Cambia tu Vida – Augusto Cury #4 – Tener un Sueño Reparador

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Chapter 4


Fourth law of quality of life


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1. Sleeping enough to recharge the physical and mental energy spent during the day.

2. Not falling asleep right away or having intermittent sleep (waking up, getting up).

3. Having a deep, restful and pleasant sleep.

4. Not being tormented by nightmares or bad dreams.

5. Not taking social or professional problems or conflict to bed.

6. Wake up rested and motivated to face the day’s stress and challenge.

7. Stay alert and concentrated to be mentally productive.

8. Being calm to make well informed decisions.

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3.  We spend one third of our lives sleeping; sleep is our most important encounter with ourselves, it is the time when millions of cells relax and reorganize energy to be able to withstand difficult battles to survive.  Sleeping isn’t losing time, it is finding it.

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10.  Depending on the quality of your sleep, you will be an agreeable, tolerable or insupportable person.  If you find yourself irritable or impulsive, think about the quality of your sleep.  People who don’t sleep are bothered even by their own shadow; don’t withstand joking around from others, or continued errors or faults.

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19.  Life is a battle, and our bed is the only place where we an absolute truce should reign.  Sleep is the place where only should exist unconditional peace, even though the world is crumbling around.

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22.  It is less expensive to not expect too much from people and to pardon them, even when they don’t deserve it.  Do it for you:  enemies who are not pardoned, sleep in our bed and perturb our sleep…  Hmmm “watch out” : ) 

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The first person who benefits from a pardon is the one who pardons and not he who is pardoned.

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41.  You must know that, behind a person who is authoritarian, hides someone who is fragile.  Behind someone aggressive hides a person who is miserable.  Surprise them, praise them, pardon them.  Inside those who are most complicated is found a child who needs love and attention.

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Sow serene sleep to harvest a tranquil day.