Lunar Letter / Clean it, Fix it, or Pitch it

While the phenomenon of “too much stuff” might be a blessing for some, it can be a curse for others. Many of us have a tendency to want to save everything. It is as if our mind says, “Better keep it because we may never get the opportunity to get one just like it.” This way of thinking might be good with regards to our best friend, our mate or for precious stones; though it isn’t the case for everything.

Our environment is a reflection of who we are and while it may be nice to have a lot of “stuff,” it isn’t always desirable.

How many papers do we save for when we have “time” to read them?

How many things which don’t work do we keep so we can fix them “someday”?

The time and the day can be right now. Where you happen to be in this instant may be clean and bright or dirty and dismal. Likely, it is somewhere in between these two extremes.

Right now in this moment, whether it be your workspace, your desk at home, your kitchen, your bedroom or someplace in between, take a moment to look around. Is it exactly how you would like to be? If the answer is yes, then I congratulate you and there is nothing to do. For the rest of us who are merely mortal, there is almost always something that can be improved.

There are many reasons why we may not like where we are. It could be because it lacks something. If this is the case, stop reading right now, get to work and make some money to buy what you want to make it better.

Another alternative is that you like the space though with time it has lost its initial glow. Perhaps it is broken or useless.

To start this new year, we can implement the philosophy of clean it, fix it or pitch it.

If it’s dirty, clean it…

As easy as this sounds, it isn’t one day of dust that causes something to go bad, rather many days of neglect which eventually take its toll. With a little soap and a lot of elbow grease, we can soon have it shining again. While it may not get to the same level of luster it once had, it can certainly look much better.

If it doesn’t work, fix it…

In some cases and, well armed with a trusty screwdriver and wrench, we can fix many things. Sometimes, it is merely a matter of changing a light bulb or a replacing a battery. One thing is for sure, if we don’t do something about getting it fixed, it seldom fixes itself. If we can’t fix it, more than likely someone else can. If it doesn’t make sense to fix it for any one of a variety of very good reasons, it’s useless.

If it’s useless, pitch it…

If we haven’t used something in the past year, more than likely we do not need it to live. If it no longer works for what we bought it for, if it’s too old, out of style or we have another one which is better, it’s preferable to pitch it. While some things can go directly to the trash, others can be given to people who can and will find good use for them.

In our desire to continually improve our surroundings, we often complicate our lives. Things do not have to be so difficult and can actually be quite easy. All we have to do to get started is…

Clean it, fix it or pitch it.

∞ Rob McBride ∞