Lunar Letter / Food for Thought

As we observe the world and all living things, we see plants survive with water and sun. Only when we fertilize and care for them will they flourish and radiate their phenomenal potential. Similarly, we can survive with food and water. Only when we fertilize and nourish our brain, body and spirit will we flourish and radiate our own phenomenal potential.

Our minds, bodies and spirits require little to survive from day to day. Our challenge is not to survive, rather to thrive and employ what we need to enjoy this magical journey we call life. The most valuable gift we possess is this instant, and it is up to each of us to savor each and every moment.

Fertilizer for plants smells bad and can be disgusting. Nevertheless, its effects are extremely beneficial. Similarly, fertilizer for the mind, body and spirit can be unpleasant. For example, eating properly and exercising regularly may seem distasteful; however, the effects are extraordinary.

Reading and learning fertilizes our mind and strengthens our ability to meet life’s challenges. Exercising our body provides energy increasing vigor and vitality. Resolving our purpose in life and coming to terms with our own spirituality illuminates and provides inner peace enabling us to manage even the most difficult situations.

If we feel satisfied with where we are and what we are doing, we have probably already provided the nutrients we require to realize our potential. If this is the case, we are on our way,  Contrarily, if we are unsatisfied with where we are and what we are doing, our best option is to take action today to create change tomorrow.

Monumental changes are seldom the source of a vibrant and passionate life. It’s the small things we do on a consistent basis which make a tremendous difference in our well being and happiness. Merely surviving from day to day can lead to a free fall into our worst nightmare. Conversely, taking the time to nourish our mind, body and spirit will propel us to live our dreams and reach our phenomenal potential.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 44