Lunar Letter / Attitude² – An Exponential Difference

Confidence is one of the most important attributes of people who attain excellence in their professional and personal lives. Applying the formula EPPA² will create more confidence in all areas of our lives. EPPA² is made up of the following elements:

E xperience
P reparation
P erseverance
A ttitude²

Attitude is squared in our formula because it is the most important element. For better and for worse, our attitude is an exponential factor in our confidence. When we have an excellent attitude, we are able to achieve our objectives often times in spite of lacking Experience, Preparation or Perseverance. Numbers greater than one represent positive attitudes (10² is 100). On the other hand, if we have a terrible attitude, it is very difficult to achieve our objectives even if we possess the other three attributes. Numbers less than one represent negative attitudes (0.1² is 0.01). Attitude² works on the upside and the downside!

Let’s take an example of two people who are both trying to get a particular job. Let’s suppose they have both studied at the same university and have the same knowledge. When they go for the interview, chances are the person with a better attitude will be the one to get the job.

As human beings we tend to gravitate towards those who make us feel better. People who make us feel better normally have a better attitude towards us and towards life. Sometimes we like to be with those who are negative, particularly if we are also in a negative frame of mind. Misery loves company. Together a lot of negative people can have a wonderful pity party. Normally speaking, however, we prefer to be in the company of those who have good attitudes.

How can we have a more positive attitude? The question is one we ask ourselves often. Fortunately, we intuitively know the answer. All of us have been positively motivated, and have had a terrific attitude at some time in our lives. It is important that we focus on what works for each us. All of us are different and each of us has different sets of stimuli leading us to a better attitude.

Recently, I conducted a survey and the following ways of improving our attitudes are the result:

  • Thinking moments in our lives where we have been positive and motivated
  • Giving yourself a prize (chocolate for example)
  • Listening to your favorite music
  • Exercising
  • Dancing
  • Painting
  • Reading

Each of us needs to determine and seek out those activities that will give us a better attitude.

It’s very important to understand that our attitudes come from our thoughts. Over 100 years ago William James said:

“A human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.”

There isn’t anyone who forces us to feel good or bad. Our attitude is a result of our perception of our environment and what happens to us. William Shakespeare said:

“There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

An excellent Attitude will make an exponential difference in our lives. It enables us to confidently bounce back from difficult situations and can be instrumental in achieving our professional and personal objectives.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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