What a wonderful feeling!

The first day I liked when you told us to choose a person and be nice to that person. I was chosen by someone who I had never had a conversation with in 4 years and that activity gave me the opportunity to hear from that person so many good things about me. He told me about some personality traits that I know I have and he perceived them just by watching me around school. It was amazing. I felt great telling my “pana” positive things about his performance at school too!

I learned that by just being nice to people you feel different and there is an insight, what a wonderful feeling!

The most valuable thing about your visit is that you focused on us as human beings and not only as teachers. In addition to being teachers we are people who need to feel at peace inside in order to be able to then give good lessons to others.

Algo así como para querer a otro debe uno quererse mucho a si mismo!

You were just great!

Ligia Gorrochotegui
Colegio Internacional de Caracas