Lunar Letter / Natural Law

10699282_10203892074637339_266527430_nWhile the laws of man may be bent and broken, natural law is God’s own special token.

Man in his infinite wisdom has created a series of laws which, while perhaps necessary, are not natural laws.  Natural laws do not yield, nor do they change, at the same time man’s laws are in constant revision.  From the beginning of time in when men came together to live in societies, laws have existed to maintain some type of social order.  In the same way, natural laws also promote order in a world which frequently seems to have none.

Every species has nature’s law ingrained within its blueprint to fight for survival.  Faced with any adversity, there is something in our being which activates to overcome any calamity.  This is natural law.

Both man’s and nature’s laws have their own interpretation of life and death.  The natural instinct to continue living is so strong, apparently it is impossible for a person to strangle them self to death, because their body will reject the intent and not allow them to do it.  Obviously there are many ways to achieve the same objective, and men have no doubt discovered most.  Nevertheless, we can also ask ourselves if this also obeys the ultimate natural law which reminds us that one day we will all face our own last bell.

While we might consider natural laws to be unfair, they are the most impartial because 10695255_10203892104478085_39250197_nthey are non-revocable and non-negotiable.  When we let an object drop, gravity will automatically bring it down to the ground.  While we may modify its drop, the tendency will be to always fall.  When we stop interfering with its descent, nature’s law of gravity will continue steadfast to its resolve.

In our continual search to establish order in our societies, we frequently forget about natural law which flow so easily…

Those who flow as life flows know
They need no other force
They feel no wear, they feel no tear
They need no mending, no repair.

~ Tao Te Ching

Life does not have to be so difficult and, in its essence is really quite simple.  We often over complicate our lives trying to obey laws which are made by men and women in suits who play in glass houses; by men in collars and nuns in habits; and too by those who wear so many different types of ornaments.  The tragedy is of course, when we are unable to obey each and every one of these rules imposed by others.  In these times we can feel as if we are lost in an endless and somewhat meaningless maze.

10704999_10203892104838094_1426473098_nAt the end of the day, the curtain goes down, we get back home and eventually get ready for bed.  Let it be natural law and not man’s laws which lead us magically into a deep wonderful sleep and ultimately shows us the best road to take.  Deep inside we know what is correct and incorrect; we know between what is right and wrong.  To achieve what we desire, we need simply obey those laws which are established by a divine power which perhaps goes so much farther than any of us can possibly imagine.

When we sow seeds of hope, service and support, we begin to follow perhaps the greatest of all natural laws; The Law of Cause and Effect.  What we do today determines how and where we will be tomorrow.  If we want more, we need only give more because in terms of life’s great laws, perhaps there is none greater.

∞ Rob McBride ∞