Lunar Letter / Good and Bad

The concept of Yin Yang captures the essence of what normally happens in life. In all that is good, there is a little bit of bad; and in all that is bad, there is a little bit of good. When we understand the best and worst of times will come to an end, we can look at life from a different perspective.

In the sea of dark

There is a spot of light

In the sea of light
There is a spot of dark

When we analyze our most memorable moments, they generally come from one of these two extremes, good or bad. Nevertheless, right now the great majority have changed in some way, shape or form. The most intense feeling of happiness has changed into something steady, or has disappeared completely. At the same time, the most uncomfortable circumstance has also diminished or been completely resolved.

The phrase, “The only thing constant is change,” promises each and every situation will change. Although the change is not always for the better in the moment, everything will indeed change for nothing stays the same forever. When we focus on what we can control, we influence the intensity and frequency of the majority of what happens in life.

If we are happy and content, we know change will come. The magnitude and direction depends entirely on us. If we notice this pleasant sensation is diminishing, we can do everything possible to maintain the energy and positive vibration. Instead of lamenting what might possibly happen, we can construct an environment where our actions and attitudes steer us toward what we most desire.

If we are down and despondent, we know also change will come. If we keep doing the same things, and do nothing to improve the situation, things will more than likely get worse before they get better. On the contrary, if we begin to change what we do and how we do it, we begin to attain different results. While they may be the same or worse in the short term, with perseverance we will achieve new destinies.

What is “good” and “bad” depends not on what happens, rather on our interpretation of what happens. We can consider the good which comes from even the most difficult of circumstance. While not everything is rosy and bright, we can extend and magnify the magical moments in our lives. When clouds come to conceal the sun which previously shone upon us, we can find comfort knowing the same wind which brought the darkness will also whisk it away.

Life is to live and part of “living” is to take the good with the bad. When we do our best to accentuate the positive and diminish the negative, we begin to live with intention instead of slowly dying through distraction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 41