Lunar Letter / Living the Dream

We all want success. Since we are small, we begin to dream about what we see on television and to want what is offered in the constant bombardment of marketing we are subjected to. thinking-her-future-1313206-639x958Soon we realize there is a great difference between staying “stuck in the desire” and living the dream.

While our dreams are varied, several factors can lead us to live them. The first thing we must do to achieve any dream is to believe in our ability to obtain it. Without first believing it possible, likely it will remain as a mere illusion, never becoming reality.

Do you doubt you can do what another has already done, or arrive where another has arrived?

Depending on the price we have to pay to achieve the dream, we decide whether or not to pursue it. If we are willing to go after it, there is no doubt we can do what anybody else has achieved and much Biologically speaking, we are all the same. Despite being born and raised in different environments and cultures, there is nothing stopping us from achieving what we want.

After believing our dream is possible, we must determine a specific plan of action. With our objective firmly in mind, establishing a series of actions allows us to get closer little by little.

Suppose the following is our dream:


surfer-691029_1280Have you dreamed about this kind of lifestyle?

At first glance, the idea might seem absurd and far-fetched, nevertheless, never doubt it can be done, as there are many who currently do so.

A good place to start would be to to determine where we could make a living close to the ocean. What country, state, or city gives us the best opportunities to live the “surfer’s lifestyle”? Next, we could investigate job opportunities in the area. Among the options available might be working in a restaurant or on the beach giving surfing lessons. At the same time, we could work in our profession (doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.) in the area we choose.

The possibilities are infinite and the more we study and investigate our chosen activity or profession, the broader our possibilities become.

Not even the sky is the limit. Nevertheless, our main limitations tend to be our own beliefs and even “friends” or family members, who seem to gain some strange pleasure in telling us everything “we can’t do and will never be able to achieve,” instead of encouraging us to pursue our dreams and desires.

Finally, and most importantly, we need to “get to work” and take action. We could enroll in a course preparing us for our chosen activity and begin planning a trip to “test the waters.”surfboard-690904_1280

If we want to surf, we must first be willing to get up on the board, knowing we may fall off. Similarly, we must be willing to get up on the board of life, knowing full well there are risks involved.

Those who live the dream we have today made decisions at some point of their lives leading them to live the dream others only imagine. It’s not enough to have a dream, we must wake up, making decisions and taking actions to live it.

∞ Rob McBride ∞