Lunar Letter / To Live Again

Everything has a beginning and everything has an end…

Even though we know this to be true, our world is turned upside down when a loved one passes on and is no longer around.

Why lament the only thing in life which is certain for all?

Why cry for something which is after all, so natural?

We are accustomed to hearing:

“All will be fine.”

“It was his time.”

“Tomorrow is another day.”

“Surely somehow you will find a way.”

Nevertheless, these words of comfort frequently fall short when we have lost someone so special.

What can wake us from what seems to be such a terrible nightmare?

The intentions of those who love and care about us are noble and their words are generally sincere. Notwithstanding, filling the void which we feel inside when we lose someone is not easy.

The religions of the world promise that if we live in a certain manner, we will go to heaven, create good karma, awaken our soul, and perhaps even be reincarnated.

Can this be so?

Does this await us?

I sure hope so!

Yet without doubt, reincarnation is a fact, though not perhaps in the traditional sense of the word. The only thing we need do is close our eyes and in an instant we can bring anybody we have known and lost into our mind. Their manner of speaking, their special smile and even the way they moved. We can bring anyone back in a heartbeat.

Might this be reincarnation?

We lose so much time and often stop living for fear of dying. If we stop and think about it, an important part of life should include sharing and contributing to the well-being of others. The more we positively influence others, the greater our impact on the world.

What can we do when we need support from a loved one who is passed?

Most often we already have the answer. We know what their values and opinions would be. They have been woven into us in many cases from an early age. We can loathe and lament that a loved one has passed or simply know they are constantly there with their advice when we need them.

Though they may not be with us physically to give us support when we need it, each conversation we have had with them and each sweet sensation they have given continues to be an integral part of our being. Their smile, their warmth and their opinions live forever within us.

In life to receive we must first give. It is a universal standard. When we invest our time giving and being useful to others, we will certainly live again within them long after we are gone. Instead of living tentatively waiting for something good to happen, how about if we live all out, giving the best we have to others in every possible moment?

When we live large, we can assure we will live again in so many more people when we are no longer around. Life continues to flow with or without us. Though it isn’t easy to have a loved one go, it is possible to bring them back and hold them deep inside our heart and in our soul regardless of where we happen to go.

∞ Rob McBride ∞