others don’t warrant such aggravation. Mathematics, science, and engineering tend to be areas benefiting from getting as close to perfection as possible.

This ring which my good friend Mark Skotchdopole gave me is “Borderline to Perfect”

Nevertheless, stressing too much to try and achieve “perfection” can be counter-productive. Perfectionism can become a controlling obsession. Let’s look at several everyday areas where “borderline to perfect” may actually be preferable.

Cleaning: Have you ever noticed how housework seems to be never-ending? Dust, dirty clothes, and “stuff” in general seems to reproduce exponentially. Does it really make sense to make sure everything in our home is immaculate before continuing with our day? If we were to do so, we might not achieve anything else, not only for a particular day, but perhaps for weeks, or even months, depending on our previous diligence with regards to cleanliness.

Rather than striving to have everything perfect, we can make our bed, clean areas which are most visible, and clean the dishes. It’s amazing how a few critical tasks can make our environment look nice, even when it’s not spotless. A time will come when a deep cleaning will likely be necessary, but from day to day we can do simple maintenance to keep our home clear of clutter, even if there happens to be some dirt in the corners. Then we can get out into the world and live life, or just take a nice long nap, instead of striving to eliminate every speck of dust and dirt from our surroundings.

Sales: Make no doubt about it, selling is an art and to perfect it, can take a lifetime. I have seen certain people who spend so much time perfecting their sales pitch that they never actually get out to talk to potential customers. It’s important and necessary to know our product, it’s benefits, and how we can best serve our clients; but in my experience the salesperson who talks to more people in a day, even with an “imperfect” approach, normally sells circles around the one who stays in the office because they don’t have their sales pitch quite “perfect.”

Personal Relationships: We are emotional beings inside imperfect bodies. While the human body is pretty amazing, we are constantly reminded it is not perfect when we get sick, don’t feel well, or are otherwise hampered by our emotions. Rather than trying to please all of the people all of the time; we can give our greatest effort gratifying those who are most important to us.

We can be kind and courteous to the rest, but is it really worth the extra time and effort to strive to make everyone happy with what we do? Even when do our best to please those we love, we are likely to come up short from time to time. This doesn’t make us “bad” people, it simply confirms our human condition.

Learning to let go of perfectionism can positively impact our lives, as well as that of those around us. When we realize the universality of the concept of yin and yang —where there is a little bit of bad in all that is good and a little good in all that is bad—, we can embrace the fact that being borderline to perfect is often as good as it gets, and indeed a great place to be, regardless of where we happen to be.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL IV 50

Lunar Letter / Al Borde de la Perfección

Mientras que merece la pena esforzarnos en llegar a la perfección de algunas cosas, otras no justifican dicho agravante. La matemática, la ciencia y la ingeniería son áreas que se benefician al acercarse lo más posible al estándar perfecto de cada una de sus ramas.

Este anillo que me dió mi gran amigo Mark Skotchdopole es “Al Borde de la Perfección”

Sin embargo, muchas veces nos estresamos demasiado intentando alcanzar “la perfección” pudiendo esto llegar a ser hasta contraproducente. El perfeccionismo puede convertirse en una obsesión que nos domine. Veamos varias ejemplos de las cosas cotidianas en los que estar al “borde de la perfección” puede ser la mejor opción.

La Limpieza: ¿Te has dado cuenta que las labores de la casa parecen nunca terminar? El polvo, la ropa sucia y las cosas en general suelen reproducirse exponencialmente. ¿Tiene sentido asegurarnos que nuestro hogar esté inmaculado antes de hacer cualquier otra cosa? De ser así, posiblemente no lograríamos más nada no solo para ese día, sino quizás por semanas o tal vez meses, dependiendo de cuan diligentes o no, hemos sido anteriormente con la limpieza.

En vez de tratar de tener todo perfecto, podemos tender la cama, limpiar por donde “pasa la reina” y fregar los platos. Es increíble como unas pocas tareas bien hechas pueden transformar el ambiente y hacerlo presentable, aun cuando no sea del todo perfecto. Llega el momento, sin duda, cuando hace falta limpiar a fondo, pero en el día a día podemos realizar tareas sencillas de mantenimiento permitiendo que nuestro hogar se vea bien; aunque haya algo de polvo en las esquinas. Luego podemos aprovechar el tiempo que nos queda para salir y hacer lo que tenemos pendiente, o bien tomar una buena siesta, en vez de pretender exterminar todo el polvo del planeta.

Las Ventas: No hay duda de que vender bien es un arte, y perfeccionar las estrategias para llevarlo a cabo podría tomarnos toda la vida. He visto algunos vendedores que pasan tanto tiempo perfeccionando su táctica que jamás llegan a salir y hablar con un cliente potencial. Es importante y necesario conocer bien lo que se vende, sus beneficios y la mejor manera de presentarlo; sin embargo, en mi experiencia el vendedor que habla con más personas en un día a pesar de que su presentación esté algo “imperfecta” tiene mayor probabilidad de cerrar alguna venta, que quien se queda en la oficina asegurándose de ser “perfecto” para luego salir a vender.

Las Relaciones Personales: Somos seres emocionales dentro de un cuerpo imperfecto. Mientras que el ser humano es increíble, se nos recuerda con frecuencia nuestra imperfección al enfermarnos y no sentirnos bien, o de alguna manera ser limitados por nuestras propias emociones. En vez de tratar de complacer a todas las personas, todo el tiempo; propongo que invirtamos nuestro mayor esfuerzo en las personas que realmente son importantes para nosotros.

Podemos relacionarnos amablemente con los demás, pero ¿realmente vale la pena el tiempo y el esfuerzo adicional invertido en esmerarnos para que todos estén contentos con lo que hacemos? Aun cuando hagamos todo cuanto podamos por complacer a los que amamos, es muy posible que alguna vez nos quedemos cortos. Eso no significa que somos malas personas, sino que confirma nuestra condición humana.

Aprender a dejar el perfeccionismo puede impactar de manera positiva tanto nuestra propia existencia como la de aquellos que comparten con nosotros. Cuando nos damos cuenta de la aplicación universal del concepto de Ying y Yang —que existe algo malo en un todo que es bueno y algo de bueno en un todo que es malo—, podemos abrazar el hecho de que estar al borde de la perfección muchas veces es de las mejores opciones que tenemos, independientemente de donde estemos.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL IV 50