Lunar Letter / A Burning Desire

A burning desire is the best way to achieve our objectives and convert our dreams into reality.

Why do we get up every day?

What is it that makes us do what we do?

If the answer to these questions is clear and concise, more than likely we have a well-defined burning desire which will serve as a compass to achieve our objectives. On the contrary, if the answer is hesitant and lacks a strong “why,” we can begin to define our burning desire.

For those who have followed my writing, you know the idea of a burning desire is one I integrate into much of my work. I first came across the idea of a Burning Desire about 20 years ago when I read Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich. As is the case with so many things, the idea started first as a seed which sparked my interest. As I read the book again some years later, the idea began to take form as a sprout which poked its head through the ground.

On December 13th, 2001, the idea expanded further and the roots which would give stability and form to my burning desire began to take hold in the soil which through my life experience was at last fertile enough to foster the growth of the seed which was planted many years before.

Napoleon Hill’s work is the culmination of years of interviews with the most successful people of his time. In a nutshell, he suggests we first determine exactly what it is we desire and then decide what we are willing to give in return, since there is no such thing as “something” for “nothing.” An exact date and definite plan to achieve our desire should be followed by immediate action to put the “pedal to the metal,” so to speak. Finally, he suggests writing out a clear, concise statement of our burning desire accompanied with reading the statement aloud twice a day to integrate the idea into our being.

When we define our burning desire, we create the best road to achieve all we want in life. While our goals and objectives are often “things,” a burning desire is usually “something” which relates to being useful to others.

It is important to take time to reflect upon and define our burning desire. When we lack a clearly defined objective, any road will take us to our destiny. Too frequently we arrive at unwanted places and spaces because we have not invested the time to define our direction. Creating and believing in our burning desire is the most important step to assure a life full of intention and intensity.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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