Lunar Letter / On Top of the World

Each and every day we have a choice. We can climb up to the top of the world and look down, or go down to the dungeon and do the deed. Frequently, our job becomes nothing more than a bore, a chore with which to bide our time until the dawn of another day. We can bathe in fresh dew of a new day or dwell in the drear which seems always near.

It is said, “Our attitude determines our altitude.” While an excellent attitude isn’t, by itself, enough to get what we want in life, it will help us to do everything better than we would do with a terrible attitude. Our current situation is a function of circumstance and decision. Even though our circumstance is often beyond our control, it is our decisions which drive our destiny and direction.

For some, economic activity is a function of direct thought; for others, it is a result of happenstance and fate. Regardless of our situation, we can decide to make the best of the cards we have been dealt. Each day brings forth a new opportunity to discard and draw or hold tight and wait. All too often we let chance determine our course as we hang on for the ride as best we can.

Even if we are currently engaged in an activity which isn’t our burning desire, we can choose to put our best foot forward and charge forth. Taking the first step is usually the most difficult. To gain momentum we must be willing to push beyond our comfort zone and reach beyond our grasp.

When we do more than we are paid to do, we will soon be paid more for what we do. It’s a law of physics. The only way to create new results is to take new action. Making the decision to create wealth, health and happiness here and now is a state of mind. We can decide daily to go down in the dungeon and do the deed or climb up on top of the world, look down and drive toward that which we most desire.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 41