Lunar Letter / Crazy 8’s

Most of us have a favorite number. In my case the number is 8. In some way, shape, form or another it repeats itself in my life in many different ways. Similarly, I’m convinced if my favorite number were some other number, the same thing would happen.

Our mind creates our reality and we become what we think about. At this time, the number 8 has once again manifested itself into my reality. We are in the eighth month of the year 2008 and this Lunar Letter is #64 (8 x 8). Five years ago I began writing the Lunar Letter and what started as a spark of interest has become a habit which allows me to literally touch thousands of people every month.

The Olympics in Beijing started on 8/8/2008 at 8:08 PM. The number 8 for the Chinese is their lucky number and it signifies prosperity. Telephone numbers and license plates which contain many 8’s are frequently sold for a lot of money. In spite of the intense heat in China during early August, the Chinese decided to initiate the Olympics on this date because of the importance of the number 8 in their culture.

Another event which highlights the importance of 8 in my life right now is that I have just published my third book which is titled, 44 in a Row, 44 to Go. The book expresses my desire to live to be a healthy and energetic 88 year-old. Though I don’t know for sure if I will get there, I now have it as a guiding force. By reading these words you now know it as well. I have no other recourse than to do my best to keep my word.

Often it is the small things which make a huge difference in our lives: making a phone call, attending a conference, or taking time to meet with a friend. These events, little though they may seem, can be the start of something great. For this reason, it isn’t what we know rather what we do with what we know which is most important.

Any number, as such, really doesn’t have much significance. It is when we give a number power that it becomes important. The same thing happens with our thoughts. We have thousands of thoughts every day. The majority of them come and go without greatly influencing our lives. When we give importance to our ideas and thoughts we can go far with them.

Instead of letting time pass, we can pass time thinking about what we can do to more fully enjoy this marvelous journey. Life is not always as wonderful as we would like it to be. Nevertheless, we can begin to see what is wonderful in our own surroundings. Life is incredible and becomes interesting when we take time to observe the little things which together create this reality we call life.

May your life be full of crazy 8’s. May it be replete with the same luck and prosperity the Chinese give to the number 8. Coincidentally, if you knock an 8 on its side and hook it up with another 8, you have two infinity signs which are intertwined. For you, my Lunar Letter friend, I wish you infinity of bouncing back from the most difficult circumstances.

May the bounce be forever with you!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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