Lunar Letter / Flow

When we go with the flow
We can constantly grow

So many obstacles in life
It need not be with strife

So many ups and downs
Too frequently with frowns

Yet with a heave and a ho
We can simply say, “Let’s go!”

Each day takes us to and fro
And so, it isn’t easy to grow

Voices often come from below
Telling us that they really know

“Life is difficult,” they can say
“So, just hold tight and pray…”

Yet life is much more than that
We can live like the Cat in the Hat

Pure pleasure can indeed be our prey
All we need to do is to choose the way

So much in life to live, so much to see
In our minds we can choose to be free

There are those who typically say, “Nay”
Those unwilling to jump into the fray

We can take a firm hold of each day
And do our best to get out and play

The child within each of us never dies
Though far too often this child hides

In those moments we want to cry
We can spread our wings and fly

In life we can live and let live
To achieve this we can all give

What we give to the world
We will receive two fold

What we do not get today
Will come on another day

When we give we will grow
For we will reap what we sow

Things are not black and white
So there is no need to take fright

When we look deep into the light
We come out of the dark of the night

Things are not always as they should be
Though this is not so very easy to see

We can accept things as they are
And we don’t have to go very far

The answer we now hold within
To come inside out of the din

We need only know this is so
We are here to go and grow

So relax, simply let go
And go with the flow

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 39