Lunar Letter / Leap of Faith

The difference between achieving and dreaming is the specific action we take toward our objectives. We can create, imagine, innovate and desire but without taking concrete steps toward our intention, we are left high and dry.

If it’s so simple, why don’t we all take positive action toward our desires?

Although it is simple to understand, it is certainly not easy to put into practice. Taking action frequently requires a leap of faith. When we wait for everything to be perfect before taking action, we fall into the paralysis of analysis.

The fear of failure is an enemy we all face when we decide to move toward a specific purpose. A leap of faith often implies facing our fears, uncertainties and doubts and requires a high degree of faith, preparation and flexibility.

The most important faith many of us have is our faith in God or our beliefs. This faith allows us to know, in some way, shape or form, we will be taken care of during our journey. Also extremely important is the faith we have in our own ability to achieve a specific mission. Dr. Albert Bandura has studied this type of faith extensively and calls it “Self Efficacy.” Scientific studies link our faith in our ability to complete a given task to our capacity to do so.

Preparation is also key factor to our achieving success when taking a leap of faith. When we are well prepared, does this still mean we are taking a leap of faith? While some may argue otherwise, making a decision which moves us out of our “comfort zone” always creates significant change. The distance we must leap is a function of our preparation. We can diminish the gap from where we currently stand and where we want to go with comprehensive analysis and preparation.

When we take a leap of faith without taking into account the obstacles we are likely to encounter, it is likely we will face significant difficulties which hinder our progress and desire to continue in the face of adversity. On the contrary, when we take a leap of faith with flexibility to adjust our path when inconveniences are encountered, we possess a fundamental tool to persevere until we achieve our objective.

Developing a profound belief in a positive outcome, preparing extensively and contemplating a high degree of flexibility in our plans, allows us to take a leap of faith knowing it to be the best way to achieve, enjoy and delight in all we desire in this magnificent journey we call life.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 31