Lunar Letter / Intention + Implementation = Satisfaction

How many lives have ended before they ever started?

How many dreams have been abandoned for a lack of implementation?

While there are many reasons why we don’t achieve our dreams, one of the most common and most deadly is a lack of action. One person who takes positive action towards a plan only partially developed is worth more than a 100 people who never put into action the most well developed project. Those who act in the theater of life are those who achieve the greatest rewards…

They are those who talk to the people they find interesting
They are those who have the best relations with their loved ones
They are those who can buy the best cars and live in the nicest places
They are those who give their opinion and listen to others to achieve results

We all have an incredible ability to dream and want any number of things…

We want a new refrigerator
We want for our boss to respect us
We yearn to develop better relationships
We dream about having a healthy, happy family

Those who achieve what they want are those who come down to earth after having flown on a wondrous journey of dreaming, to develop and implement a concrete plan to obtain what they most desire.

The game of life is the same for all. While the place and circumstance where we play the game are different for everyone, the rules remain the same. We have the same air to breathe, the same sky to see and the same 24 hours a day to live.

Why do some achieve so much while others achieve so little?

In a phrase, it tends to be because some implement their intention while others get stuck in the “intent” and do nothing. It isn’t enough to imagine and attempt to attract what we most want; we must take creative action to move toward what we most desire.

Let’s look at an example:

Two boys both like the same girl at school. Both would like to go out with her to get to know her better. Each imagines all the possibilities and how nice it would be to just be close to her. One of the boys asks the girl’s best friend what she likes; the other simply admires from the distance. One buys a flower and gives it to the girl; the other watches as the girl accepts the flower. One celebrates his ability to get a date with the girl; the other curses his bad luck.

It isn’t luck or circumstances which make the biggest differences in life. Those who achieve more create their own luck and mold themselves to circumstance. Life doesn’t play favorites and the possibilities life has to offer are available to all. When we direct our intention and implement a plan of action we get satisfaction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞