“The more risk we take the more experience we gain.”

Hi Rob, I love your book “A Special Gift- Journey to Excellence.”  I’ve had to read it again – would you believe?

Time 0030 Hrs early this morning. Couldn’t put it down till I’ve finished reading the whole book. When I looked at my watch time was 0215 Hrs. Made me teary again when I was reading it because the story always reminds me about my special bond I’ve had with my grandmother (mum’s mum) she no longer is with us- crossed over about 25 yrs ago. Like Pappy in the story grandmother would always tell me interesting (inspiring) stories about life in general. I use to think how clever she was. Her stories always made me go away and think a lot. She was a teacher full of WISDOM. 🙂

Reading it was very helpful for me deep within because I am being reminded to focus on the positives. You mention:

“When we take risk, break routine and do something extraordinary, we augment our experience immediately. The more risk we take the more experience we gain.”

This is so true and one part of the book that really made me think a lot about my new job. I am very excited about this new opportunity B U T… I am also a little bit nervous at the same time because I’m already thrown into the deep end and don’t know what is coming around the corner!

It’s the fear of the unknown, that’s what it is. Reading your wonderful book again, especially at this challenging time is very empowering for me.

So for that I say…

Thank you!

Rose Grove
Tumut, Australia