Do You Have a Problem?

If so, I’ve got a solution!
It can be as simple as 1, 2, 3…

If you are like most people, you don’t have one problem, you have many. Often our only wish is to have no problems at all, yet they are inherent in life. Have you ever stopped to think about this?

The only people who don’t have problems are those who are dead. If we really think about it though, they too had problems, it’s just that when they died, likely they left them to someone else. Will there ever be a time in your life when the telephone and electricity bills won’t have to be paid, or that you won’t have to replenish the food you just ate?

Many of us are addicted to “To Do Lists”. We write down all the things we have to get done and somehow believe accomplishing each item on the list will make our problems go away, and those on the list do! But just as quickly as we take care of one set of problems, have you ever noticed how others seems to pop up?

Being this the case, having problems means one thing. It means we are alive, and this is certainly a great place to start! For now anyway, it certainly seems to beat the alternative. So be glad you have problems, for the day you don’t will likely be the day when you pass yours on to someone else.

In terms of the problems themselves, there is always a solution. We may not like it or may not be willing to implement it, but there is a way to solve any problem we might have. It isn’t necessarily “easy” to solve, but in most cases doing so is a fairly “simple” process. Follow these straightforward steps to find solutions to your problems:

1) Get Busy – Don’t just sit there looking glum thinking about what’s wrong, get busy to find out how to make it right. If a call needs to be made, make it; if a change needs to be implemented, implement it; if you don’t know what needs to be done, find someone who does. Don’t wait for the problem to go away because it rarely does, and the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better.

2) Be Useful – Most things we do in life somehow involve other people. Not many of us can get along for too long without somehow relying on others. For example: if your problem is not having enough money, think of how you can be useful to others in order to generate the cash flow you need. Everybody has a variety of needs. If your need is money, you simply need to find something you can do to fulfill the needs of others and you will be well on your way to solving your money problem.

3) Be Grateful – This seems to be a given, but in so many cases it is not. We are quick to complain about the weather, our aches and pains, or whatever it is we don’t like about our clients and neighbors. It is fairly easy to find things that are “wrong” with our current situation, but when you start going down this path, do an about face, change your direction and begin enumerating all of the things that are “right” with your life. Are you breathing? That’s one. How about your heart, is it beating? There’s another… I think you get the idea. When we begin to look around our immediate surroundings there is generally an incredibly long list of things for which to be grateful.

Take each day one at a time. Rome was not built in a day, and while many problems can be dealt with in a relatively short period of time, others take longer. Don’t lose heart when problems mount up. Take each in turn, doing what can be done today by being busy, useful, and grateful. Doing so can help you solve your problems as simple as 1, 2, 3!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
4 May 2021
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