Lunar Letter / Stairway to Heaven

Each of us has something unique, a special gift which makes us extraordinary. This gift is often quite elusive and there is no single road to find it. Many go their entire lives without finding it while others find it when they least expect it.

What is your special gift?

How can you find it?

If you have already found your special gift which will allow you to live a full and productive life, you’re all set.  The only thing you need to do is put it into practice to enjoy and empower each moment.

If, on the other hand, you are yet to find your special gift, or if you know what it is and don’t know how to use it, this message can be valuable to you. Our mind creates our reality. Our attitude towards life determines our results and our happiness. Sowing seeds of success with an excellent attitude brings forth excellent results. Sowing seeds with a terrible attitude will more often than not bring forth terrible results. When we sow corn, we can’t expect to get wheat.

We can use the following “stairs” to get to the heaven of our Special Gift.

A ction: Take action to conquer fear

T enacity: Persevere in the face of difficulty

T olerance: Change what we can, tolerate the rest

I nitiative: Take powerful steps to create our own destiny

T emperance: Use moderation to create balance and harmony

U sefullness: Be of utility and service to all who come our way

D esire: Have a burning desire which drives us to jump out of bed

E nergy: Create physical and emotional energy to meet daily challenges

It’s easy to sit and take notice; what is difficult is to stand up and take action to achieve our deepest desire. An optimal attitude is the first step to find and use our special gift. Take the Stairway to Heaven to your special gift to maintain an excellent attitude while creating your destiny in this wonderful journey we call life.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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