“Tenacity” – Reflection for Wednesday from A SPECIAL GIFT

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Tenacity is our capacity to continue working on a job or task until we achieve the result we desire.  Persistence is imperative to attain goals and objectives.

Obstacles and difficulties generate a yearning to surrender.  Impediment and inconvenience determine our character and define our destiny.  Our reaction to adversity can create power or enhance vulnerability.  The best way to confront a problem tenaciously is to perceive difficulties as challenges, not obstacles.

In nature, perseverance and persistence always win.  A river has no concept of time.  Regardless of whether it takes a day, a month or a century to overcome an obstacle, it continues its course until achieving its objective.  It never tires from being diverted and doesn’t complain when things get difficult.  It simply continues in spite of hindrance and hurdles.

We can learn much from the river which adheres to its course.  Life’s events are neither good nor bad, they simply are.  We assign qualities to a particular event depending on our experience and point of view.  Life’s most wonderful moments frequently come after the most trying and turbulent times.  During these cycles tenacity creates the most inspiring and intense reflections and responses to overcome difficulty.

Tenacity in our occupation can be the difference between achieving success and having to look for another profession.  Everything is difficult before it is easy.  The master carpenter must learn from mistakes before becoming a craftsman.  The apprentice observes, listens and practices before creating a masterpiece.

The desire to learn from each situation also allows us to be more tenacious.  When we look at problems as opportunities to learn, we change our perspective and expect to overcome challenges.  We do not grow old as a result of age, rather as a result of a broken spirit.  We remain young at heart as long as we learn and grow.

Tenacity is not innate; it is learned.   We learn to be tenacious through success and failure. When we quit, we learn to give up.  When we persevere, we learn to be tenacious.  This, in turn, pays tremendous dividends.

Education, knowledge and intelligence are elements which contribute greatly to our success.  Without adding the ingredient of tenacity, however, we fall short of our desires.  To achieve our objectives, it is imperative to have the will to gain wisdom which provides us with the power to persist in complex situations.

Tenacity elicits the use of all resources at our disposal which allow us to attain objectives and desires in spite of the multi-layered myriad of obstacles which create detours and deviations in our journey.
