Lunar Letter / Face in the Mirror

The face in the mirror
Is always so very near

The eyes shine bright
With all of their might

They plead, “Have no fear”
Shed not ever for me a tear

And in the light of the night
The face is never out of sight

What is that now you say?
Please, show me the way

Shall I go this way or that
Or, just sit here and get fat?

“Well, go this way my fine friend”
And remember please to always bend

While the end may seem so very near
Just get up and get your rear in gear

There is so much to live and love
And it can all fit just like a glove

No, it does not always seem so
Yet we can always get up and go

So many places to be and to see
In our heart we are ever so free

We glance away and then back
The eyes in the mirror attack

They never ever take leave
Not even when we grieve

Our forehead always high
Sometimes scrunches in sigh

Our nose which is placed just so
Is in just the right place just below

Also our mouth and ears just so
They go with us everywhere we go

And in this way we all go to and fro
So let us go forth daily to sow and grow

Plant the seeds of greatness within
This surely is the way best way to win

The face in the mirror knows good from bad
And this often is what really makes us sad

Though really what is right and wrong?
Does it come truly from the throng?

Is there really white and black?
Or shades which stare back?

With a nice smile and grin
The face comes out of the din

Our face can and will be our ally
And what’s more it can help us fly

We need only to know it will always be so
We can create glee which surely will show

All it takes is a simple laugh and a smile
To bounce back and go another mile

And so each day we can make it so
And continue to grow and to grow

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 38