Lunar Letter / Master Mind Moon Meeting

Imagine a space designed to:

Grow and improve personally
Create and establish goals and objectives
Review and consider direction and destiny
Go with the ebb and flow of life’s ever changing way
Hold and cherish magical moments with friends and family

Individually, we have the power to create this space. At defined intervals we can meet with people with whom we are in harmony and who share similar goals and objectives. We can take time for ourselves to share and dream with others.

Set aside one weekend a month to empower creative thought

We can utilize the weekend closest to each full moon for a retreat which is replete with energy and enthusiasm to achieve what others only dream about. We can find a place full of magic and wonder – a park, a mountain, a beach or, simply someplace convenient to invest time in ourselves and in our future. With this simple action, we become masters of our fate, never leaving our lives to wander aimlessly with the wind of time.

In his book Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill tells us, “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” He explains the importance of combining forces with others through the power of the “Master Mind” to achieve our goals and objectives. Dr. Bob Smith defines the importance of relating with others to achieve better solutions in his book Discover your Blind Spots. Our capacity to create and innovate is limited by our own experience. When we leverage our knowledge with that of others, we find “new” solutions which were always there and just beyond our reach.

Knowledge is in reality universal. Our creativity and power to innovate as well as our ideas, are the direct result of seeds which have been planted at different moments in our lives. It’s impossible for the experience and knowledge of any two people to be the same. Each person regardless of education, social status or position can add value to our base of knowledge.

The Master Mind Moon Meeting can be of any duration and held at any place or time. I suggest the weekend around the full moon because it is easy to remember. All we need do is look to the sky to see when the time is coming. Establishing the time and place for a Master Mind Moon Meeting once per month helps create focus and continuity and does not impose on the “hustle and bustle” of our lives.

Participants in the Master Mind Moon Meeting can be friends, family or acquaintances, though it’s preferable they be people we trust and respect. We can learn from all, though we may not necessarily open up and share with everyone. It’s important to establish specific times during the meeting when the participants can communicate and share with each other.

We take time to improve the profitability and productivity of the companies where we work. Investing time in ourselves and in our own “company” through a Master Mind Moon Meeting allows us to firmly grasp the rudder of life and thus determine our direction and destiny.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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