Our Weather Within

Have you ever noticed we carry our own weather within us?

Sometimes we feel bright and sunny, others dim and gloomy. The weather outside can, and often does, influence the way we feel inside but this isn’t necessarily always the case, nor does it have to be.

There are days when we wake up rip, roaring, and ready to rock; and others when all we really want to do is to pull the covers over our head and stay in bed. Many circumstances influence our own weather within including our health, our emotions, the weather outside, and the weather within those around us. What’s more, we can go from feeling truly fabulous to absolutely terrible in an instant.

What is behind the weather we hold within?

Why is it so variable and what can we do to make it better?

Similar to the weather outside, our own is in a state of constant flux. The barometric pressure indicates a change in the weather, for better or for worse. So too do our own thoughts and emotions generally indicate where our own weather is headed.

We all have different triggers affecting how we feel. Some individuals can harm others, deceiving, robbing, and perhaps even killing others, yet not feel a drop of remorse; while others will ruminate for days causing a maelstrom in our mind only for a few unkind words exchanged with another. Some are able to change their weather inside in a heartbeat, while others toss and turn at its will.

None of us are the same. There is no pat answer which works for all. Nevertheless, here are a few ideas to optimize your own weather within:

Fill your mind with positive thoughts and ideas.

Understand that just because it is raining outside, you need not cry on the inside.

Exercise and eat well to give your body the energy it needs to optimize your own weather within.

Realize that as terrible as your weather inside may be, there is always renewed hope in the dawn of a new day.

Surround yourself with people who are generally sunny inside, offering them some of your sunshine whenever they feel stormy.

Determine to be a thermostat, being the master of your own climate; rather than a thermometer, merely reflecting the temperature around you.

As the weather outside changes, so too does the environment. After the rain comes the sunshine, after the winter comes the summer, after the light comes the dark. Perhaps we too can learn to understand that the harshest lessons of life often bring its greatest lessons.

While this certainly is much easier said than done, we can positively influence our weather inside. The wind, the humidity, and the temperature affect the weather outside. When we realize that our health, our emotions, and above all our thoughts, create our own weather within, we can better manage our own disposition so it is bright and sunny, rather than dim and gloomy.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 May 2021
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