Lunar Letter / Another Dimension

Normally we think of time as being lineal, but…

What if in fact, time is three dimensional?

Full Lunar Eclipse

When you can, right now if possible, close your eyes and think of someone specific.

How long did it take for them to come to your mind?

We can bring a person to the present in an instant, be they dead or alive, in the next room or on the other side of the world.51505_2799

Let’s look at another example.  With that same person in mind, imagine a time you were with them at an important moment or event.

How long did it take for you to perceive not only the place but also colors, smells and ambiance?

The process occurs in milliseconds.

Now, think about the following:

What happens when we are no longer alive?   Does everything in time simply stop, or does it continue?   And what about us, do we continue or do we cease?

While there are many thoughts and theories as to what will happen and, we will no doubt find out in good time which one is true.  In the meantime, what happens with relation to time when we are no longer here?

There is one thing for sure, in the same way we come into the world with nothing, so also shall we leave with nothing but, then what?  That is the question.

1398762_12237865I propose that when we are no longer here physically, we can still be present.  Think for a moment of another loved one.  This time, think of one who is no longer here physically.

How long did it take for them to come to mind?

The barriers of time are hurdled in an instant.  Memories of our mother’s smile, our father’s advice, the laugh of a special aunt and so many other recollections are brought instantly to mind.

Our mind is a marvelous machine capable of overcoming any situation we can imagine.  Time converts from two to three dimensions when our mind brings past experiences to this moment.

Many worry about what happens when we finish this marvelous journey we call life and pass to another reality yet unknown.  Nevertheless, we can create our own eternity in this moment, sculpting moments which can be remembered through the annals of time by our loved ones and, perhaps others as well.

How can we make sure we enter into the third dimension of time?

How about by taking the time to:495427_84611774

  • Read with our kids
  • Pay attention to our spouse
  • Advise someone who is new on the job
  • Realize that everyone is in their own special world
  • Call loved ones, family and friends just to say, “Hey how are you doing?”
  • Know that though we may be only one more in the world, to someone we are their world

No one has all of the answers in life but we can give our best effort day in and day out to assure our existence persists into eternity and becomes three dimensional.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

By the way…

Hey, how are you doing? : )