Lunar Letter / Eternal Lines of Times

clouds-1209444_640In what we know as the grand concept of time, the time we have in this world is relatively short.
During the first stage of our lives, we are dedicated to learning about our world and our place in it.  During the second, we do what we can to obtain a plentiful life, be it alone or accompanied.  In the third, we consider what we have done and analyze the winding road over which we have come.  As part of our learning process, we ask ourselves:family-810297_640Why are we here?
What is life about?
While I confess, I do not know the answer, these and other questions commonly come to mind as we think about what happens when we pass from what we now as our existence.
Is there life after this one?
Could it be, when this one is over, it’s all done?
Regardless of the final result, there is something we can do to assure a part of us remains, even after when we are physically gone.  Starting today, we can write eternal lines of time in the hearts of those we love.
pen-1584239_640For me, it’s fun to do it with my daily writing, which will stay around somewhere for quite sometime.  Also, it is true we write words and leave our mark through the small actions and words we all leave daily along our way.
The eternal lines of time we write remain in the hearts of those with whom we come into contact.  Many times we forget that what we do and what we say becomes etched into the lives of others and remembered in ways perhaps far beyond what we can possibly imagine.
The eternal lines of time we leave are reflected in the words and the actions carried from generation to generation, from father to son, from mother to daughter.  Similarly, they are reproduced in those who cross our path.letters-801755_640
We often forget what we do is left as our testament.  It represents our passage through time.  Though we are not perfect, and will likely commit many “horrors” on our road, we can do our best daily to assure our thoughts, words, and actions are the best we can possibly give.
We can decide if the eternal lines to time we write are left haphazardly, without rhyme or reason, or if on the contrary, they are left intentionally and carefully putting our best foot forward to construct a beautiful memory which will one day be all that is left of our journey here on Earth.clock-1205634_640
Begin today to write the eternal lines of time you want to be remembered.  Write them to those you love, show them to those on the way, and above all, live them to make sure your journey is more significant and pleasurable.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL IV 14