Lunar Letter / 2.22% for You

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, a total of 1,440 minutes. The way in which we use this time determines whether we will be actors or spectators in life. There is a time for everything and everything in its time. When we consciously analyze what we do and how we do it, we enhance our ability to achieve our objectives.

While we have little control over the quantity of time certain activities take, we can always augment the quality we give to each. We all have a certain degree of liberty over our time, though we frequently lament, “I don’t have time for anything!”

To direct your destiny, I propose you take 2.22%, equivalent to 32 minutes of your time, and invest it directly in yourself. 2.22% is the small difference which can reap great rewards.

What can you do during this 2.22% of your time to make this tremendous difference?

I’m so glad you asked; I have an answer.

It is simple, yet far from easy. I suggest that for 2.22% of your time you realize some type of exercise. I can almost hear the groans of anguish coming from my screen as you read these words. “Please, anything other than exercise!” you may be thinking.

We can make excuses or we can get up and take action. We all know we should exercise; few of us actually do something about it.

“Where do the 32 minutes come from?” you might ask.

I have designed an exercise program which uses the number “eight” as a base. It consists of 32 different movements. It includes eight breaths per minute for each of the 32 movements. In total, 256 deep breaths are incorporated into the 32 minutes. You can see my nephew David Martín doing a condensed version with two breaths per movement which takes eight minutes here:

Our breath provides us with oxygen and energy every day. Dedicating time daily to focus on our breathing and doing physical exercise nourishes our body with drops of well-being every day.

Do your 2.22% in whichever way you see fit. It is not my way, or my 32 exercises which are important. Fundamental is taking the time every day to promote mental and physical health through exercise. Take 2.22% for You daily to be an actor rather than spectator in life.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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