My message for you… #20 PLAY LIFE

#20  “I will pause whenever I am feeling sorry for myself today, and remember that this is the only day I have and I must play it to the fullest. What my part may signify in the great whole, I may not recognize, but I am here to play it and now is the time.”  – Og Mandino

Have you ever felt sorry for yourself?

Me too…

Perhaps it is part of the human condition.

While there are likely many good reasons we might want to feel sorry for ourselves, can we doubt for a minute that all we really have is this moment?

Pause whenever you are feeling sorry for yourself and consider your part in this great whole.  As Og so aptly says, we may not realize what our part is in this great whole, but we are here to play life for all it is worth, and now is the time.

My mission here is clear, if you memorize, repeat and implement the Seeds of Success by Og Mandino into your life, you will be amazed at how wonderful life can be.

Make it a great day!
