Lunar Letter / Magical Moments

Traveling through this marvelous journey we call life, we constantly seek happiness, success and meaning to affirm our existence on this planet.

Sometimes we find answers to our questions and frequently the replies lead us to yet more uncertainty. Life is a series of moments; some we consider “positive” and others we deem “negative.” We attempt to increase the “positive” moments while diminishing the “negative.”

If everything were so easy, we would get to the end of life and do the math. More “positive” than “negative” moments would indicate a plentiful life. Measuring life is not that easy. Life cannot be put into a box and be categorized as “good” or “bad” based simply on the sum of each of these experiences.

A life measured in “good” and “bad” assures frustration and fatigue. Is it realistic to believe that each moment which awaits us will be free of negativity? The answer is a resolute NO.

Deception and disgust will certainly cross our paths. We have loved ones who will leave the world we know and enter a reality yet unknown. There will be trials and tribulations with work, friends and people we have not yet met. This is not being negative; it is being realistic with our expectations.

If we wait for everything to be beautiful, bright and bountiful during our adventure, we will likely be disillusioned with our destiny. If we accept unfortunate events as a given, we can consider our reactions, responses and reflections rather than the significance of the events themselves.

Charles Swindoll proposes the following:

“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

Life is the sum of all experiences. Any moment, be it “good” or “bad” can be a magical moment. What matters most is our perspective of each situation and what we learn from it. A friend told me recently, “The times when I was in the greatest pain, tribulation, and fear… those were the times I learned the most, changed the most, and became more of who I am.”

Directing our thoughts toward learning in turbulent times as well as in marvelous moments of excitement and ecstasy allows us to reflect upon a plentiful and productive lifetime complete with endless magical moments.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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