My message for you… #19 LIFE IS NOW

#19  “I will work this day with all my strength, content in the knowledge that life does not consist of wallowing in the past or peering anxiously at the future. It is appalling to contemplate the great number of painful steps by which one arrives at a truth so old, so obvious, and so frequently expressed. Whatever it offers, little or much, my life is now.”  – Og Mandino

We can work with all our strength knowing our life is now.

We cannot relive yesterday, and no matter how fast we run, we never reach tomorrow for when we get there, we find out it is today!

Each of these seeds builds upon the other.  From the very first seed, we have been establishing a foundation to live a life which is more meaningful and productive.

If you haven’t seen all of My messages for you, now you can right here:


Make it a great day!
