Lunar Letter / Color Your World

img_0124Media bombards us daily with trouble where we live and abroad. In addition to all the world’s challenges, we must also resolve our own economic, social, and emotional necessities. Despite all the noise, I have a proposal…

Instead of complaining
and lamenting, how about if you color your world with love, hope, and a positive attitude?


In my first book A SPECIAL GIFT, I propose creating a habit to live a happier and more productive life. In the text, there is a “book within the book,” called Reflections. My suggestion is simple, read daily one of the reflections to obtain and maintain an excellent attitude. Each relates to the word ATTITUDE in the following way (click to go to the Reflections):


In time, I decided to assign a day of the week to each of the Reflections. While it doesn’t coincide exactly in English, the Spanish version works very well, as follows:


As I wrote Reflections, assigning a day to each wasn’t my intention, in time it has taken form and makes sense. Monday is perfect to begin the week with Action. Tuesday is a great day to work on Confidence which helps us in all we do. Wednesday is for Tenacity to get us through hump day. Thursday is time to step up our game with Initiative to create a better way. Friday is a great day to practice Tolerance and compassion, forgiving those who trespass against us, for they know not what they do. Saturday is to be Useful to others and ourselves. Finally, Sunday is a great day to take a pause, reflect on the week that was, the week that will be, and most importantly, about how our Desire and passion align with our daily activity. Each day with its own reflection to make it a bit more interesting.

As a result of a suggestion from a reader, I now cover each day with color, so now each day looks like this:


If you follow me, surely you have noted for some time now, I cover each day with a concept and a color. The pattern becomes even more dynamic as I combine a daily a Seed of Success for each day of the month.

In this way, each day My Message for You is sustained by three pillars:

Reflection + Color + Seed of Success = My Message for You

The main ideas behind each of the 31 seeds I use throughout the month are as follows:


Feeling good and motivated is not a part time thing, done from time to time; rather a full time job which should be done daily as long as we live.

Think for a moment about painting your life with:

  • Color
  • Reflections
  • Seeds of Success
  • My Message for You

Each day gives us the chance to create a rainbow of opportunity.

What are you waiting for?


I invite you to go forth with me daily with color and thought to put your best foot forward. Having an upbeat, positive attitude will not solve all of our challenges, but it will help us get through each of them with more clarity and dignity. We can stay off to one side watching others as life goes by or get up on stage to play the leading role in our own history.

Will you get up onstage and join me to giving color and thought to each day?

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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