“Desire” – Reflection for Sunday from A SPECIAL GIFT

07 Deseo 1399296_19747127Desire inspires us to establish goals and objectives.  When we believe our desires are attainable, we create power to achieve them.

Decisions we make today create our destiny tomorrow.  These decisions are the result of desires and objectives.  Without a fixed direction we are like a ship on an ocean of change without a rudder.  We will surely arrive though at a destination unknown.

To take control of our destiny, it is essential we have a concrete idea of our objective.  When this objective becomes a burning desire, we are driven to take action which launches us in the right direction.

Limitations in life are measured by desire.  It is impossible to grasp beyond what we dream and desire.  Our direction is determined by our aspiration.  The fear of wanting too much is often accompanied with the fear of failure.  Nevertheless, it is better to try and fail than to never try at all.

Failure is simply a temporary detour in the journey of life; a pebble which causes initial discomfort and which inevitably becomes a distant memory.

Visualization is a powerful mechanism which gives substance to dreams and desires.   Visualization takes us to the unknown and the known.  It is possible to imagine what we desire and have not achieved as well as what we already know.   The mind has the power to create and produce incredible imagery.  Intense mental images facilitate the formulation of an action plan.

The key to effectively using desire, imagination and visualization is coming back down to earth afterwards to create a definite action plan which leads us to the destiny we desire.

Maintaining an excellent attitude generates clear and concise desires.  Concrete objectives create a powerful reason to live.  When our desires vanish, it is time to think about how we will leave this reality we call life and pass to another reality which is yet unknown.

To desire something with all our heart is also the best way of staying young in body and spirit.  While we are in route towards an objective or a worthy ideal, we have no time to reflect on what could have been.  What happened yesterday is a distant dream, what comes tomorrow an unfulfilled promise and what we have today an exact certainty.  This instant is the most intense moment of our lives.  The dreams and desires we create today give purpose to rise and rally tomorrow to embrace another day.

The pessimist says dreams are empty promises while the optimist says dreams are promises yet unfulfilled.  Desire allows us to reach for the stars instead of staying stuck in the mud.  Our dreams and desires are the seeds of success sown today which grow straight and tall to be harvested tomorrow.
