Lunar Letter / Cause and Effect

What we are and what we have is the direct result of what we have done, or in many cases simply left undone, with what we have been given. Though this seems to be so simple and clear, it isn’t always so easy to realize that for every cause, there is an effect. Sometimes the results are positive, and others, not so.

The Third Law of Isaac Newton tells us:

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

While this may be the case with physical objects, it doesn’t always hold true in human relations or emotions. While it seems clear there is a direct cause and effect for our actions, they don’t always appear to be equal or opposite. Sometimes the effect is more magnified, other times minimized; while the direction can be the same, or opposite.

Let’s take a look at an example. We have two employees, working in the same company, doing the same work, and with the same pay. One of them always arrives before starting time, gives his best effort to get his work done, goes with the flow, and stays after quitting time when necessary. The other typically arrives late, does his best to avoid work at all cost, resists change, and is out the door like a bat out of hell at quitting time.

While it is not always the case, in general the first person will be promoted and generally do well in life regardless of his profession. The other one is likely to be one more waiting in line for a handout, and then disappointed if he doesn’t get it. Of course, there will times when someone works diligently and does not go far. Also there will be others, when those with bad intentions get ahead despite their actions, but these tend to be the exception rather than the rule.

We are not responsible for where we are born, or under which circumstances, but we are responsible for where we end up. When it comes to our troubles, we love to blame them on our parents, our colleagues, or any other handy scapegoat. Nevertheless, there is only one person who is responsible for where we are, how we are, and who we are today. We are, in fact, quite familiar with this person as we see him or her every morning when we wake and see our reflection in the bathroom mirror.

The equation for cause and effect is quite simple, and goes something like this:

  • Those who get up and go to school, get educated; those who won’t, simply stay stupid
  • Those who are enthusiastic about life, find gems wherever they go; those who are not find rocks instead
  • Those who plant good seeds day after day, reap bountiful harvests, those who plant bad seeds, rot and fester
  • Those who rise with the sun and work until it goes down, earn an honest day’s pay; those who stay in bed look to be fed
  • Those who look for opportunities in life, find them everywhere; those who keep their eyes closed daily see opportunity no where

We get out of life what we put into it. When we live with love, compassion, and freedom, our will, will be done. If we live with hate, anger, and jealousy, we will be lucky if anything gets done. As sure as the day follows the night, we will harvest tomorrow the seeds we sow today, because every cause has an effect.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL IV 17