Lunar Letter / FUDs, You’re Fired!

Our lives are a collection of emotions and events which mold us with power and satisfaction or with weakness and discontent. In his book Thinkertoys, Michael Michalko mentions three elements which kill creative energy and control many of our thoughts and actions.

F ears

U ncertainties

D oubts

There are times when Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts play a critical role in our lives. If we are in a situation where a very hungry animal is chasing us in hopes of an easy meal, Fear better kick in to create the adrenaline we need to survive. Today, the animals most likely and capable of “eating us” are other human beings!

While it is important to have a certain degree of fear and precaution for protection, FUDs are most likely emotions which diminish power instead of adding value to our personal development.

For example, a salesperson goes to present a new product to the company’s most valuable customer. She has been chosen because of her capacity to consistently make difficult sales and this sale could be the difference between a successful product launch and complete failure. She is a professional and has a terrific knowledge of her product and the benefits the customer will derive from the purchase. Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts take control as she waits in the reception area for her appointment.

  • What if they don’t like the product?
  • What if I forget everything I am going to say?
  • If I don’t close this sale, I may be fired on the spot!

These emotions create panic. Instead of concentrating on her knowledge and success, she is thrown into the paralysis of analysis. Her marvelous mind which should be focused on the preparation of the last several weeks is now consumed by possible failure.

Our minds are powerful machines which generally obey the instructions we give them thousands of times each day. We say, “Open the door!” and magically our arm and hand coordinate to open the door. All we achieve is directly connected with a thought, action or reaction.

FUDs are frequently the cause of our most trying times. I suggest we Fire the FUDs! Just get rid of them. When Fear, Uncertainty or Doubts enter our mind, we must have the power to replace them with Conviction, Certainty and Confidence.

What’s the alternative? The minutes, hours and days flow like a river on its ever changing course. We can create our direction and destiny with powerful thoughts or diminish desire with FUDs. Let’s firmly grasp the helm of life and enjoy this incredible journey we call life.

April 2005