My message for you… #14 ENTHUSIASM

#14  “I will work convinced that nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. To do anything today that is truly worth doing, I must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in with gusto and scramble through as well as I can.”

~ Og Mandino

Welcome back to this special day to talk about ENTHUSIASM.

Enthusiasm is that little extra we can put in everything we do to make each day a much better today.

We can be more enthusiastic in our relationships, in our work, in our hopes and in our dreams.

Rather than, “Standing back shivering and thinking of the cold and the danger, jump in with gusto,” as Og Mandino so wisely suggests.

When we give our very best effort, day in and day out, we achieve much more.

Make this day your day, and make it a great day!