Lunar Letter / Give DAYS to Pain

IMG_20150811_143616We immediately reject the words “Pain” and “Mourning.” Nobody willingly wades through the troubled waters these two small words imply.

Nevertheless, common sense tells us we will likely experience both of these emotions at some time in our lives. The pain we feel for all kinds of things brings with it a sense of “ mourning,” which can be overcome in greater or lesser amounts of time depending on the gravity of the circumstance. In some cases it may be overcome in a matter of seconds or minutes, while in others it may take DAYS, months, or even years.

The idea behind this message isn’t to stay stuck in the troubled waters of pain and suffering, rather to understand the process so we can break the cycle and move on. To get out of the pain and the sadness, I propose we “Give DAYS to Pain.”

IMG_20150811_132720First Cycle: Pain

D epression
A nger
Y earning
S uffering

Have you ever felt a pain inside which doubles you over taking you down?

From there is only a short skip and a hop into the dark cloud of depression. Anger and frustration stop by uninvited and sit to stay, producing toxic and sometimes even violent thoughts as we Yearn to return to some sense of normalcy. Our stress level increases as anxiety envelopes us in her gloomy shawl, obscuring our world in pain and suffering. When we look into the mirror, all we see is but a faded copy of what we once were.

It is important to know this cycle of pain must first be experienced before we can move on to the second part, which enables us to break the chains of pain.

IMG_20150811_145538Second Cycle: Desire and Determination

D esire
A ttitude²
Y es
S urpass

While we don’t choose the pain we are exposed to, we do choose how we handle it to free ourselves from its grasp.

To get out of the eternal questions of: “What should we do?” and “How should we do it?”; we can fan the flames of our inner Desire and change our state of mind.

The key we need to escape our dilemma may be found in our family, our religion, our work or some other kind of project. IMG_20150811_143921As we get involved in what interests us, each time we do, we fan the flame of Desire necessary to break the cycle of pain and continue on our merry way.

With our mind connected again with what drives us, we can once again pursue what we once wanted. A light, previously lost it in the haze of our pain, now shines at the end of the tunnel giving us the initiative we need to liberate ourselves from the pain. We take one step, then another, and then another. With an excellent Attitude²(squared), mixed together with a boatload of confidence, soon we can once again say Yes to life to Surpass the situation with new resolve and renewed energy.

We accept what has happened, learn what we can from it. In time our guiding light begins to burn brighter. What once doubled us over in pain taking us down to the ground, becomes the reason behind our new found vigor to direct our destiny; and it all begins by “Giving DAYS to Pain.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Together We Can Pass the Test

chess-3-1240894Life is like a game and our happiness depends on how we play. If we play it well, we feel good and are happy, but if we play it poorly, certainly we won’t feel so well.

By seeing life as if it were a game, we can look for the “tricks” and strategies that allow us to play it better. This is particularly helpful in our relationships with others.

Let’s take a look at a similar, but different, idea from “Ten to Win” from my good friend and mentor, Joel Weldon. In my version of the game, the best possible score is 20 points and the worst is 0. To “pass” we need at least 10 points and anything under 10 is a “failing” grade for everyone involved. In an encounter between two people, each person can contribute up to 10 points where the full 10 points represents 100% effort and 0 points indicates no effort on their behalf.

As is life, our emotional tides are cyclical. Depending on the day and how we feel, our contribution will vary from one day to another. Some days, we will feel terrific and be able to give much, others we won’t feel so good and any effort is will no doubt be difficult.high_five_sunset

Would you like to “win” in any relationship with others? Welcome to the club! It isn’t always easy but it is quite simple. We need only achieve a minimum of 10 points between the participants.

Let’s take an example of a student and a teacher, though the example holds true for many situations in life, including, but not limited to: salesperson-client, boss-employee, husband-wife, parent-child, or any other situation where more than one person is involved.

Continuing with our first example, if we have an outstanding student, who continually gives between 80 and 90% of their potential; along with a teacher who does the same, we find the two together will usually pass with excellent grades(between 16 and 18 points total).teacher-and-student-1361951-639x435

Occasionally, both student and teacher may have an outstanding day, on the same day, where both bring 100%. Together, they achieve a “perfect” score of 20. These are those rare times I like to call “Magic Moments” where everything seems to go just as planned.

Using the same example, but on the other end of the spectrum; when neither the student or the teacher bring even 50% of their potential. Under these circumstances, they will surely fail every time.

Though there are many different possible scenarios, there is one thing for certain; the more we bring of ourselves, the more chances we have at “winning.”

Why is this important and what can we do with the information?

To improve our chances of “winning” in the game of life, there are various “tricks” and techniques we can use. Let’s look as toms of the most relevant:

  • optimism-1241418-639x497Learn more about what we do
  • Increase our contribution in any encounter with others
  • Obtain and maintain an excellent attitude toward life to keep a positive perspective on the challenges we encounter our our journey
  • Relate with others who tend to give their best effort and learn from their experiences

In any encounter we have, we have two options. We can give our best effort or not. With the first option, we increase our possibility of winning while with the second, we are sure to come up short.

Playing to win implies giving our best effort whenever we relate with others. When we do this with others who do the same, there is no doubt together we can pass the test.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Enjoy the Process

IMG_20150514_145954_640We tend to focus on objectives, like buying a car or getting a promotion.  The journey toward any objective requires completing certain tasks.  Not all are pleasurable and some are downright objectionable, but they are necessary to get where we want to go.  We can see each thing we need to do as an obstacle to be overcome or as a bridge to take us to the other side.

Saving money for a car doesn’t tend to be easy.  While our friends go out partying, instead we stay home to save money.  To get a promotion, we may need to work extra hours or perhaps even weekends.  Some people do not have the discipline required to save money to buy a car or work hard to get a promotion. IMG_20150514_230030_640 Others do have the discipline but curse everything they need to do to achieve it.  Fortunately there is a third group who are willing to do what needs to be done, and enjoy the process.

Reaching the goal line is a great achievement; enjoying the journey a wonderful gift.

Let’s look at another example.  Planning a wedding and doing everything possible so each little detail is perfect on your special day can be stressful and agonizing.  A suitable venue must be chosen, music contracted, flowers chosen, the court prepared, the interminable guest list made, assistance confirmed, mementos selected, beverages purchased, budgets managed; and finally, carefully picking a dress and having the cake decorated.  These things and so many more which need to be done for such a glorious event can take us to our limits in terms of stress.  On the other hand, we can look at it as a tremendous opportunity to share and interact with many people involved the beginning of a new stage of life.


Have you ever noticed that every day we have the opportunity to choose the quantity and quality of our interactions with others?

While we are all different, and some jobs require more contact with people than others, our mood is affected by our interactions with other human beings.  If we treat others we come across as if they were rocks in our road, they will likely perceive our energy and react negatively.  IMG-20150511-WA0004On the contrary, if we smile, look them in the eye and ask for what we need with love and sympathy, they typically respond with good cheer along the way.

It is common for two people to work in the same company, with similar responsibilities and pay, and yet have completely different outlooks on life.  One is discontent with everything that happens and the other content with all that occurs, taking all as an opportunity to build and be better

Ideal “jobs” do NOT make people exceptional; rather ideal “people” make jobs extraordinary.  In the end, happiness does not depend on what we do, but how we do it.  Life is a wonderful journey leading to the same ultimate destiny.  Enjoying each step in the process makes us infinitely happier day after day along the way.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Being Happy in an Unhappy World

Protect seedlingThough we all have a seed of happiness inside, many of us forget to nourish it and cultivate it along the way.  We have been educated to believe happiness comes from having a stable economic situation, a good salary, a nice house in a particular area and so many other things.  While these things can certainly distract us, and allow us to live more comfortably, happiness is not something which can be bought or sold at the corner store, neither does it come by living in a specific place.  It isn’t possible to “find” happiness, much less chase after it.

“There is no happiness in having or in getting, only in giving..”  – Og Mandino.

We are tamed and trained by society, and a constant avalanche of marketing, to believe if we don’t have the latest, greatest telephone; a particular brand of clothes, or any other possession, that we can’t be happy. IMG_20150424_075358_640 The billboards scattered along the highway of life show attractive, beautiful models with great big smiles.  The message is if we dress, eat and drink as they do, we will be happy.

The question is:

Do we really need a particular brand of clothes, food or drink to be happy?

Of course, the answer is a resounding NO!1326249_68432679_sm

While the economy depends on the purchase and sale of many different items, and it is important for companies to sell their products, what are the subliminal messages permeating our minds?

It’s vital we as a society evaluate the effect of these messages over the long-term.

Having money is good and desirable, not dirty and deplorable.  Money and its equivalents allow us to buy things both useful and necessary; clothes which protect us, food which nourishes us, and too those things which are unnecessary but pleasurable also pleasurable.  While these things are nice to have, we do NOT need them to be happy.

There are people in the world who are very happy even though they have never used brand name clothes, eaten an exquisite meal or tried a particular brand of soft drink.  Yet many are convinced they cannot be happy if the lack certain items.happy-man-692795_640

What if we were left on a deserted, distant isle?

Would we survive?

How would our paradigm change in terms of what is we need to be happy?

524470_14542549_640For many years, life on the planet went along swimmingly with no televisions, computers or telephones, all of which have been introduced in the last century.
Nevertheless, these days we find some who believe having a “stupid” phone, which only receives and makes calls, is a cause for being unhappy.

We have become a “disposable” society where things and people, instead of being fixed, are abandoned and cast aside..  The great irony is that many look for happiness by trying to achieve, buy, and do more where frequently they generate more stress than happiness.

Seeds of SuccessIn this world, where unhappiness for not having certain things abounds, the only thing we need to do to be happy is to increase the quality and quantity of what we give.  As long as we focus on bettering the lot of others by giving them our friendship, our time and a good example; we can experience happiness from the top of our head to the tips of our toes.  When we give our very best effort, we receive the greatest gift of all, which comes from having given.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / It’s not the Place, it’s the Person

woman-591576_640In the short time I have had the privilege of wandering the hallways of life; I have discovered it isn’t the place, but the person which is most important.  What I mean to say is, we tend to believe it is the “place or circumstance” which brings happiness; but I have discovered it isn’t where we happen to be, but the “person” we are which causes us to be happy or sad.

I have met people who:

  • occupy the highest positions of organizations, make tons of money, and live in the most spectacular places in the world who are prisoners of their own rigidity.
  • live in the most humble of circumstance who vibrate with gratitude for each of life’s gifts they have been given.
  • earn a lot of money, do a worthy job and live in marvelous places who are able to balance everything and be very happy.
  • subsist by the grace of God in the worst of circumstance who awake every morning and curse each day of their existence.

Money cannot buy happiness but it can delightfully distract us in the process.  Genuine-SmileNevertheless, I insist, it is not the place or the money, but the person who is most important in finding happiness.

I live in a country where one of the most common questions people ask is, “When are you going to leave the country and where are you going?”  While I don’t blame those who want to leave for better opportunities, more personal security, or for any other reason; it is important to realize we will continue to be the same person wherever AK432F176E_F568_40CA_9BC5_726E25FDD069we go.  While we can leave a place which does not suit us, we cannot hide from our own internal struggles which hold us back.

“Life is a looking glass and gives back to me the reflection of my own soul.”  – Og Mandino

It’s easy to run and hide from society, from our friends and even from our own family; more difficult is to hide from ourselves.  The victory tends to go to those who take the road less traveled, those who face challenge and overcome difficult circumstance forge themselves into the leaders of today and tomorrow.

For some, the definition of success includes working a lifetime, moving up the corporate ladder in a constant struggle to make more money, taking on more responsibility, living in bigger houses, and driving more luxurious automobiles.  Lives are spent working and contributing to savings plans to retire at 65 to begin enjoying life, good health permitting.

For others, the emphasis is on enjoying each moment and each instant in the journey of life.  donkey-448996_640They fight valiantly and give themselves to a worthy cause.  In many societies, there are no retirement accounts or social programs to take care of the elderly.  Instead, children take care of their parents when age prohibits the parents from taking care of themselves, and the cycle of life comes full circle.  Different strokes for different folks.

We tend to see the world in black and white, losing sight of so many different shades of gray.  We can live well anywhere we are.  We can release the chains of limiting belief which imprison us into thinking money or a specific place to live will make us happy.  As an alternative, we can simply be happy as we are and where we are.

One of my favorite definitions of success is as follows:

bald-eagle-521492_640Success is doing what you want, where you want, with who you want and when you want to do it.

Success isn’t determined by an amount of money, material possessions, or a particular position in life; rather by who we are and what we represent.  We can be the change we want to see in the world by doing what inspires us to fly with the eagles rather than being bound in so many shackles.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Why, What, Who, Where, How, Which, When

question-mark-460869_640In our constant struggle for a better tomorrow, we frequently focus on looking for the best answers, when in reality it is the questions we ask which are most important.

Why, What, Who, Where, How, Which, and When are the only words we need to direct us to what we most desire.

Let’s look at a few examples to see how we can best use these questions:

WHY are you in this world?hands-460872_640

WHAT is it you most want to do?

WHO can help you to achieve it?

WHERE can you find what you want?

HOW will you overcome difficulty?

WHICH are your alternatives?

WHEN will you start?

Yogi BerraYogi Berra says, “If we don’t know where we are going, we will end up someplace else.”  So as not to get “someplace else,” we need to be clear on where we are headed.  When we ask better questions, we get better results.

Let’s look at another example related to customer service:

WHY should you give better customer service?

WHAT can you do to give better customer service?

WHO do you know who give the service you would like to give?

person-621045_640WHERE can you learn how to give optimum customer service?

HOW will you give better customer service?

WHAT will your strategy be?

WHEN will you start?

For our personal and professional lives, we can get better answers with better questions.  When we begin thinking we know it all, it is the beginning of the end.

How are your interpersonal relations?

Like it or not, our lives are made up of relationships with other people.  Let’s suppose you have a small problem with someone as a result of a misunderstanding, one of those which are common in our daily lives.  Let’s cast our magic words upon the situation to see if we can conjure up a solution.

WHY are you bothered?question-mark-457455_640

WHAT caused the the misunderstanding?

WHO can help you resolve the situation?

WHERE can you find the answer?

HOW will you resolve it?

WHICH action will you take?

When will you start?

As you can see, I have closed each of the sequences with the same question.  After having answered the most important questions in our lives and having a clearer vision of our direction, we need to get up and go to make it happen.  Dreams are woven in thought and crystallized in action.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / The Light at the End of the Tunnel

the-sun-470317_640Life is a journey made up of each of the steps we take.  Each stretch has its time and each space has its moment.  As human beings, it is common to want to free ourselves from the stones and the obstacles which litter our path.  Nevertheless, not having these troubles can lead to a stale existence lacking essence.

On our journey, there will be times when we go through gardens filled with magnificent colors and wonderful smells; others will take us into pitch black darkness erasing any existence of dignity.  When we are in the middle of a deep dark tunnel, we look for a light which will show us the way to escape the toxicity of our own thoughts enabling us to face another day.tunnel-353597_640

Even in the light of day, it is possible to be surrounded by gloom where dismal thoughts torment our being and extinguish our own inner light.  When we are in the midst of a shadowy darkness, we seek the answer to the question which hangs constantly in the air:

What can we do?

Do the following exercise:

Think of an event in your past which tormented at the time but is now somehow resolved.  Let go of today and all it implies with your current worries and preoccupations, and fly away to that other place in time when perhaps you felt the best solution might be to end it all and leave this world with a one-way ticket out.IMG_20150107_102821

Have you ever felt this way?

It is something most of us have felt at some time or another.  The truth of the matter is that he who has not felt the profound desolation of desperation will find it almost impossible to appreciate the serenity of tranquility.

Continuing with the exercise, relive the experience and recall what you felt at the time.  Now consider the following:

If everything turned out satisfactorily, you were able to see the light which you longed for at the end of the tunnel.  If not, and even if it wasn’t the result you wanted, you still found a different light at the end of the road.  Perhaps it was not the light you wanted or expected and quite possibly you found a different light leading you to another tunnel and taking you in a different direction.

On our journey, we find light which opens doors to marvelous places with bright brilliant colors, and also other roads which are dark and dangerous.  The variety and color of lights which guide us is infinite.  On us it depends if we will follow a light leading us to light love-580248_640understanding and happiness, or if we will follow a mere reflection taking us hopelessly toward a life fraught with tension and strife.

In either case, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even when it isn’t the one we imagined.  One such light can be seen each morning on the eastern horizon as the light which has remained constant since our very first day of existence makes its daily appearance on its non-stop trek.  It is a privilege to be able to appreciate the bright light of the sun which rises daily giving us the energy we need to escape from the deepest and darkest of tunnels and arrive at a destiny filled with beauty and splendor.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / With Love

heart-66470_640With love, life is much better. In our constant struggle to achieve more and get farther, we often forget life does not need to be so difficult, and on the contrary, can be quite easy. There is a key we can all use to open the door to what we most desire.
The key is love because with it, we can face fears and erase hate. When we begin to wrap everything we do in love, life begins to fit like a well-worn glove.

“I will live this day as if it were Christmas. I will be a giver of gifts and deliver to my enemies the gift of forgiveness; my opponents, tolerance; my friends, a smile; my children, a good example, and every gift will be wrapped with unconditional love.”

~ Og Mandinomoney-549161_640

So much wisdom in so few words; we reap what we sow and when we sow love in the hearts of others, they become our brothers and sisters. We frequently think of love as being something we share with our lover, family or friends. Nevertheless, there are many many kinds of love we can share in so many simple subtle ways, such as perpetuating random acts of kindness, as well as being generous and selfless in our dealings with others.

Let’s look at a practical example:

Two friends who have known each other their entire lives decide to study the same career. By chance, or more likely by circumstance, they begin working for the same organization, in the same position and with the same salary. After many years, one becomes more confident in his abilities and more apt in his capabilities, ultimately rising to lead the organization. His friend stays stuck in the mud; bitter and rebellious, stubbornly remaining in a similar position to when they first started.

What is the difference between the two?


Of course, and as we have all learned, the attitude of each is fundamental in their professional and personal development, but there is likely an additional ingredient which has created such a wide difference in the lives of our two heroes. Likely, the one who rose to the top did things willingly and with love, while the other did things which were obligatory and a part of his job.

What can we do to be more effective?

To achieve what others believe is some strange kind of mystery, we can add a healthy dose of love to all we do:silhoutte-74565_640

  • When something needs cleaning, how about cleaning it? We can do so not because it is part of our job description, but rather as a pure act of good intention.
  • When we see someone who needs help with something, how about helping them? Doing something for someone with no anticipation of remuneration takes us to a higher station.
  • When we have a client who isn’t satisfied for whatever reason, how about finding a solution? So often these days all we ever receive is negativity and mass confusion.

Love is all powerful, and with it our relationships with clients, colleagues, neighbors and family are enhanced with each drop of love we distill. When we begin to listen to others with love in our heart, and wrap our feelings and actions in love, we find the magic of life’s opportunity opens before us to lead us to our own private eternity.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

*  I dedicate this Lunar Letter to my beautiful daughter Chantalle and to her new husband Mario… I wish you both a lifetime of love…

Lunar Letter / My Message for You…


Thanks for joining me…20141107_102305-1 (1)

I have an important message for you.

“Are you talking to me?” you may ask.

Yes, I confirm to you, it is with you I want to talk.

For many years, I have written for many reasons. I have written to make money and to try to gain fame; I have written many times for pleasure and others when I was under quite a lot of pressure. But now, in this instant when you and I are closely connected by this means through time and distance, I realize these words have a much more important reason, and that reason is…


“Me?” you ask again.

And once again I respond, of course, it’s with you whom I am talking!

This is not for your neighbor or someone around the corner. These words you see here upon this page are for you because:

It is with you I want to speak!


I now know at the other end of each message I share, there is something much more important than money or fame, and the special “something” is you. If it were not for you reading me, what I do would not be nearly as important.

If you have gotten to this point in this message, you surely realize this message is, in fact, for you. Since you are still with me, I have a challenge for you, which while it won’t be easy, if you decide to undertake it, will change your life for the better, and forever.

“Forever?” you may ask. “It sounds expensive!”couple-405746_640To your query, I respond, yes it can be for forever, and as for the cost, the investment I suggest, for what I propose, is perhaps the most valuable of all, because your investment will be in time and not in money. You see, I will not ask you for a single bolivar, dollar, or euro for my plan. If you agree to take my challenge, you only need let me know, and by 1424440_93772258_1024this same means, I will give you the key to continue with the next step in the road of what I propose.

Are you prepared to invest your most valuable asset in yourself?

Perhaps you are reading me for the first time, or maybe you have always read me. It’s also possible you once read me, and are just now coming back to me. Whatever might be your case, I confess, I am so happy to have you here with me.

If you are up to my challenge, I will share something which you will always remember and which can make a profound positive difference in your life. While what I have in mind will not eliminate your inconvenience or your trouble, it will give you a much better way to deal with life’s happenstance, and in the process, help you deal with any circumstance…



So, what do you say?

Are you with me?

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Rounding Off the Rough Edges

Time either rounds off the rough edges or makes them sharper…


A new born is like a block of clay when it comes into the world. Some are big, others are small; some are dark, others are light; some are more delicate, others more durable.  The environment, along with their parents, friends and teachers begin the important job of sculpting it, and in time, converting it into a work of art.


At first, the clay is soft and malleable.  After, it is molded and then exposed to the environment which hardens it and determines its shape.  In the same way, our morals, character and principles are formed as a result of what we have lived, giving way to our own work of art.

Each thing which happens in the minutes, hours and days of our lives are chisel marks which give form to our sculpture.  Depending on the attitude we assume with each situation, we will round off the rough edges or make them sharper.


Let’s take the example of two brothers.  Both are raised in the same place, with the same parents and under the same circumstances.  By nature each is different and has his own character.  While their experiences of life may be very similar, each forms his own work of art depending on his perspective.

One of them confronts challenge with gusto, while the other stays sleeping when faced with difficulty.  One looks for an opportunity in each situation, while the other finds a problem in each opportunity.  One receives advice with gratitude, while the other instead gets mad.  One rises and rallies, while the other stays down and frowns.

What is the difference between these two people?

The difference isn’t economic, nor is it sociological.  For some people difficulty serves to round off the rough edges, while for others it just makes them worse.  This is the reason why we find some older people who are like precious gems, well polished by the challenges of life.  Though things may bother them, they don’t let it take away their inner peace.  Nevertheless, there are other people the same age, with similar problems who appear to be sharp edged stones which will cut or scratch us if we dare come too close.


Life is full of circumstances, which in the end, are very similar for all of us.  We will experiment the ecstasy of victory, and too, the agony of defeat.  We will feel the sweet sensation of being in love and too the bitter feeling of deception.  Nevertheless, our work of art will depend on how we take each of these circumstances.  We can let adversity flow softly over our soul rounding off the rough edges or reject it with rage and make them sharper.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Natural Law

10699282_10203892074637339_266527430_nWhile the laws of man may be bent and broken, natural law is God’s own special token.

Man in his infinite wisdom has created a series of laws which, while perhaps necessary, are not natural laws.  Natural laws do not yield, nor do they change, at the same time man’s laws are in constant revision.  From the beginning of time in when men came together to live in societies, laws have existed to maintain some type of social order.  In the same way, natural laws also promote order in a world which frequently seems to have none.

Every species has nature’s law ingrained within its blueprint to fight for survival.  Faced with any adversity, there is something in our being which activates to overcome any calamity.  This is natural law.

Both man’s and nature’s laws have their own interpretation of life and death.  The natural instinct to continue living is so strong, apparently it is impossible for a person to strangle them self to death, because their body will reject the intent and not allow them to do it.  Obviously there are many ways to achieve the same objective, and men have no doubt discovered most.  Nevertheless, we can also ask ourselves if this also obeys the ultimate natural law which reminds us that one day we will all face our own last bell.

While we might consider natural laws to be unfair, they are the most impartial because 10695255_10203892104478085_39250197_nthey are non-revocable and non-negotiable.  When we let an object drop, gravity will automatically bring it down to the ground.  While we may modify its drop, the tendency will be to always fall.  When we stop interfering with its descent, nature’s law of gravity will continue steadfast to its resolve.

In our continual search to establish order in our societies, we frequently forget about natural law which flow so easily…

Those who flow as life flows know
They need no other force
They feel no wear, they feel no tear
They need no mending, no repair.

~ Tao Te Ching

Life does not have to be so difficult and, in its essence is really quite simple.  We often over complicate our lives trying to obey laws which are made by men and women in suits who play in glass houses; by men in collars and nuns in habits; and too by those who wear so many different types of ornaments.  The tragedy is of course, when we are unable to obey each and every one of these rules imposed by others.  In these times we can feel as if we are lost in an endless and somewhat meaningless maze.

10704999_10203892104838094_1426473098_nAt the end of the day, the curtain goes down, we get back home and eventually get ready for bed.  Let it be natural law and not man’s laws which lead us magically into a deep wonderful sleep and ultimately shows us the best road to take.  Deep inside we know what is correct and incorrect; we know between what is right and wrong.  To achieve what we desire, we need simply obey those laws which are established by a divine power which perhaps goes so much farther than any of us can possibly imagine.

When we sow seeds of hope, service and support, we begin to follow perhaps the greatest of all natural laws; The Law of Cause and Effect.  What we do today determines how and where we will be tomorrow.  If we want more, we need only give more because in terms of life’s great laws, perhaps there is none greater.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / I Now Realize

boomerang-151561_640I now realize I get out of life exactly what I put into it.  Life is a boomerang and will return to me exactly what I give it.  If I want to get more, I need only give more.

I now realize things are not always as I wish they would be, nor are they always as they seem.  Some things which used to seem right, now seem so wrong; and some things which used to seem wrong, now seem so right.

heart-102697_640 (1)I now realize people are bundles of emotions and are moved more by what they feel than by what makes sense.  When we appeal to people’s hearts as well as their minds, we are soon stepping together, I find.

I now realize there are certain things which are non-negotiable and can never ever be changed.  My word is my honor and there is nothing more important than keeping my word to others and to myself.

I now realize life does not need to be so difficult, and we tend to make it much more complicated than it is.  Making a living requires no particular skill, but making a life truly worth living is a work of art in progress.head-197345_640

I now realize what I thought once might be, can now never be, though other wonderful things have happened to me.  While some visions slip by the wayside, I realize right now I have this moment, so time is on my side.

I now realize there is nothing I can do to take back something said.  Sometimes the best we can do is to take our hat in our hand, humbly reach out to he or she we have harmed and simply say, “I will do better next time, shall we try again?”

I now realize it is better to be a mediocre original than a perfect copy.  While we are often taught to fit in and be part of the crowd, I have found there is excitement in individuality and boredom in mediocrity.

I now realize if the world is not as I want it to be, perhaps there is something wrong with me.  The world is perfect in its own imperfect perfection and if there is something to be fixed, then likely it’s me.

I now realize that while we may know many people, if we have one or two true friends, we are truly fortunate.  Many will come and go; some will stay with us and grow.  As for me, I’ll take those who stick around and go with the flow.

I now realize no matter how much I know, there is always something else to know.  Whatever my small part in this wonderful world may be, I realize it is up to me to see and experience all I can possibly be.

I now realize there is nothing in life I should really fear.  Nothing can happen to me that does not have some kind of solution, though granted, the solution is not always near.

I now realize, the best I can do is the best I can do.

I now realize, I am simply am who I am.

Doing the best I can.

Rob's Sig LL

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / The Wind of Adversity

plant-242574_640Adversity drives the process of natural selection while creating more life and prosperity.  In nature, the wind of adversity has its own special reason.  It serves to clean the air and to spread the seeds from millions of trees and plants all over the world. The essential role the wind plays in the reproductive process is perfect in its own imperfection.

On the wings of the wind, seeds are spread to faraway places where they will find their new home and begin the germination process.  They begin to take root in the soil as their leaves open to find the sun.  When the wind returns with force and determination, the new seedlings are tested as they cling precariously to their perch.  It’s a fight of life and death where the weakest are uprooted and tossed aside, while the strongest dig deeper to defend their territory.

dryas-octopetala-207759_640The wind of adversity plays a similar role in our lives.  If it weren’t for the trials and tribulations which mark our path, progress would be very limited.  Obstacles in our path strengthen our resolve and develop our creativity.  Inclement weather causes us to make clothes, predators lead us to make weapons and geographical limitations have caused us to develop modes of transportation.

Those who never face the strong wind of adversity are those who eat, breathe and reproduce without ever really experiencing the true pleasure of living.  Those who overcome challenge develop a particular instinct not just to survive but to thrive in any circumstance. The schwalbe-67730_640difference between one person and another isn’t in what can be seen in their physical being, rather in what they have experienced.  Success does not belong to the one who has been given a lot and lost a little, rather to the one who has been given a little and attained a lot.

Those who fight valiantly for success know they are capable of losing everything and coming back, while those who begin with a lot and lose a little find it difficult to bounce back from adversity. Life does not consist in having a good hand and protecting it, rather in taking the hand we’ve been given and playing it to the best of our ability.  The wind of adversity isn’t an impediment to progress, rather a force which allows us to face the storm, spread our wings and soar on the wings of success.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Not Everything is as it Seems

BrazucaNot everything is as it seems and not everything seems as it is…

Let’s look at the example of any famous player now playing in the World Cup of Soccer. We see his incredible ability to dominate and control the ball by making precise passes as they advance and, of course, scoring spectacular goals which cause the crowd to go wild. think

But, do we know:

Where he comes from?

Who helped him along the way?

How he acquired the great ability which now seems to come so easily?

Life isn’t a picture with no history, rather part of a process which creates our own story over time.  The history of a superstar, who now earns so much money and has worldwide fame, can be one of many different tales.

Rags to RichesPerhaps his is the story of a boy born in a poor neighborhood who played with a ball made from rags.  Maybe he didn’t have much raw talent but with tenacity and perseverance was able to get good enough to become known, and fortunate enough to play with a local team where he then showcased his talent creating greater opportunity.

Or, perhaps his is the story of someone who did have great innate ability but who instead found someone along the way who recognized his talent and then proceeded to help him refine and define it.  Though his path to stardom may have been more direct, it is no less dramatic due perhaps to his own tremendous expectations, as well as those of others to achieve success.


Each may be at the height of his career and ready for more, or perhaps, on his last legs unable to give anymore.  Regardless of each situation, it is difficult to know the road traveled by each to play in the World Cup.  We can only imagine the tears which have been shed in valiant effort and the happiness which has been born through each of his life experiences which have led him to where he is now.

We should not praise, honor, judge or criticize anybody solely for where they are right now.  We all have a story to tell and a history which has been written.  We never know the rivers someone has had to cross or the battles they have had to fight to attain the little or much they have right now.

There are many similar roads to be taken though more important than the one we take is the attitude with which we take it.  While there are certainly circumstances which go beyond our grasp, ultimately we are the ones who decide what to do with each incident.


We can regret our lousy luck and perish in our own pity party or rise and rally and continue to fight with all our might for what we believe is right.  Let’s avoid painting a picture full of terror and strife, but instead strive to make one bursting with color and life.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Renewal

questionsEverything has its time and, there is a time for everything…

As each season has its phase, so also do we have our epochs, one of the most important of which is renewal.

During the winter, the plant and animal kingdoms slow in pace allowing them to endure the cold winter.  A change in metabolism and activity is necessary to survive the inclement weather.

Our own cycles also require different amounts of effort depending on circumstance.  When we go through a difficult situation, it is normal to pass through a period of grief which allows us to renew our strength and continue forward.

DarknessIf we were purely logical creatures without an ounce of emotion, perhaps our recovery and renewal period would not be necessary, but the truth is we are emotional beings trapped in a logical body.

Being always motivated and energized regardless of the situation seems to be a worthy ideal.  Nevertheless, our emotions are the result of innumerable experiences which form an integral part of who we are.  To imagine we can control our emotions 100% of the time is a sure road to frustration.  At best we can direct our emotions to get more rapidly to renewal.

Our brain tells us:

Think and make it Happen - Augusto CuryDon’t worry, everything is fine!

Just forget about it and move ahead!

Nevertheless, after the loss of someone close or even a job, it isn’t so easy to simply bounce back and continue on.

We should invest time in our renewal to be able to rise and rally despite life’s difficulties.  To achieve this and to help take control of our thoughts and direct our emotions, we can use these three words which Augusto Cury offers in his excellent book Change Your Life.



  • What we believe to be true
  • What keeps us awake or perturbs us
  • What drives us and why we do what we do


  • Negative thoughts
  • Anything which denigrates us
  • Norms which we do not agree with


  • Where we want to go
  • Our attitude toward life
  • How we are going to live

Those who achieve great things in life are not those who live without emotion, rather, those who are able renew themselves doing what they most desire.  Doubt is the foundation of knowledge, criticism the initiation of improvement and determination the beginning of a better way of living.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Another Dimension

Normally we think of time as being lineal, but…

What if in fact, time is three dimensional?

Full Lunar Eclipse

When you can, right now if possible, close your eyes and think of someone specific.

How long did it take for them to come to your mind?

We can bring a person to the present in an instant, be they dead or alive, in the next room or on the other side of the world.51505_2799

Let’s look at another example.  With that same person in mind, imagine a time you were with them at an important moment or event.

How long did it take for you to perceive not only the place but also colors, smells and ambiance?

The process occurs in milliseconds.

Now, think about the following:

What happens when we are no longer alive?   Does everything in time simply stop, or does it continue?   And what about us, do we continue or do we cease?

While there are many thoughts and theories as to what will happen and, we will no doubt find out in good time which one is true.  In the meantime, what happens with relation to time when we are no longer here?

There is one thing for sure, in the same way we come into the world with nothing, so also shall we leave with nothing but, then what?  That is the question.

1398762_12237865I propose that when we are no longer here physically, we can still be present.  Think for a moment of another loved one.  This time, think of one who is no longer here physically.

How long did it take for them to come to mind?

The barriers of time are hurdled in an instant.  Memories of our mother’s smile, our father’s advice, the laugh of a special aunt and so many other recollections are brought instantly to mind.

Our mind is a marvelous machine capable of overcoming any situation we can imagine.  Time converts from two to three dimensions when our mind brings past experiences to this moment.

Many worry about what happens when we finish this marvelous journey we call life and pass to another reality yet unknown.  Nevertheless, we can create our own eternity in this moment, sculpting moments which can be remembered through the annals of time by our loved ones and, perhaps others as well.

How can we make sure we enter into the third dimension of time?

How about by taking the time to:495427_84611774

  • Read with our kids
  • Pay attention to our spouse
  • Advise someone who is new on the job
  • Realize that everyone is in their own special world
  • Call loved ones, family and friends just to say, “Hey how are you doing?”
  • Know that though we may be only one more in the world, to someone we are their world

No one has all of the answers in life but we can give our best effort day in and day out to assure our existence persists into eternity and becomes three dimensional.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

By the way…

Hey, how are you doing? : )

Lunar Letter / 2024 – Carnival in Caracas

It’s the year 2024…


Juan and Maria walk on a path which winds alongside the Guaire River in Caracas, Venezuela on a beautiful afternoon during Carnival.  Their daughter is dressed like a princess and their son as Superman.  While the couple sits on a bench, they watch their kids running around excitedly playing with water balloons.  In the crystal clear waters of the river, fish are abundant and the visitors buy food to feed them.  The dedication by the staff to keep this beautiful natural park in impeccable condition is evident.

The couple thinks back to just ten years ago, when this walk in the park was impossible for many reasons, among them:

  • The water in the river was not only cloudy but also toxic
  • Neither the culture, nor the infrastructure for tourism existed
  • People wouldn’t walk out in public parks with their children for fear of being robbed or kidnapped
  • The socio-economic situation in the country was a time bomb about to explode as
    579436_30379440_1024two opposing groups struggled passionately for power

As if heaven-sent, students from BOTH SIDES drove change to make Juan and Maria’s walk in the park with their children possible.  The area between Las Mercedes and the river has been completely recuperated and restored to its pristine beauty.  It is now home to restaurants renowned worldwide for the culinary expertise of their chefs.  The parks lining the river are nothing short of spectacular.  The area is now compared to La Recoleta in Buenos Aires and The Champs-Elysées in Paris.

It was the younger generation in Venezuela who raised the flag of UNITY.  They determined that most important was not from which political party you came, rather finding a solution to their problem.  They found the recipe to live in harmony giving spark to a new era of progress in Venezuela.  It was the first step of many which has converted Venezuela into one of the hottest vacation spots in the world in just one decade.

Some of the changes they implemented to attain incredible prosperity over the past ten years were the following:

  • Distribution of the profits from oil in three equal parts
    1/3 for education
    1/3 for tourism infrastructure
    1/3 for every Venezuelan citizen
  • Lifting all price and currency exchange controls
  • Restructuring of the police, national guard and military
  • A campaign for unity where the central theme was: TOGETHER WE CAN ACHIEVE ALL WE BELIEVE POSSIBLE

The first year, when they lifted price and exchange controls, was particularly difficult.  The challenge was great but the people in Venezuela were greater.  With incredible
Venezuelan boyspirit and determination, together they were able to overcome the difficulties which had inhibited progress.  Implementation of these strategies now allow Venezuela to boast one of the lowest homicide rates, a high degree of personal and jurisdictional security, along with one of the best standards of living worldwide.

Despite an initial shock to the system, thanks to the student movement in February of 2014, they succeeded in UNITING all sectors to find a solution.  Together they built a progressive country where each citizen has the same rights to prosperity and well-being.  Now Venezuelans worldwide are proud have been born in this paradise which is…


∞ Rob McBride ∞



Lunar Letter / Think and Create

1358288_94421429_800As time goes on we realize no matter how much we know, there is always something else we can learn.  There is no limit to the amount of knowledge we can acquire.  Surely if there was some way to know everything there was to know about a certain topic today, no doubt by tomorrow there would something new to learn.  The dynamic nature of thought and knowledge goes far beyond what we can possibly imagine.

Suppose we are in the middle of the forest on a dark night.  We light a fire for light and warmth.  The area which is illuminated by the fire represents what we know.  It is what is close at hand.  What lies beyond is dark, unknown.  It is exactly in this 1412829_57092747_640area, which lies beyond what we can see and perceive, where we can find the answers to the most important questions of life.  This is why it is fundamental to shine a light into the darkness.

Our school system teaches us to memorize facts and figures, enabling us to give light only to a limited area.  To penetrate the darkness with a ray of shining light we need to learn how to think and create.  We live in an era where we can access a vast storehouse of information in seconds with a single click.  Nevertheless, this can limit the construction of thought and the development of our creative potential.

Regardless of how much we may know about a particular subject, it is important to challenge ourselves to think about the following:

What can we learn?
What do we want to achieve?
Why do we do things in a certain way?
Who can teach us to achieve our objectives?
Where can we find these people to help us?
How can we improve what we do?
When should we start?


In the midst of darkness and uncertainty we come into the world.  Similarly, knowledge also comes from the shadows and holds extraordinary possibility.  When we begin to think and create different ways of doing even the most routine things, we bring light to what was previously an impenetrable darkness.  Our creative potential knows no limits.  There will always be something else to know and discover.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Make Possible the Impossible

The chronicles of time confirm we can make possible the impossible…


Man has been romping around on earth in some way, shape, or form for some 6 to 8 million years.  In the last 200 years we have achieved things which were once “im”possible such as railways, automobiles and airplanes.  It is now possible for two or more people anywhere in the world to communicate in real time.  We have reached the moon and then some exploring the greatness of space and our universe.  During practically the whole time we have inhabited the planet, simple things such as having a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper were “im”possible.

There is no doubt we can make possible the impossible, but…

How can we do it?

Enthusiasm, drive and tenacity tend to be the difference between dreams which remain so and a burning desire which becomes reality.  Let’s look at these incisive words which confirm the importance of perseverance.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, Theodore-Teddy-Roosevelt 640or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt

The impossible becomes possible through effort and tenacity; not through apathy and laziness.  Those who live the life others only dream of are those who are audacious in thought and action.  They are those who know what they want and go get it.

What is your “im”possible?

What do you most want and desire in your life?

It could be:

A better marital or romantic relationship
Moving to another city or country
A new position or company
Your own house
A car

We all want something and surely there is someone on the planet who has what we want.  Many have overcome worse circumstances and have suffered greater difficulties than ours.  Nevertheless, they have achieved what was “im”possible and now have what it is we have always wanted to have or wanted to be.


It’s time to push excuses aside and to finally take control of our destiny.  The road to live a better life is not somewhere out there rather deep inside our own soul.  Starting today we can look to the horizon of our own “im”possibility and with our boots strapped on, our hands firmly on the reigns and with a bright burning fire which lights our inner desire begin to make possible the impossible.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / A Question of Decision

1238327_79257252Life is a question of decision and each decision we make directs our destiny.

Frequently we think our destiny is predetermined and we have no options.  We believe we are like a ship on the high seas with no motor, sail or rudder.  The truth is we have always had a motor, sail and rudder.  Whether we use them or not is an entirely different story.  While it is true we cannot control the wind, we can utilize what we have at hand to take control of our direction.

Let’s look at three everyday examples about our options and how our decisions affect and/or determine our direction.

1) Coffee

1163694_23709111_640Many enjoy having a nice cup of coffee in the morning.  At the same time most people, if not all, also like to have white teeth.

Nevertheless, have you seen how coffee stains things?

If coffee stains a cup of coffee, can you imagine what it does to our teeth?

So armed with this knowledge we can make a decision; if we don’t want to stain our teeth with coffee, we can choose not to drink it…

I know what you may be thinking, “I prefer to drink my coffee!”

If this is the case, we can brush our teeth well each time we drink coffee or pay later for a special treatment to whiten our teeth if it is important to us.  Life is a decision, we can choose to drink coffee and then do something to whiten our teeth or, simply not drink coffee.

2) Happiness

592606_71381614Though it may sound somewhat like looking into a crystal ball, we can “predict the future” with the decisions we make.  My friend Francisco Novoa is fond of saying, “You can be right or you can be happy but you can’t always be both.”

By making a decision that, “We must always be right,” more than likely we are setting ourselves up for times when we will not be happy because someone else will also want to be right and have a different way of thinking.  As an alternative, we can instead simply make the following decision:

“It is not always necessary for me to be right; instead I choose to be happy.”

3) Punctuality

673292_85794988_640In our professional lives we can also “predict the future” with what we do.  The great majority of people choose to be “On Time” for their meetings and other important obligations.  If we know it takes 45 minutes to get to work with no obstacles or other inconveniences and if we leave 45 minutes ahead of the stipulated time, we will be “On Time” if nothing goes wrong.  But, if anything out of the ordinary happens, we will surely arrive late.

Wouldn’t it be better to decide to take measures to arrive 15 to 20 minutes ahead of time for our appointments and other important obligations, including work?

If there are no inconveniences, we can take advantage of the time we have by arriving early by reading, preparing for whatever it is we will be doing, or by just relaxing and playing over in our mind a video of the results we desire.  If, on the other hand, there is some kind of inconvenience, we have a margin of error which will still allow us to get on time if the obstacle is not too great.

As an added benefit, those who arrive early tend to be those who are more productive, better compensated, more respected and more successful in any organization.  They are better prepared for what may come and better manage trouble along the way.

Is it necessary to be on time to be successful?

1133804_47640439_640In the literal sense, it is not, though it is highly recommendable.  Those who consistently arrive late will have to work two or three times harder to achieve the same success as someone who habitually arrives on time.

Life doesn’t have to be so complicated and, in its essence, is really quite simple.  By making smart decisions with regards to those things we must do, we can achieve what we have always desired because life is question of decision.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Today is the Day

1429987_49234085_800What happened yesterday is a distant memory, what comes tomorrow is an uncertain promise and what we have today our only reality.  While it is normal to lament what once was or fear what is to come, the only thing which will influence tomorrow is what we do or do not do today.

Today we can begin to live the life we have always wanted to live…

Let’s see what we can do starting today to create our destiny tomorrow:

Today is the day I advance instead of staying still.

Today is the day I begin to bounce with joy to greet each new day.

Today is the day I commence building bridges rather than creating obstacles.

Today is the day I develop the very best in me to discover the very best in others.

Today is the day I enunciate my dreams to the world and take firm steps ahead.

Today is the day I feed my mind with seeds of greatness to achieve my desire.

Today is the day I greet each day with the glory each miracle of life brings.

Today is the day I help others achieve the goals they want to achieve.

Today is the day I initiate the path which takes me where I want to go.

Today is the day I join together my best qualities to make this a marvelous day.

Today is the day I kill others with kindness even when they are unkind to me.

Today is the day I launch myself into the game of life with enthusiasm.

507956_22358343_800Today is the day I make my own road to find a much better way.

Today is the day I navigate the oceans of uncertainty.

Today is the day I open myself to opportunity.

Today is the day I put into practice what I have learned.

Today is the day I quit complaining and commence enjoying.

Today is the day I refute limiting beliefs which hold me back.

Today is the day I sustain confidence in myself to resolve challenge.

Today is the day I take the reins of emotion to drive positive change.

Today is the day I unify the effort of those who join me in my journey.

Today is the day I value each second, minute and hour of existence.

Today is the day I say “Wow!” to each and every wonder of life.

Today is the day I mix a little bit of sunshine in all I do.

Today is the day I yield to the greatness I have inside.

Today is the day I zealously strive for greatness.

In short, there is nothing we want to do or achieve which cannot be started in some way today.  Today is the day when we determine our direction and direct our destiny.  When we begin today to create the life we have always wanted to live, there is nothing which can get in our way.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Adversity Sculpts Character

994362_57840737With the rocks in our road we can either build bridges or create barriers.

Why are some people destroyed by adversity while others prosper in mayhem?

From the time we are young, we are taught, trained and even domesticated to think and act in certain ways.  Unfortunately a very small and powerful word forms an integral part of many of these teachings and this word is: “No!”

  1. No, I don’t want to play, I’m too tired.
  2. No, don’t run, you are going to hurt yourself.
  3. No, don’t make so much noise, the neighbors are sleeping.
  4. No, you can’t go to the dance, you are doing terribly in school.

The result of hearing “No” so many times when we are young, estimated to be between Rock Wall90,000 and 100,000 times in the first years of our lives, assures we “Cannot” do many things.

What if we exchange this negative pattern for a positive one?

We can practice saying, “Yes you can!”

For example, we can say:

  1. Yes I do want to play ball with you, first let me rest for a few minutes and I will be ready in about 20 minutes.
  2. Yes you can run, first please go outside so you don’t hurt yourself.
  3. Yes you can make noise, first let’s go read a book and talk about all the ways you can make noise tomorrow morning when everyone else is awake.
  4. Yes, you can go to the dance, first you need to start doing better in school.  What can I do to help?

While this concept is quite simple, it is far from easy.  When we start to say “Yes” to our kids, family and colleagues, we begin to open ourselves to a whole new world of opportunities.  The word “No” limits our reach and turns off our creative engine, while the word “Yes” extends our reach and starts the ignition to our creative power.

1323680_17996870When we think we can do a certain task or solve a situation, we create roads instead of roadblocks and possibilities instead of excuses.  Each time we answer the question, “Can I do this?” we sculpt our character for better or worse.  If the response tends to be “No,” the scars and burdens of life will become evident.  If, on the contrary, the usual answer is “Yes,” we open the floodgates of creativity and energy without regard to time or age.

Obviously, there are exceptions and we can’t say “Yes” to everything in life, though we can to the great majority.

Can you fly to the moon?

Yes you can!  First you need to study a lot and find out the process.  While it’s not easy, it is possible!

Can you find the spouse of your dreams?

Yes you can!  First you might have to experience a few nightmares before finding your dream mate, though he or she is out there looking for you right now.

1236838_71814789_800Our mind is a marvelous machine which follows the instructions we give it to the letter.  It is the chisel which sculpts our character.  If we say, “No I cannot go to the moon or find my perfect mate,” our mind will obey and take a rest because it knows there is “No” possibility of success.

Life is made up of so many little challenges.  Adversity sculpts our character through the questions we ask and the answers we give in each conversation we have and each decision we make.  Let’s make sure that through adversity we sculpt the work of art we have always wanted to create.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Give and Receive

There is an undeniable law:

What we give, we receive.

Albeit not always in the moment, and not necessarily the way we would like, eventually in life we get what we give.


If we give love, we will get love

If we give peace, we will get peace

If we give happiness, we will get happiness

In the same way…


If we give criticism, we get criticism

If we give anguish, we will get anguish

If we give bitterness, we will get bitterness

Daily we determine what we will one day receive

We can place any emotion or thought after the phrase, “If we give,” and that is what we will one day “Receive.”  It may take time and it may even be elusive but as sure as the day follows the night, we will get what we give.  We know instinctively this is so because we have learned it since we were young.  Nevertheless, we don’t always act in accordance with this important principle.  Let’s look at an example:

David is the ideal employee, he is young, intelligent and most importantly, he is anxious to conquer the world and excel in his profession.  He sees what many don’t see, and what seems difficult to others, comes easily to him.  He is dedicated and hardworking.  Then, when he least expects it, he encounters Peter, an envious boss.  Peter sees in David what he always wanted to be but for so many reasons, which he could enumerate in a heartbeat, was never able to achieve.  Peter treats David badly and does his best to take away his visions of grandeur assigning him small and insignificant tasks.

How would you react if you were David?

Would you stay put or head for the door?

Our reaction to life’s most difficult circumstances determines our success.  If David starts to treat Peter badly, talking behind his back and lamenting his own situation because of Peter, he will become an exact copy of Peter.  If, on the other hand, David gives forth his best effort in everything he does, he will eventually be recognized for what he does.   The prize may not come from his boss, his company or even the same industry he is currently in, but sooner or later, he will receive his just compensation.

There are people from all walks of life who today live a plentiful and productive life despite having encountered a “Peter” in their path.  The majority of successful people have had someone who has denigrated them, attempting to steal their dream by telling them they were “good for nothing and would amount to nothing.”  No doubt many were actually inspired by these situations to achieve greatness.


It’s not what happens to us, rather how to react to it which is most important.  We can let others influence and mold our character, or we can take the reins of our emotions and give what we would like to receive.  The boss who treats us poorly generally does so because of a lack of vision or understanding.  The reality is it usually has nothing to do with us.  Though it isn’t easy, we should perhaps feel sorry for those whose own self image is so low they feel the need to discourage and put others down.  Faced with this type of person we can keep our heads high, give our best effort, and with as the fruit of our persistence, achieve what others only dream about.

Every master was once a student.  Every artist picked up a brush one day for the first time.  We do not achieve the height of success without first passing through the valley of failure.

People will say what they will say and do what they will do, it isn’t what they say or what they do, rather what we do in return which matters most.  What we give, we receive… it is that simple.  If we want more, we need only give more.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / So Many Spaces

The world is made up of so many spaces
Spaces are here, spaces are there
Spaces are everywhere!


There are spaces in space
And spaces with little or no space
As well as spaces with lots and lots of space

In each little space, there is so much to see
From sea to shining sea
Let’s look at a tree

roots 1

From the bottom of the base which braces
To the tippy top which sees so many places
There are insects and bugs in each of its spaces

Life abounds in the soil and on the limbs
And also deep beneath so many skins
Life is everywhere up to the brim

How about a close look at the dirt?
Surely, this can’t hurt

As we look closer
And check things over
There beyond the clover

The soil which sustains the tree
Provides nutrients for free
This we all see

But what lies deeper?
What lies beyond?

molecules 800Each molecule
And each particle
Comes together as one

As also does our universe
Somehow comes together as one

And like the plant, insect or animal
We each see this as being quite normal


Yet, the intricacies which make it all work
Are nothing more than simply sensational

And so, the content of so many small spaces
Forms the foundation and basis
Of spaces in so many places

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Expect the Unexpected

It’s really not so difficult to predict the future…

We know, for example, there will come a day when:

  • The car won’t start
  • The dishwasher breaks
  • Our child gets a bad grade
  • Someone will treat us unkindly

What’s more, in addition to these events will come more, and worse!  This isn’t “negative Car Troublethinking” rather being realistic.  Nothing and nobody lasts forever.  A car, like a dishwasher, is a machine made of many parts which in time will eventually wear out with use.  While it is possible to extend the useful life of virtually anything, including ourselves, there is a time when it just won’t work anymore.  What can we do when confronted with this type of situation?

As bright as our kids are, because of course, they inherit our genes; there will come a time when they aren’t prepared for an exam or any other life’s tests.  We can’t always be there to catch them.  What are we going to tell our children when they fall?

In our world, there are 7 billion “little-worlds” which exist in the mind of each human being.cabeza_mundo  Each of these mini worlds have what seem to be thousands of different situations all occurring at the same time which influence the emotional state of each individual.  Are we going to get upset every time someone looks at us wrong?

What can we do when faced with these and other adversities which are sure to come our way?

First, is to know everything and everyone has a beginning and an end.  As much as we would like for our things, and our loved ones, to last forever, the reality is they will not.  Everything which exists as it is today will change to another state in the future.

Second, is to know sometimes the only way to learn an important lesson in life is to experience it.  Though we would like to shelter our kids from adversity and pain, it is a necessary part of their personal development.  When they fall, the best we can do is to simply help them get up and dust themselves off, rather than reprimand them for falling.

Third, is to know each person is in their own “little world” and we should never judge anybody for what they do or say.  We never know what is behind the anguish which causes them to lash out against us.  We never know if perhaps someone has experienced think about itin one day; the car not starting, the dishwasher breaking, a bad grade from their kids and having someone yell at them or any combination of so many other things.

Life is an adventure of fairly predictable events which can be influenced and affected but not necessarily avoided or eliminated.  Things will break, our kids will fall and people will yell at us, but when we expect the unexpected with an excellent attitude, we can flow freely instead of stopping short.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Do Small Things Great

In our rush to achieve more in less time, we often forget greatness comes not by arriving at a destination but rather by enjoying the journey.  When we do small things great, we not only achieve more, we also enjoy more.

Reloj 530 AMLet’s take a look at how the day starts for many.  The alarm sounds at 5:30 AM but since they went to bed late, they ask for “5 more minutes” of rest.  The five minutes convert into 15 or 20 minutes and suddenly when they realize what time it is, they are instantly in a battle against the clock.  They run to the kid’s bedroom and yell, “Time to get up, it’s getting late!”  They run to the bathroom and do everything like a bat out of hell.  They go back by the kid’s room again and see they are still sleeping.  They shake the kids to wake them and then guide them to the bathroom still half asleep as they rub their eyes.

With this mission complete, they run to the kitchen to see what magic they can do with the little food left in the fridge.  They haven’t had the time or the money to go to the grocery store and the empty refrigerator seems to shout: “Empty!”  They find a couple of things to throw into their lunch buckets from what didn’t disappear the previous night into the Run to bus with kidsmouths of their seemingly constant ravenous children.  They go in search for the kids who are moving in slow motion.   They finish dressing them as the bus calls and says it is already downstairs waiting and to please hurry because they are blocking traffic.

They run down the stairs because the elevator is out of service.  They have the youngest by the hand and suddenly see the older one stops to look at a butterfly perched on a flower.  “Come on son can’t you see the bus is waiting?” they yell.  Without waiting for an answer, they grab the oldest by the arm as the lunch buckets fall to the ground.  As they get to the bus, they see 10 cars behind the bus with irate drivers honking their horns and giving looks which could kill.  They give a quick kiss to each kid and help them onto the bus with a sigh.  And, of course, this is just the start of the day…

How can we change this cycle?

How can we change our perspective?

How can we consistently do small things great?

The alarm sounds at 5:30 AM and, instead of pounding it and snoozing it for five minutes more, we turn it off and become aware of the other sounds of the morning.  The birds by this time have generally initiated their morning chorus and even the sounds nature are all about when we pay attention.  We take five minutes to stretch our body beginning from the tips of our toes and moving to the top of our head with a brief virtual massage which gets
mom-hugging-kidsour blood flowing.  At 5:35 we go to the kid’s room and wake them with a big hug and a kiss.  We help them stretch and also teach them to appreciate the sound of the birds singing and the great wonder each new day brings.

We go to the bathroom and as we go through our routine, we are conscious of how incredible life and the human body are.  We are aware of our teeth which grow when we are small and accompany us in spite of the little care we often give them and of our body which ingests, processes, and eliminates food giving us energy.  We shower and take time to cleanse each part of our marvelous body which takes us through life.  As we lather we give a brief massage to each part of our body waking it up and getting it ready for another day of adventure.  We dry ourselves and give thanks to our feet, legs, hands and arms for the work they do daily without compensation.

As we prepare food for the day, we do it with love knowing therein lie the nutrients which will give us the energy we require to give our very best in all we do.  We help our children finish getting ready and grab their things which were carefully prepared the previous night.  We walk out the door with plenty of time and give thanks once again to our legs which enable us to go down the stairs because the elevator isn’t working.  When one of our kidsbutterfly_flower stops to see a butterfly perched on a flower, we also move closer.   We see the beauty of its colors and marvel in wonderful contrast of colors between the butterfly and the flower as it suddenly takes flight and we continue on our way.

We get out to the curb and wait for the bus as we cordially greet those we come across; a neighbor, the watchman and whoever happens to be walking by.  We see the bus coming, embrace our kids and whisper in their ears, “I love you honey, make this the best day of your life!”  We help them onto the bus and continue on our journey.

Those who are happiest are not those with the fewest problems, rather those who flow with each challenge which comes their way.  Life is a decision.  We can enjoy and achieve much more when we make the decision to live our lives with intention and continually do small things great.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / We Can Change the World

Drop of waterWe let a stone fall in a pond and the waves flow outward from the center.  In a similar way, each word we say and each action we take leaves waves which go farther than we can possibly imagine.

It is common to believe what we do day in and day out has no real significance.  Yet each of the things we do can indeed have a great impact on the lives of others…

I want to tell you the story of a young adult who met a man whom he thought had some interesting ideas.   He told his mother of the experience and she called the man.  They agreed for the man to talk to the teachers in her school.  As a result of this meeting, one of the teachers chose to share some of this man’s ideas with her 5th grade class.

3 Abuelito

After the experience in the classroom, they invited the man to speak with the kids.  The man was so fascinated with the children, their energy and the event that he decided to radically modify the way he works and dedicate his life to inspiring youngsters to find and share the special gift which we each have inside and yet, unfortunately many never find.

The young adult in this story is Luis Grimaldi and the “man” in the story is me, Rob McBride.  The ideas which were shared with the kids are from my first book A SPECIAL GIFT.  As a direct result this chain of events, I have decided to stop charging a “speaking fee” and instead charge “books” for my events.  I am focused on getting into the schools and to the kids because I believe if we are to create a better tomorrow, we must work with our children today.

Don Bosco 5to Grado (web) 01

I tell you this story because we all have similar stories to tell.  A conversation in passing, a smile when we need it most or even a word at just the right time can change our world forever.  We should be careful what we say and with what we do because we never know the final result.  The only thing we can do is to initiate the process and give it the best we can by having conversations which inspire smiles which remain, and words which give relief.

Nobody is too small or too big as to not be affected by the small actions of others.  We can change the world of someone at any given moment and thus little by little change the entire world, conversation by conversation, smile by smile and word by word.  I suggest you watch this video a friend from England made which is appropriately called, “We Can Change the World.”

We Can Change the World II

How many people have you positively influenced in your life?

Who is better today because you lent them a helping hand or uttered words of hope?

It’s not the great things which are done once, which tend to make the most difference in our lives, rather the little things done constantly.


Thank you Luis for the small action which you took almost three years ago which has positively changed my life.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / The Little Devil Inside

Little Devil
©Chris Duff for drawing of “Little Devil”… Thanks Chris!

Our ego is a little devil we all have inside which keeps us from achieving much more.  It’s the voice which sabotages us when we least expect it and which keeps the doors of opportunity closed temporarily or indefinitely.  While the angel of love leads us to let go of our ego and help others, the little devil which is our ego grinds us down into the ground.

The angel of love encourages us to give much more of ourselves knowing that being useful is the best way to receive our just reward.  The little devil which is our ego provokes us to put our interests above those of others keeping us stuck in the mud of poverty and scarcity instead of freeing ourselves into a universe of abundance and prosperity.

The angel of love cheers us on to work justly and honestly knowing that everything in life isLittle Angel like a boomerang and, what goes around, comes around.  The little devil which is our ego does only what suits us in the moment without thinking of the cost and the consequences our actions will have on others.

From the time we are small, we are taught to read, to write, to add and subtract.  We are told this knowledge will make us “better people” and, to some extent it does.  A person who can read opens a world of opportunity.  A person who writes has the power to leave a path based on his or her own experience.  A person who can add and subtract can make sure others don’t take advantage of his ignorance.

As we acquire basic knowledge, our little devil, which is our ego, begins to grow.  We can angel-devil-large-msg-123339542646mistakenly think we have all the answers of life.  We can imagine we have the tools which make us “better” or more “apt” than others.  In reality, knowledge as such only permits us to see the world from another perspective.

We all come into this world with an opportunity and a challenge.  Our opportunity is to create a world full of color or our own little world of terror.  Our challenge is to maintain the little devil which is our ego in check as we let our angel of love flower and grow each day gaining power.

Our ego is like the ballast in the bottom of a boat.  A certain amount of counterweight is necessary to give stability to the vessel and assure it can navigate the oceans of uncertainty and doubt.  Nevertheless, too much weight will make the boat heavy with she angel - she devilburden, unable to manage the changing times which lurk on the horizon.

Our ego is like a layer of skin which can hide incredible beauty we have inside showing only an evil side which lacks substance and integrity.  Taking away this layer of skin is painful and similar to the radical transformation of a unremarkable caterpillar into beautiful butterfly.  In order to be great, in every sense of the word, we must first cross the chasm of temptation which emanates from this little devil we have inside and let the little angel of love take control to ultimately rise like a phoenix from the ashes of despair to find our very own way of inner peace and repair.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / The Limit of Possibility

snoopy-doctorThe other day I was talking to one of my daughters about her future and what she wanted to do with her life.  I told her I would help her “To the limit of my possibility.”  As I began thinking about the concepts of “Limits” and “Possibilities,” I realized we are the only ones who ultimately put a limit on our possibility.

What is the limit of your possibility?

Where could you go and what could you achieve if you were to test the limit of your possibility?

As human beings we tend to look for comfort over discomfort; ease rather than difficulty.  Snoopy-RainGearNevertheless, a life full of comfort and ease can also be a life which lacks emotion and ecstasy.

Think for a moment of your own experience and what you have achieved.  If you have attained any level of scholastic achievement or anything else significant in your life, did it come without obstacles and with ease or perhaps as the result of sacrifice and compromise?

To achieve the majority of things in life which are worthwhile, we must test our limits and be willing to reach beyond our grasp.  For example, if we want to meet that special someone who makes our heart race and causes us to lose composure, which would be the best option?

Snoopy Don Juana)     Wait for them to come and talk to us?

b)     Take the initiative, get up and go to them?

c)      Watch while someone else gets up and goes to talk to them?

Those who attain what they want in life are not those who sit around waiting for something to happen, rather those who get up and take action to achieve what they most desire.  When along with action, we continually test our limits, we can go farther than we ever imagined possible.snoopy al final del arcoiris

History is made by those who decide to test the limit of possibility.  Christopher Columbus went in search of a new route to India going west from Europe despite others saying the world was flat.  John F. Kennedy set a goal of putting a man on the moon despite many who said he was “crazy.”  Like them, there are countless others who with their own unique brand of “crazy” decided to take their rudder of life and direct their destiny.  They are also those who have achieved what others never dreamed possible.

Snoopy-skiingWhat could you achieve if you had no limit on your possibility?

What keeps you from testing the limit of your possibility?

Might it be fears, uncertainties and doubts?

Limits are self-imposed.  When a baby is born, nobody tells it, “You will never achieve much in life because you were born white, black, yellow, tall, short…” or for that matter any other characteristic.  We are born into a world where not even the sky is the limit; we are born into a world where there truly is a “world of possibility.”

What are you waiting for?snoopy_aviator

Tomorrow will come with or without us.  We are the only ones who put a limit on what we can dream and achieve.  Let’s go forth daily with confidence in our ability to achieve what we believe while continually testing our capacity to go beyond the limit of possibility.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Unsung Heroes

Unsung heroes are everywhere…

Bronze_Star_medalThey are those who rise each morning before the sun to tend to their children

They are those who day after day flow into the streets selling their goods

They are those who are responsible for teaching our children

They are those who are always there and seldom seen

We tend to think about life as a journey to get someplace “better” than where we are right now.  Marketing and advertising bombard us with the idea that having a new watch, a better car and a house in the right neighborhood is the answer to all our woes.  While these things are nice and make life more pleasant, as the poets and philosophers have told us for thousands of years…

“It’s not the destination, rather the journey which is most important.”

Being a hero doesn’t imply obtaining great riches or other material things; it isn’t acquired with a brass key at the end of the highway.  Being a hero can be as simple as rising to greet the dawn of each new day with a smile and a positive way which allows us to see the good in each situation and put forth our very best disposition.

Unsung heroes are those single mothers who play the role of mother, father, teacher busy-momand friend to their children.  They are those who rise early to prepare their children’s lunch boxes while giving so many hugs and kisses to get their little ones out of bed and off to school.  They are those who make miracles with the little money they too often earn.  They are those who pay the electricity, the phone, the school and the books for their children in what seems to be a never-ending battle.

Unsung heroes are those fathers who go to work daily where far too frequently they are disrespected , underestimated and used as pawns in a game where the noble courtDan-trashman for a day. 1/31/02 takes the spoils of their hard earned labor.  They are those who do their best to give dignity to their work where there is often little dignity.

Unsung heroes are those bosses who shine brightly among the rest.  They are those who show sincere interest in those who work with them and for them.  They are those who constantly seek solutions to life’s daily challenges instead of getting stuck in the problems.  They are those who receive their greatest compensation when they see one of their subordinates not only reach their same position but also at times surpass them.

Unsung heroes are the owners and directors of small and large companies everywhere which generate jobs and economic activity for so many people.  They are those who are directly responsible for feeding so many mouths and paying so many bills with the money they disburse every two weeks.

Unsung heroes are those parents who work their whole lives in order to create a better life care-for-parentsfor their children.  They are those who frequently renounce their own desires and necessities for the good of those they love.

Unsung heroes are those children who in time, become parents to their own parents.  They are those who understand that their parents, regardless of their situation, gave forth their best effort to give them a better life and ultimately, that what goes around, comes around.

There are millions of unsung heroes who get up every day with the sun, who work all day and face what seems to be a never ending series of challenges which seem to appear from nowhere and who fight on valiantly day after day.

We are all unsung heroes in our own special way…

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Eternal Bliss

Where are we going?

Where did we come from?

At times it seems like these questions have no head or tail.

What awaits after our current reality becomes another?

Could it be Heaven, Nirvana or perhaps some other new exciting kind of life?

While I certainly hope this is the case, let’s see what we can do right now to assure eternal bliss on Earth.

Rob with Carlos Saúl

In his excellent book, IT’S NOT A MATTER OF LUCK, IT’S A MATTER OF ATTITUDE, Carlos Saúl Rodríguez explains a concept from Phenomenological Existence about different ways of living.  Some people are “Present,” participating actively in life and directing their own destiny.  Others are “Absent,” blending into the landscape and giving in to the circumstances of life which happen to arise.

To further the example, we can distinguish two different points in time, the present and the future.

Those who are “Present” in our lives, continue to be “Present” in the future even when they are physically “Absent”.  Think about it for a moment.  Those who have been present and part of our lives while they are alive, continue to be in our mind even when they are no longer around.  They are those who have marked a difference in our lives whether it be our parents, grandparents, relatives, teachers, neighbors, colleagues or friends.

On the other hand there are those who are “Absent” in the “Present”, and when they become physically “Absent”, they remain “Absent” from our minds.  They are those who don’t speak up, who are afraid to act, who don’t participate and who view life from behind a window never venturing out into the big bright lights of life.  They are those who we know are alive because they are breathing though they show no other signs of life.

Could it be we continue to live on in the minds of others even when we are gone?

While being “Present” doesn’t necessarily mean we have to positively impact each and every person we meet, we can seek to positively influence those whom we love and care about.

Might this be what it means to go to Heaven, to reach Nirvana or perhaps be the reincarnation which so many different religions advocate in different ways?  Maybe this is the true meaning of “Infinity”, for what we give in life comes back in a never ending cycle which is indeed eternity.

To leave a legacy which is worthy and welcome we need only be “Present” in the lives of those we love and care about.  A mother is present when she so carefully watches over each of her children’s steps.  A father is present when day in and day out he goes out into the world to provide his family with prosperity and plenitude to the best of his ability.  An employee is present when he searches for opportunities to help his colleagues without expecting anything in return.  A friend is present when he or she stays by our side in silence knowing sometimes there are no words which can possibly express how we feel inside.

Perhaps the greatest hunger worldwide is not for a lack of food, rather for a lack of affection and attention.  To assure we are ever “Present” in the minds of others, we need only be “Present” in their most relevant moments and in this way we can guarantee eternal bliss.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Thought => Reality

Our dominant thoughts create our recurring reality.  More than 50 years ago in his excellent audio program “The Strangest Secret,” Earl Nightingale proclaimed…

“We become what we think about.”
If we think about our daily lives, we really don’t “think” that much.   We get up and begin a routine which generally requires little effort from the marvelous mind which we all have.  Brushing our teeth, taking a shower, making coffee and taking the kids to school doesn’t take much thought.If we want to achieve something, we simply need to put the power of our mind to work to achieve it.  Of course we must then put action to thought, but first we must make sure we have our thinking right so we don’t go wrong.

When we get to work, we frequently turn on “auto-pilot” as we say hello to our colleagues, review our messages and plan our day.  These are activities which many of us can almost do in our sleep and it is common to do them with little enthusiasm.  In some companies it’s necessary to poke people to see if they are dead or alive.  It’s not necessary to move the “dead” to the morgue because the organization has turned into a walking cemetery where the dead walk around as if by some magical power.

When a problem or a challenge does arise is when we usually start to think about alternatives which require a bit more thought.  Ironically, when we begin to think and use our mind is usually about the same time when we begin to complain to anyone who is willing or not so willing to hear us declare how difficult and unfair life is “under the circumstances.”

The great majority of technological and personal advances come as a result of what initially seems to be an obstacle or a challenge.  The thought process which initiates radical and profound changes typically comes from seemingly simple questions like the following:

What can I do to develop the types of relationships I want to have?
When will I begin to create a new way to lead me in a new direction and ultimately to a better destination?

How can I understand and instruct a teenager who has his/her hormones in overdrive?

There is no limit on the number of questions which allow us to get the best from the approximately three pound mass in our head which can create whatever we want.  Those who achieve much are those who have first thought about what they want and then take positive action to achieve it.  Those who achieve little are generally those who don’t use their mind for anything more than deciding what to eat for their next meal or what television program to watch next.

Our mind is a magnificent machine which obeys the instructions we give it.  We tell it, “I need more abundance and love in my life,” and magically it begins to generate ideas on how we can obtain more abundance and love.  We tell it, “I need a new car or a different place to live,” and in an instant images of cars and homes along with the different ways we can get them automatically pop into our mind.  We are the result of our thoughts for better and also for worse…

What are the thoughts you will have which will direct your destiny?

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Part of the Solution

In any circumstance, we can be part of the solution or part of the problem.  Those who are part of the solution tend to be those who are sought and respected while those who are part of the problem tend to be those who are abandoned and disregarded.

To be part of the solution instead of part of the problem:

  • Give alternatives instead of saying, “There is no option!”
  • Say what we are going to do and do it rather than staying on the sidelines.
  • Cultivate an environment of love and respect rather than one of hate and lies.
  • Combine two things that don’t work into one that does instead of pitching both.
  • Say, “Let me see what I can do,” rather than, “Sorry, that’s not my department.”
  • Offer alternatives and support instead of just saying that everything will be alright.
  • Define objectives and create a plan to achieve them rather than to let life take us as it may.
  • Greet a rainy day and say, “Let’s dance in the rain,” rather than, “The rain has ruined our day.”
  • Listen and to do our best to understand others rather than imagine we know what they want to say.
  • Understand that while politics influences our environment, it does not determine our happiness.
  • Finish what we start instead of initiating so many different things without ever finishing any of them.
  • Develop an incentive plan to award our best employees rather than watch them quit and go to the competition.
  • Take the rudder of life during a storm instead of allowing our ship to be tossed and turned in the turbulence.
  • Create a clear, concise path with the tools we have on hand rather than throwing in the towel and praying that what we lack will magically appear.

Think of what you do for a living, of your relationship with your friends and your loved ones.  Are you being part of the problem or part of the solution?

It’s not enough to be “nice,” we must give solutions!  When we give a little bit more than others and we offer solutions to life’s daily challenges, we achieve more than the rest.  Those who are part of the solution instead of part of the problem are those who determine their direction and direct their destiny.  Rather than being part of the problem creating obstacles which inhibit progress, we can be part of the solution and build bridges to success.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Intention + Implementation = Satisfaction

How many lives have ended before they ever started?

How many dreams have been abandoned for a lack of implementation?

While there are many reasons why we don’t achieve our dreams, one of the most common and most deadly is a lack of action. One person who takes positive action towards a plan only partially developed is worth more than a 100 people who never put into action the most well developed project. Those who act in the theater of life are those who achieve the greatest rewards…

They are those who talk to the people they find interesting
They are those who have the best relations with their loved ones
They are those who can buy the best cars and live in the nicest places
They are those who give their opinion and listen to others to achieve results

We all have an incredible ability to dream and want any number of things…

We want a new refrigerator
We want for our boss to respect us
We yearn to develop better relationships
We dream about having a healthy, happy family

Those who achieve what they want are those who come down to earth after having flown on a wondrous journey of dreaming, to develop and implement a concrete plan to obtain what they most desire.

The game of life is the same for all. While the place and circumstance where we play the game are different for everyone, the rules remain the same. We have the same air to breathe, the same sky to see and the same 24 hours a day to live.

Why do some achieve so much while others achieve so little?

In a phrase, it tends to be because some implement their intention while others get stuck in the “intent” and do nothing. It isn’t enough to imagine and attempt to attract what we most want; we must take creative action to move toward what we most desire.

Let’s look at an example:

Two boys both like the same girl at school. Both would like to go out with her to get to know her better. Each imagines all the possibilities and how nice it would be to just be close to her. One of the boys asks the girl’s best friend what she likes; the other simply admires from the distance. One buys a flower and gives it to the girl; the other watches as the girl accepts the flower. One celebrates his ability to get a date with the girl; the other curses his bad luck.

It isn’t luck or circumstances which make the biggest differences in life. Those who achieve more create their own luck and mold themselves to circumstance. Life doesn’t play favorites and the possibilities life has to offer are available to all. When we direct our intention and implement a plan of action we get satisfaction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / To Live Again

Everything has a beginning and everything has an end…

Even though we know this to be true, our world is turned upside down when a loved one passes on and is no longer around.

Why lament the only thing in life which is certain for all?

Why cry for something which is after all, so natural?

We are accustomed to hearing:

“All will be fine.”

“It was his time.”

“Tomorrow is another day.”

“Surely somehow you will find a way.”

Nevertheless, these words of comfort frequently fall short when we have lost someone so special.

What can wake us from what seems to be such a terrible nightmare?

The intentions of those who love and care about us are noble and their words are generally sincere. Notwithstanding, filling the void which we feel inside when we lose someone is not easy.

The religions of the world promise that if we live in a certain manner, we will go to heaven, create good karma, awaken our soul, and perhaps even be reincarnated.

Can this be so?

Does this await us?

I sure hope so!

Yet without doubt, reincarnation is a fact, though not perhaps in the traditional sense of the word. The only thing we need do is close our eyes and in an instant we can bring anybody we have known and lost into our mind. Their manner of speaking, their special smile and even the way they moved. We can bring anyone back in a heartbeat.

Might this be reincarnation?

We lose so much time and often stop living for fear of dying. If we stop and think about it, an important part of life should include sharing and contributing to the well-being of others. The more we positively influence others, the greater our impact on the world.

What can we do when we need support from a loved one who is passed?

Most often we already have the answer. We know what their values and opinions would be. They have been woven into us in many cases from an early age. We can loathe and lament that a loved one has passed or simply know they are constantly there with their advice when we need them.

Though they may not be with us physically to give us support when we need it, each conversation we have had with them and each sweet sensation they have given continues to be an integral part of our being. Their smile, their warmth and their opinions live forever within us.

In life to receive we must first give. It is a universal standard. When we invest our time giving and being useful to others, we will certainly live again within them long after we are gone. Instead of living tentatively waiting for something good to happen, how about if we live all out, giving the best we have to others in every possible moment?

When we live large, we can assure we will live again in so many more people when we are no longer around. Life continues to flow with or without us. Though it isn’t easy to have a loved one go, it is possible to bring them back and hold them deep inside our heart and in our soul regardless of where we happen to go.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Be Your Own Boss

While it may not always seem possible, you can be your own boss. In many cases someone else signs the check you cash to live on but you can be your own boss of your emotions and your perceptions.

The environment doesn’t create you; rather you are created within your environment. In the same situation you can see some people who are happy, healthy and wise, while others are sad, poor and dim-witted.

One of life’s great truths is that wherever you go in this wonderful world, you will always have your own company. There is no other option.

Wherever you go, there you are.

In any country, neighborhood or organization where you happen to be, you will always be with yourself. While you have colleagues, friends and family who accompany you, in the end, you are always with your own thoughts. Some people act as if they were their own boss, others as employees. I propose you can always be your own boss.

Suppose you are hired to deliver pizza. The job description isn’t long and is really quite simple. Nevertheless, there are many ways you can deliver pizza. Thinking like an employee, you grab the pizza, find the address, deliver the pizza, receive the money and return.

As your own boss, the end result is the same but the manner very different. As your own boss, you put napkins, eating utensils, Parmesan cheese and chili peppers in a separate bag. When you leave from the restaurant, you see a paper on the ground, bend down to pick it up and throw it in the trash. You make sure your vehicle is clean and in tip top condition. You do everything with courtesy and respect because you knows you represent the company and besides, you are your own boss.

When you get to the door, you arrive with a big smile and ask if they would like napkins, eating utensils, Parmesan cheese and chili peppers. You are cordial and expect a good tip. If you don’t get a tip, you thank them anyway because you know it might be different the next time and above all because you are your own boss.

While it may be a company which employs you, you are the one who makes your own way. The more proactive you are, the more opportunities you will have. If you must be brow beaten to do what is simply a part of your job description, you will eventually become expendable when there is economic turbulence. When you go beyond what is strictly necessary, you become an important ally in difficult circumstance.

When you are part of the solution instead of part of the problem, you are be your own boss. Those who start companies and organizations are not those who complain by saying, “What a shame we are living in such trying times,” rather they are those who say, “We have a challenging goal which when resolved will give us a positive boost!”

You can’t always love what you do but you can always give love to what you do. You see it everywhere. One person complies with the bare essentials while another goes above and beyond by adding a smile and sincere thanks. One person takes your money and throws the change on the counter shouting, “Next!” while another takes your money, places the change in your hand while looking at you and saying, “Thank you for your purchase, I hope to see you again soon!”

When you do an excellent job while giving optimum service, eventually you will have the opportunity to own your own business or to run your own organization. When you start by be your own boss today, you pave your own path, direct your own destiny and create your own happiness.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / The Mind’s Eye

The world we see depends on the lens we use. If our lens is dirty and unfocused, our world will be cloudy and uncertain. If our lens is clean and focused, our world will be beautiful and bright. It’s all a question of focus…

What can we do to get our lens of life looking right?

Juan Carlos Jimenez offers an interesting analogy in his book, Expand your Opportunities – Paradigms of Personal Motivation, which allows us to clean and focus our lens. He uses this phrase from Marcel Proust to set the stage:

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

Jimenez suggests we can “Predict the Future” when we dream about what we most desire and take positive action to achieve it. I confess I was somewhat skeptical when I first read his proposal, though I am now convinced he is right.

One theory of motivation talks about two different external motivators. The first is the “carrot” which is used as a prize or a reward for a job well done. The second is the “stick” which is used to chastise or punish a job done poorly. While both work as external motivators in the short-term, more important is to create long-term internal motivation. To increase internal motivation, Jimenez explains:

“… dreams are the source of your most important motivation because they are completely within your reach. They depend only on you. They are your own carrot, your interior carrot.”

The more specific and vivid our dream, the more our internal “carrot” grows and drives us toward our objectives. While I read this concept, it occurred to me carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which influences positively on our vision, and thus on our “lens of life.”

This clarity encourages us to see obstacles and problems in a different way. While they don’t magically disappear, improved focus helps us to see them with a different perception and perspective. Our internal motivation and experience begins to generate solutions instead of raising barriers. With enhanced vision we can “Predict the Future” with greater certainty. Inconveniences in life become no more than specs of dust temporarily hindering our vision, instead being easily cleaned with precise actions leading us toward our dream.

Predicting the future isn’t really so difficult; we do it all the time. It is a direct result of our actions and, while it isn’t an exact science, we can predict the future with surprising accuracy in many circumstances. If we greet someone with a smile, we have a higher probability they will smile back than if we greet them with a sneer. If we pick up the phone to call a possible client, they are more likely to buy what we offer than if we wait for them to call us.

Life is similar, people who achieve greatness have a lens focusing on solutions rather than problems; they have crystal clear dreams and objectives serving as an internal carrot allowing them to predict the future to great degree. They take actions congruent with obtaining their golden dream and they become the “lucky ones” who give direction to their destiny living the life they most desire.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Show Up and Stand Out

We all want the best the world has to offer; a loved one who we enjoy being with who spoils us, a job which challenges us giving us opportunities, a life full of happiness, devoid of sadness.

While life isn’t always beautiful and bountiful, we can give our best effort to take full advantage of every moment in this reality which we call life. While we all want “more and better,” we are not always willing to give more to get it.

Recently, I was contacted by a company which wants to establish a business relationship with me to offer my services as an author and a speaker. While I believe the opportunity is interesting, it seems to me they benefit much more in the relationship than I, so instead of giving my money to them, I will invest it in a different way. Nevertheless, their interest made me realize how much we all yearn to be “found.” As an author, I have dreamed of the day when someone comes to me and says…

“Where have you been all my life Rob? Thank goodness I found you!”

In our wait to be “found,” many of us can wait our entire life. The same way one waits for her “knight in shining armor” or another for his “dream job” to simply come by chance, many wait their entire lives to be “found.”

Is it realistic to think someone will “find” us, particularly if we do nothing to be “found”?

Is it logical to imagine we will find our ideal mate while we sit on the couch watching television?

Is it reasonable to believe our boss will notice we are worthy of more responsibility and higher pay if we do nothing to deserve it?

Obviously, in all three cases the answer is a big NO!

To be found we must first show up and stand out…

There is no other option. If we want to find the love of our life, we must be willing to go to the appropriate places to be found. If we don’t go to the dance, we can’t get out onto the dance floor. If we don’t give our best effort in our work, we will simply be one more in the mass of humanity which ebbs and flows through life.

It isn’t enough to merely “show up.” If we go to the dance and simply sit in the corner without interacting with anyone, we will go home alone. If we don’t “stand out” at work, we may get our weekly pay for a while but sooner or later, if we do nothing special, we will be expendable. That is why it is better to become part of the solution, rather than being part of the problem.

He who never dares to achieve anything, will never have anything…

If we don’t risk getting to know that special someone who seems so interesting to us, our possibilities of getting to know him or her, are slim and none. If we don’t risk giving our opinion and adding value where we work, we are like a piece of furniture which can be replaced at any time.

When our fear of failure is less then our will to win, we can go farther than we ever imagined possible. Life does not choose who will be happy, we are the only ones who can make it possible. When we show up and stand out, we are taken into account and can take advantage of all life has to offer.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Puzzles

Life is like a puzzle…

From the time we are born, we begin to put together our own masterpiece. In the beginning, we are simply an assortment of pieces lacking meaning and direction. Our family, friends and environment begin to construct the limits and the borders.

Each circumstance becomes part of our puzzle and slowly it begins to take shape. The colors and textures are determined by the people and occurrences of each day. The end result changes depending on each piece placed into our puzzle. Those who are more important and present in our lives grow in size and become protagonists.

Some parts remain undone for a long time. Someone who came into our life at some time may remain distant and isolated in some part of the picture. In time they become part of the background or come to the forefront. As we pay attention to certain parts of our puzzle, these areas begin to play a more dominant role in our work of art.

Piece by piece we put together our puzzle. We begin with a blank canvas when we are born and the last piece is placed the day we part from this reality we call life to a reality yet unknown.

Thoughts and actions full of hostility and hatred bring colors which are dark and dismal.

Thoughts and actions full of kindness and consideration bring colors which are bright and brilliant.

We determine which people and activities will have a more important role in our work of art. These can be family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, work and play. All are part of our picture.

How would you like your work of art to be?

What colors and images would give it life?

Who would the main characters be?

The good news is we create our own work of art daily with our thoughts and actions.

Those who dominate our thought and attention don’t necessarily have to be with us physically to participate in our puzzle. Let’s look at an example…

Think of someone you love with all your heart but is not with you right now. Close your eyes and think of their smile, demeanor and laughter …

In a heartbeat our mind brings them to our reality. Their advice, love and presence are with us instantly. They also can become an important part of our work of art.

We create our own reality as we put together our puzzle. Let’s assemble it with the best possible pieces. Daily we can do our best to paint it with colors which are brilliant and bright. We can make certain the people and things which are most important to us become the elements which are most evident in our puzzle by giving them time, energy and dedication.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Do What We Say

How about a world where people are good to their word?

How about a world where people say what they will do, and then do what they say?

Is expecting people to keep their word really possible when this basic principle is violated so frequently?

As an example, we tend to tell others, “I’ll call you next week.”

And then never do it.

Our lack of action is not meant to be mean or harmful; rather, we do it for convenience. Instead of explaining what we really mean, we simply take the easy route and make promises we have no intention of keeping.

Let’s be clear and sincere. We don’t always want to talk to all of the people we know “next week,” nor is it possible. Perhaps we would like to call and talk to our friends and those whom we like, but not everyone. And so, to exit gracefully, we simply say, “I’ll give you a call.”

You might say: “This seems so insignificant,” but it is extremely significant!. When we deceive ourselves on the small things, it becomes much easier to ruin the big things.

If we really do not want to call or see a person, it is better to simply say nothing. And, as is often the case, if we need to say something, we can find a different way to explain how we feel. That way we don’t promise what we are not willing to do.

Life is made up of a series of agreements. If we are constantly breaking them, our possibilities in life will be seriously hindered. Besides, the best way to increase our self-esteem is by being good to our word. Each time we are good to our word, our self-confidence increases and as an added bonus, other people’s confidence in us increases as well.

  • When we give our word to do something, let’s do it
  • When we say we are going to go somewhere, let’s go
  • When we promise we are going to call someone, let’s call

It is better to disappoint someone in the moment than to defraud them in the future.

There will always be obstacles which prohibit us from being good to our word 100% of the time. If we cannot comply, we need only apologize, offer an alternative and carry on. Let’s do away with lame excuses to defend ourselves. I have heard that friends don’t need excuses and others won’t believe them.  It seems to be true. Instead of offering an excuse, we can simply say:

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t able to do what I promised. How about if we meet for a cup of coffee tomorrow morning and talk about it?”

If the person accepts, great.

If not, that is ok too.

Those who are good to their word are actors in the game of life. When we make it a point to be good to our word and surround ourselves with others who are also good to their word, we truly can live in a world where people say what they do and then do what they say.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / A Step Ahead

Each day we wake and as if by some magical spell experience a variety of different moods. Sometimes we are animated and excited to conquer the world. Others we are lethargic and don’t want to do anything at all.

How can we awake animated and anxious to get up and go more frequently?

How can we start with a step ahead to make it a better day?

While the answer tends to be fairly simple, it isn’t so easy to implement. The solution can be found in the following:


When we have a burning desire to achieve something, our mind starts to twist and turn to create a way to achieve want we want most.

What previously seems to be a barrier, becomes a bridge. What before seemed impossible, suddenly becomes a world of possibility. The more clear and concise our desire, the better off we are. While there are many ways to clarify and define our objectives, almost all require taking several steps.

Let’s look at an example. Suppose there is someone who wants to be a fireman. I’m not talking about a little kid running around with a hose who wants to play with water, rather someone who values the ideals of being a fireman. They are willing to risk their life for the good of others. To become a fireman, one doesn’t simply wake one day, grab a hose and start dousing fires. On the contrary, it is something which requires much training and effort, both physical and mental.

Our potential hero has two different options. He can play video-games depicting firemen and collect stories of valor or he can get into his dream to make it reality. He can determine what is necessary to become a fireman. What are the steps he needs to take? What kind of physical conditioning does he need?

With a concrete plan designed to achieve his goal, he can begin. Perhaps the first day consists in doing a push-up and a sit-up. While the requirements may be that he do hundreds of push-ups and sit-ups per day, we all have to start at the beginning. There is no other option. The knowledge comes concept by concept, word by word. It takes time and dedication to acquire the knowledge and physical conditioning necessary to be a fireman.

This all serves as a map for achieving his objective though by no means guarantees it will happen. Daily he will need the discipline to do what needs to be done. With no plan, his desire to be a fireman will likely be nothing more than a dream. With a precise plan, his desire will probably become reality.

Each night before sleeping, our hero can WRITE DOWN what he wants to achieve on a piece of paper. While it isn’t important when he writes his objective, it should be done before going to bed. This will allow is mind to start working magically as he sleeps to create a way to achieve each task. If he works to make money to pay for the different exams he has to take, likely he will need to modify his day to include studying and exercise time. Waking the next day, he has a plan, he has a direction.

Similarly, we can do the same for our dreams and objectives. It is not the same to “think” about what we need to do as to actually WRITE IT DOWN. While awaking with a “To Do List” isn’t always enough, it does give us a fresh start to get a step ahead. When we know where we are going and what we need to get there, with dare and with flair we tend to get there.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Bubbles

Each of us is like a bubble. A breath of air gives us life and now we blow with the breeze of each day. Our bubble moves closer and then farther away from many other bubbles on our way. Our parents, relatives, neighbors, and classmates initially form part of our immediate surroundings, some we see frequently while others pass imperceptibly.

In time we find as we touch other bubbles, our direction also changes as we leave what is known and delve into the great unknown. Other bubbles we encounter come from other places in different spaces with different experiences. We are attracted to some by their external beauty and to others by their internal beauty. Others simply come and go without causing any sensation whatsoever.

In time we find we eventually lower our defenses allowing some to come and join us inside our bubble. Some caress, stroke, and embrace us. Others beat, batter, and bully us. Depending on our experience with others, we become silky and soft, to receive more caresses or tainted and tough, so others don’t molest us.

In time, we find while we don’t choose all of the other “bubbles” in our lives, some we do choose. Those we choose become partners in life. They become spouses and good friends. While we can’t please everyone who crosses our path, we move closer to those we like and move away from those we dislike.

In time we find while the appearance of other bubbles is what first attracts us, it is what they have inside which keeps us. As we approach certain bubbles, there is a special chemistry which seems like some kind of wizardry. They make our heart go pitter patter, only time will tell if they become part of our heart, or simply part of a false start.

In time we find some bubbles are bright and inviting, others dull and impeding. Each bubble has its own way, each bubble the result of so many different days. One thing is for sure, from the time we get up to the time we lay down, and even as we dream, though we may be lonely, we are never alone, as we are always within a magic bubble of our thoughts.

In time we find each bubble has its own outlook on life and each has the right to be as it wants to be and it isn’t necessary to make others see what we see. We each have our point of view, this is nothing new. Ours is simply to be and let be, while we be the best bubble we can be.

In time, we find each bubble marches to the beat of a different drum. Each has its own set of rules to abide by. Though in the end, we realize it is most important to abide by our own set of rules rather than to run and hide.

In time, we find as we work on our own interior, automatically our exterior becomes crystal clear. When we stop fighting and fleeing from others, we find we can accept and understand them, and in so doing, treat each other as a brother and a sister.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Canine Instinct

The more complicated life gets, the more we should do our best to simplify it. Sometimes the most elegant solutions are the easiest. Let’s take a look for a moment at how pets behave, specifically a dog which seems to know by instinct exactly how to make us feel better.

Could this be why they call a dog “man’s best friend”?

There is so much we can learn from this simple creature which instinctively knows how to achieve its objective. In general, they are always happy to see us, greet us enthusiastically, are attentive and are happy to be with us even in our deepest and darkest moments.

Can you say the same about your behavior with friends and colleagues?

How about integrating the following characteristics which come so naturally to dogs into our way of being?


Enthusiasm sells in every sense of the word. Others perceive our energy through the way we act. It isn’t necessary to speak a lot or to speak loudly to be enthusiastic. On the contrary, there is much to be said for quiet enthusiasm which bubbles and exudes from inside of those who really enjoy what they do.

If we aren’t sure how much enthusiasm we should show, in almost all cases, it is better to err on the side of too much enthusiasm rather than not enough. Besides, and as an added benefit, our enthusiasm is contagious. The more enthusiastic we are about our work and about life in general, the more enthusiastic those around us become.


John Maxwell tells us, “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Of the more than 7 billion people who currently inhabit the planet Earth, each should have one primary objective, their survival. Even if we care about and want to help others, we must first be satisfied and content with ourselves.

To get others to show more interest in us, we can first show sincere interest in them. When someone feels we are attentive and sensitive to their way of thinking and to their interests, they automatically become more interested in us. If we want others to pay more attention to us, we simply need to pay more attention to them.


Someone who inspires confidence can inspire the world. When we say we are going to do something, let’s do it. It’s not so complicated and the dividends paid can be tremendous.

Obviously, it isn’t always possible to do absolutely everything we promise. If we are frequently unable to abide by what we pledge, we need to first examine the promises we are making. When we are unable to comply with something we have promised for whatever reason, it’s better to take responsibility, accept the consequences and move on. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. The great man is not one who never fails, rather one who takes responsibility for what happens and learns from the experience.

Life doesn’t have to be so difficult and it can be quite easy. We can follow the example of dogs who are instinctively enthusiastic, attentive and trustworthy. It’s an excellent way to put our best foot forward, be more for others, and achieve much more.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Clean it, Fix it, or Pitch it

While the phenomenon of “too much stuff” might be a blessing for some, it can be a curse for others. Many of us have a tendency to want to save everything. It is as if our mind says, “Better keep it because we may never get the opportunity to get one just like it.” This way of thinking might be good with regards to our best friend, our mate or for precious stones; though it isn’t the case for everything.

Our environment is a reflection of who we are and while it may be nice to have a lot of “stuff,” it isn’t always desirable.

How many papers do we save for when we have “time” to read them?

How many things which don’t work do we keep so we can fix them “someday”?

The time and the day can be right now. Where you happen to be in this instant may be clean and bright or dirty and dismal. Likely, it is somewhere in between these two extremes.

Right now in this moment, whether it be your workspace, your desk at home, your kitchen, your bedroom or someplace in between, take a moment to look around. Is it exactly how you would like to be? If the answer is yes, then I congratulate you and there is nothing to do. For the rest of us who are merely mortal, there is almost always something that can be improved.

There are many reasons why we may not like where we are. It could be because it lacks something. If this is the case, stop reading right now, get to work and make some money to buy what you want to make it better.

Another alternative is that you like the space though with time it has lost its initial glow. Perhaps it is broken or useless.

To start this new year, we can implement the philosophy of clean it, fix it or pitch it.

If it’s dirty, clean it…

As easy as this sounds, it isn’t one day of dust that causes something to go bad, rather many days of neglect which eventually take its toll. With a little soap and a lot of elbow grease, we can soon have it shining again. While it may not get to the same level of luster it once had, it can certainly look much better.

If it doesn’t work, fix it…

In some cases and, well armed with a trusty screwdriver and wrench, we can fix many things. Sometimes, it is merely a matter of changing a light bulb or a replacing a battery. One thing is for sure, if we don’t do something about getting it fixed, it seldom fixes itself. If we can’t fix it, more than likely someone else can. If it doesn’t make sense to fix it for any one of a variety of very good reasons, it’s useless.

If it’s useless, pitch it…

If we haven’t used something in the past year, more than likely we do not need it to live. If it no longer works for what we bought it for, if it’s too old, out of style or we have another one which is better, it’s preferable to pitch it. While some things can go directly to the trash, others can be given to people who can and will find good use for them.

In our desire to continually improve our surroundings, we often complicate our lives. Things do not have to be so difficult and can actually be quite easy. All we have to do to get started is…

Clean it, fix it or pitch it.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Cope with Hope

When we cope with hope, we have more energy to face each day…

Difficulty and challenge lurk in every nook and cranny. While the majority of us know it is not the circumstances, rather our reaction to them which is most important, it isn’t so easy to always keep faith. When hope slips away, it’s difficult to keep motivated and inspired.

How then can we maintain hope when we are in the depths of despair?

While we are all different and we each have a different way, there are various methods to increase our hope when we need it most.

Perhaps one of the ways which is most utilized and most powerful is through our faith in God or through our religion. While this isn’t a surefire recipe and it doesn’t work for everyone, for those who believe firmly in God and their religion, there is a peace and tranquility which permits them to face even the most challenging of circumstance in life. They say, “Faith moves mountains,” and while it isn’t easy to see them move, they do indeed move.

Another way to augment our hope is to think about the “perfection” of the “imperfect” world in which we all live. The only thing we have to do is to open our eyes to see the magnificence which develops with each new day; the sun which without fail provides its light and energy, the Earth which continues to turn every 24 hours despite everything that happens on its surface and the life which sprouts from everywhere to provide oxygen to breathe and beauty to behold.

Hope is perhaps our most powerful weapon to face adversity. Think for a moment of those who lose hope. In the best case scenario, they live lives which are empty and routine, lacking direction and purpose. In the worst case scenario, and in an act which embodies a complete lack of hope, they take their own lives and perhaps end up at the end of a rope.

We begin life fighting for our first breath of air to begin our journey. Each time we get sick our body immediately begins to fight the maladies and the viruses which exist in the world. When our body cannot respond effectively, the majority of us have parents, family, friends, doctors and others who do everything possible to help us recover from what puts our life in jeopardy.

We come from the factory with a sensational system which allows us to fight the majority of the bad things which can affect us from time to time. Being this the case, shouldn’t we have faith and hope in the possibilities of life? While the answer seems obvious, we all have a potential enemy in our own brain. Our mind can conspire against us to create tales of terror.

While nobody and nothing lasts forever, we can be sure tomorrow will come with our without us. Putting hope on the positive balance of life helps us to cope so we may rise and rally in the face of adversity.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / It Ain’t Over till it’s Over

Though it is normal for us to think everything is “over” and our lives will never be the same after a particularly difficult blow, the truth is, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”  While these words from the great philosopher Yogi Berra are well known to many throughout the world with regards to sports, they also apply to life.

There are many things in life which can knock us off course, such as:

  • Losing our job
  • Being in a toxic relationship
  • Having a poor relationship with our kids or parents
  • Losing someone dear to us through death or other circumstances of life

No one likes to go through these situations, yet they occur more frequently than we would like. The phrase, “It ain’t over till it’s over,” can help us in times of anguish and desperation.

In order to know our game of life has not “ended” we need only see people who have:

  • Discovered their true direction and their own special gift late in life
  • Found their soul mate after others have told them it would never happen
  • Healed the wounds and improved troubled relationships with their children and parents
  • Learned that absolutely everything in life has a beginning and an end

Though we frequently hear the words, “Don’t worry, everything will be alright…” The truth is everything will NOT be alright unless we get up and take action. Difficulties in life don’t tend to resolve themselves. The more we wait, typically the worse it gets. I’m not being negative or critical, rather realistic. There are many situations in life which shake us physically, emotionally and financially. Until we understand it ain’t over till it’s over, we can get lost in a pool of self pity.

Each day we rise with another opportunity to take the rudder of life and direct our destiny. It doesn’t matter what has happened or what we have lived through, the fresh dew of another dawn promises another day to live and start again. Life has no favorites, though it does reward those who are bold in though and action. On us it depends what we will do with each moment. With each day we can say, “I will sit and stay,” or, “I will get up and make my own way.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / What’s most Important

“What should I know about life which is most important?” The disciple asked the master.

The master smiled and said, “It is better for you to look for and find the answer through own experience,” he began. “I want you to go out into the world and find what is most important and bring me your answer in five years.”

After five years, the disciple came and placed ten books in front of the master. I have condensed what I believe to be what is most important in these ten books.”

The master took one of them and passed his fingers lightly over the fine leather which enclosed the words of wisdom within. He opened it and glanced through the pages. “You have done very good son, and I promise I will read each of these volumes with love and attention but it’s too much information. I want you to go back into the world and return with something more concise.”

The disciple obeyed and after five years returned and this time placed one book in front of the master who opened it and began reading in several places. He smiled and commented, “Again you have done an excellent job my son and with the little I have read so far, I see you have learned well and have discovered much about life and what is important. Nevertheless, it’s still too much information. I want you to be even more precise. You know what to do…”

Five years later he came once again and this time carefully placed a single sheet of paper before the master who lifted the page and read it carefully. After reading it, he smiled and said, “You have learned much and are getting close to the answer.”

Now visibly upset, the disciple answered, “Getting close? How can it be that you are still not satisfied? What should I do?”

“I want you to condense what is most important in life into one word,” answered the master again with a smile.

Five years later the disciple, who had become very successful, came and told the master, “I believe I have the answer master.”

“Tell me son, how did you discover the answer?” the master wanted to know.

“I came to the conclusion fairly quickly that the most important thing in life is to “Be Happy” but it was two words. Then after several years had passed, I thought of each of our conversations and found you had given me the answer from the very start. To be happy is directly related to our attitude and our attitude shows through our expression.

The master continued listening carefully to the explanation of his disciple.

“Master, the most important thing in life is to S M I L E.”

The master smiled and nodded in agreement…

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Fall in Love

When we are in love, everything changes; our posture, our expression and even our way of thinking. The sun seems brighter and challenges which at other times bother us seem insignificant. If you aren’t in love right now, my suggestion is simple…

Fall in love!

“How can I do this right now?” you might be asking. While we tend to think about romantic love or loving someone else, which is indeed marvelous, there are many types of love.

How about if…

You fall in love with each moment?

You fall in love with the air you breathe?

You fall in love with the breeze which refreshes?

You fall in love with the sun which rises every day?

You fall in love with the birds which sing in the morning?

You fall in love with the beauty of the flowers around you?

You fall in love with what bothers you for what you can learn?

You fall in love with each challenge which causes you use your mind?

You fall in love with the heat which warms and the cold which refreshes?

You fall in love with the traffic because it means you have something to do?

You fall in love with the people who irritate you because it means you are alive?

While it is easy to fall in love with the things and people we like, when we are able to fall in love with everything, we can live in peace and harmony. Life isn’t always lovely and beautiful. From our first breath to our last we must overcome challenge.

Every living being must fight to survive and exist in some way, shape or form. Those who succeed not only in overcoming but also in learning from each obstacle are those which flourish and prosper. When we change the way we look at everything that happens in life, we can stop fighting and start flowing.

Fall in love with life!

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / The Same but Different

Have you ever noticed we are exactly the same but different?

Biologically we have exactly the same molecular structure, though emotionally we are all very different. The vast majority of us are born with one heart, two lungs and a brain, along with the opportunity to breathe and live each day, though here the similarities stop.

Emotionally, we are the result of our environment and the people who raised us. What we feel and think is the result of our experience. It is impossible for us to make a decision based on the experience of another. We can consult and ask others for information but in the end it’s our perception which forms the foundation for our decisions.

Frequently we say, “You are wrong,” or, “That isn’t done that way!” In our mind we are right and we wouldn’t say such things if they didn’t form an integral part of our belief system. Nevertheless, are we always right? Do we always know the best way to do something? Obviously, this is not the case.

As we reflect on the fact that we are simply one more in the mass of humanity, the thought is humbling. There are more than 6.9 billion people on Earth and each has a particular way of seeing the world. Some are newborn babies just starting out in life while others are on their last steps of existence as we know it. We are all special and are all the result of the magical process which gives us life.

Though we know this to be true and instinctively know it makes sense, we get caught up with other people who think and act in a way different from our own. We often get hung up emotionally when someone doesn’t agree with our particular vision of the world.

Why is this important?

When we realize the world does not revolve around us and find there are different ways of seeing and analyzing things. We realize there is no limit to the number of different ways to accomplish any task or objective. We realize the physical and emotional needs of others frequently go far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. We realize that for every person who goes to bed hungry for food, there are thousands who go to bed hungry for attention and affection. We realize our ability to positively influence others is infinite.

Life is far too short to limit ourselves to our own personal experience and perception. Thanks to technological advancements, we can communicate with anyone in the world in an instant. We can be the impetus which makes a tremendous difference in someone’s life. When we rid ourselves of our natural tendency to focus on our own problems and challenges, we open up a world of possibilities to be something exceptional for someone special rather than being just one more in the mass of humanity.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Seeds of Success

The power of thought goes far beyond what we can imagine. Our mind obeys the instructions we give it. In the late 1980’s I heard an audio program which touched a fiber deep within my soul. The words permeated my thought and my actions. At the time I didn’t know the author of the words or the voice I listened to. I transcribed the words from the audio and read them for years every day.

Years after first hearing the audio, I was in the airport in Maracaibo, Venezuela looking at a book. The words suddenly leaped off the page at me! While I had only heard and read the words in English, there was no doubt in my mind they were the same words. The name of the book is “MISSION SUCCESS by Og Mandino.” I happily bought the book which contained the words which had made such a huge impact in my life. It is my great pleasure to share these words with you at this link:

“Seeds of Success” by Og Mandino

From my experience with Mr. Mandino’s words, along with those of many others, I am convinced more and more each day of the power of words. A conversation at a specific moment in time can change our lives. Warm caring words can make all the difference in a time of anguish and desperation. Words which are part of our daily lives mold our mind. Negative thoughts bring negative results. Positive thoughts bring positive results. It is life’s law, what we sow, we harvest.

Though in reality, not everything is quite so warm and fuzzy. Hunger, death, injustice and insecurity form an integral part of our existence. It isn’t possible or realistic to simply say these things aren’t there, because they are constantly with us. Nevertheless, for as bad as our current situation may be, we can be sure someone else is going through something even more traumatic somewhere, someplace.

With so much negativity in the world, it is even more important to take care of our thoughts. Words of hope allow us to see life in new and different way. In my own moments of desolation and despair, “Seeds of Success” were always with me like a faithful friend to shine a bright light and to which I could cling with all of my might.

On November 6th 2010, I began to publish a thought a day which I call “Seeds of Success” in honor of the words which have helped me so much over the years. While the ideas of the world are universal and have no owner, my aim is to express each thought in a unique way. I dedicate each “Seed of Success” to Mr. Mandino and everyone else who has influenced me in a positive way when I needed it most by giving me the push I so desperately needed to rise and rally rather than fall and fail.

The words in our vocabulary, the images in our mind and the ideas in our soul are the seeds we sow daily. To harvest tales of love and success, we need only sow seeds of wisdom and positivity. By impregnating our mind with marvelous messages, we can make magic.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 50


Lunar Letter / The Magic of Goals

Something magical happens when we establish a goal. Our mind flies with the imagination of what our future could be. Think about it for a moment. All we have today was at one time simply a thought or a desire.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” ~ James Allen

Although sometimes we think we don’t have so much, the reality is we have an abundance. In terms of material goods, absolutely everything of value first began as an idea. We wanted a bicycle and we began talking about having one and dreaming about it. In time, and frequently with a lot of perseverance, we have acquired a great many things. Others have been more elusive.

Emotionally, the same is true because everything begins with a desire. Though love from our parents generally comes unconditionally, the same isn’t the case with everyone else. Our effort and actions have created the relationships we have today. We wanted to meet someone and did everything we could to be close to them, though granted things didn’t always turn out as we wanted.

Now think of all the things you don’t have and have never thought of having. The list is long. Of most interest is that without first thinking about and wanting something, it is impossible to have. This doesn’t mean that if we want a helicopter we will automatically get one, but the probability of getting one is much greater if we first sow the seed of thought in our mind. For example, we can bring what is imaginary closer to reality by drawing a picture in our mind of the exact model and color of the helicopter we want.

Instead of being reserved and guarded with our desires, let’s open our minds to all life has to offer.

How does someone buy an island?

How does another person find his or her soul mate?

People who have purchased an island first made up their minds to do so. Then they found out which were available and what they needed to do to achieve their objective. People who have found their soul mates first planted the seed of desire, made a mental or written inventory of the characteristics of the person they were looking for. In both cases they then took action to achieve their objectives.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney

Everything begins in our imagination and this is the Magic of goals. It isn’t possible to have something we have never dreamed of or desired. After having a clear concise objective in our mind, we can begin to work diligently day in and day out with courage, passion and drive. In time, and with tenacity, we can make what we imagine come true. When we dare to dream, suddenly there will appear a bright shining beam to show us the way.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 49

Lunar Letter / Three at a Time

We tend to have a seemingly unlimited number of tasks and activities to do every day. The question is…
What can we do to be more effective?

We can take three at a time in order to age like a fine wine.

With so many things to do, we often drown in the complexity and extent of all we need to do. We can be “busy” all day, yet get home and feel as if we have accomplished nothing.

To avoid this sinking feeling, we can take three at a time. This idea comes from one of the all time classic time management techniques proposed by Ivy Lee to Dale Carnegie, many years ago.

I have made a few adjustments to the process to make it easier.  The only thing we need to start is a blank notepad. While any size will work, the pocket size is convenient and practical.

The first step is to go to the last page of the pad and write “Work” at the top of the page. Then list everything which needs to be done relating to work without regard to priority. The most important and the seemingly insignificant items should all be written down. Then on the next blank page, going from the back to the front, we put “Personal” at the top of the page. We then list everything we need to do which doesn’t directly deal with work. Other pages can be used for special projects or interests if necessary. As new items arise, we place them on the appropriate list or make a new list.

This first phase is essential to feel “in control” of all we need to do. One of the worst sensations we can have to “have forgotten something.” Having everything in one place allows us to write it down and forget it knowing we can always refer to it at any given time. By having it in a notepad, we avoid having to be close to a computer or look at our phone or electronic agenda which isn’t always possible or convenient.

Before leaving work or going to bed, we review our lists and cross out the items we have completed, or no longer apply. We choose the three most important tasks which need to be done the following day and list them on the first page of the pad without regard to priority. You may now be thinking, “I don’t have just three things which are important, I have thousands!” While this may be the case, there are three which are more important than all the rest at this time. Tomorrow there maybe three entirely different items, but today we will concentrate on just three at a time.

The next day, after we have allowed our minds to consider these three items overnight, we prioritize each by putting the #1 next to the most important item, then the #2 alongside the next and the #3 next to the least important of the three. When we start our day, we start only with #1 without looking and, if possible, without thinking about all the other things we need to do. Until we finish #1, or are inhibited for some reason in its progress, we don’t move on to #2. If we are interrupted, we take care of the interruption and then get back to the activity we were working on.

If we only complete the most important task during the day, we will have had a successful day. If we do all three, terrific! If we complete all three and/or are unable to work on our three most important items, we have everything else we need to do at hand in the last pages of our notepad.

We live our lives day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. Tomorrow will come when it comes with or without us. Our “inbox of life” will never ever be empty. When we direct our attention to the most important tasks we need to complete today, we live a life of intention and direction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 48

Lunar Letter / A New Beginning

Each day can be a new beginning professionally, personally and emotionally. The words written in our book of life to date influence, but do not determine the rest of our story. Each day we write the words shaping the plot. As we close the doors of our business daily and then later close our eyes to go to sleep, we put a period at the end of that day’s entry. The next day it depends on us if we continue on with the same chapter, or start a new one.

If all is going well in our tale, by all means let’s continue on and finish the part we are on. Yet regardless, to keep moving forward it is necessary to learn and grow. Even the best road can become difficult to follow if we do not renew and improve. The first phrase we start with tomorrow can take into account the successes we have had to date, as we seek to remain on the cutting edge of our profession, while also being in control of our personal lives and emotions.

If we find our tale is not as we want it, it is preferable to start a new chapter. The scope and nature of the change in our story depends on the magnitude of the adjustment we desire. If we only require small modifications we can continue with the same story line, and if not, perhaps it’s best to go in a completely different direction..

In the same way an author creates an adventure with his words, we also create our own story of life with actions we take each day.

How is your professional, personal, and emotional story of life going?

Are you achieving all you want and in the way you want to accomplish it?

If your answer is affirmative, simply continue the story line from yesterday making only small adjustments to keep going in the same direction. If the answer is negative, today is the best time to put a period on what once was and start an entirely new chapter in life.

How can we do this?

One of the best ways to initiate a new beginning is to change our habits. What we have done day in and day out is what has brought us to where we are today. When we modify our actions, we modify our results. We all have positive and negative habits. When we reinforce those which lead us to what we desire and diminish those which take us farther away, we begin to slowly modify our direction and determine our destiny.

Life will eventually place the final period on our story of life. Meanwhile, we can do everything possible to create the tale we want. When we live with decision and intention, we integrate what we value into our book of life and diminish what we detest. Today can be a new beginning to achieve what we have always aspired and desired.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 47

Lunar Letter / A Beginning and an End

Everything has a beginning and everything has an end, the time in between, on us depends. Time is always relative. In some cases it is measured in minutes or days, in others in years, decades or even billions of years. When we understand nothing lasts forever, we realize the only thing which truly exists is this instant. The past is a distant memory, the future an unfulfilled promise and this moment a special gift.

Frequently, we are bothered when something comes to an “end.” It could be something material which breaks or is ruined. It could be a relationship which dissolves or even a loved one who takes his or her last breath. While none of these circumstances are pleasant or desired, they most certainly will come. Though we may not want for something or someone to come to an end, with or without our consent, it will happen.

In the great scheme of things, we are like drops of water in the ocean. Each of us is one person of more than six billion people on the planet. While we each do our best to live and enjoy each moment in life, we are simply one more in the mass of humanity.

The earth and our solar system have been around for approximately 4.5 billion years and, it is estimated will last another 4.5 billion years. Depending on our circumstances and where we are born we may, with good or bad luck as the case may be, live perhaps 100 years. The “drops of time” which we each have are indeed precious and should be treated as such.

It’s not reasonable to want something to end. Losing something is bothersome. Losing someone close is one of the most difficult times we will face. Nevertheless, we can see life as if it were a river flowing through the mountains. A river which starts in the depths of the earth until finally coming forth through the surface.  Then as it continues its course, it encounters and surpasses thousands of obstacles in its path, until it finally reaches its destiny.

Similarly, we are born from the depths of creation and come forth to follow our own course with an endless number of obstacles along the way. We can resist and fight against each challenge and loss or we can simply flow and go through all which comes our way. Whether or not we approve, the world will continue turning and life will continue in some way, shape or form.

It’s unlikely we will be able to cure all the maladies of the world, and less likely we can cause those things which we like, and those people whom we love to last forever. The answer lies not in changing the nature of life, time or the universe, rather in adapting, resolving and giving our best to live happy and healthy lives.

Happiness does not depend on never facing sadness or sorrow, rather on accepting them with courage and understanding so we make take advantage of each moment in this spectacular journey we call life. The minutes, hours and days will continue with or without us. Instead of lamenting and fearing what most certainly will be, we can instead do all we can to rejoice in this instant, taking pleasure in the present  and reveling in the memories of magical moments that last a lifetime.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 46


Lunar Letter / Action to Thought

In the magic of our mind we can create spectacular scenarios. The key to making these dreams come true is to convert thought into action. Normally, we know what we want and even know what we need to do to achieve it. The difference between accomplishing what we most desire and simply a nice thought is to apply action to thought.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney

This doesn’t have to be so difficult. Thinking of all we need to do in order to reach a specific objective can be overwhelming though it doesn’t have to be so complicated. To bring action to thought, it is essential to determine the steps necessary to begin our journey. A pen and a paper can set the wheels in motion. To achieve what the magic in our mind imagines, we must be disciplined, clear and persistent.

We have to put the “pedal to the metal” to jump start our internal engine. It’s much easier to remain in the fantasy of what might be rather than doing what needs to be done to make it a reality. Playing the mental game of, “What will be of me?” will lead only to the result of, “It is not for me to be!” We can make excuses or we can be disciplined to bring action to thought, both cannot be done at the same time.

The clearer our objectives, the easier it is to achieve them. How would a soccer game be with no goal or a basketball game with no basket? Without a clearly defined goal, it is difficult to complete what our mind creates. Someone may ask us, “How much farther do I have to go?” To which we may reply, “Where are you going?” If they answer, “I don’t know,” we can in turn respond, “Then you have already arrived.”

To quote one of the legends in profound thought, Yogi Berra says…

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up someplace else.”

In order not to “wind up someplace else,” it’s fundamental to be clear in what we want.

When we are on well on our way to what we desire, we must be very persistent so as not to get sidetracked on the way. Napoleon Hill, a pioneer in personal development, expressed it this way…

“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”

If everything were so easy, we would all have what we want right now. To get to “great,” we must act “greatly.” We all have a tendency to take the path of least resistance because it is much easier to go that way. For this reason, to become a shining star in the dark of the night instead of just one more in the mass of humanity it’s necessary to be persistent in putting action to thought.

The difference between dreaming and achieving is the action we take to corral our imagination and take specific steps to make it happen. Our minds are marvelous machines which can create incredible images about what we want and how we want to live. Those who achieve greatness are those who first create their burning desire in their mind and then put action to thought.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 45


Lunar Letter / Getting to “How”

We generally know “what” we want. “How” to achieve it, is a different story. At this time of the year we tend to review what has worked well for us and set our minds on doing better in the future. It’s only natural for us to want “more” in life, though this “more” varies greatly for each of us. Following are some examples of what we may want:

MORE love

MORE money

MORE prestige

MORE peace and harmony

BETTER transportation

BETTER relationships

A BETTER house


What we want comes easily. How to get what we want is more elusive and requires more thought. Fortunately, we can cut any objective into smaller pieces to better determine how to achieve it.

For example, one thing many of us want is more money. “How” to earn more money tends to be fairly simple though not always easy. We simply need to “sell” more of what we offer to the world.

You may be thinking, “I don’t sell anything.” Though initially this may seem to be the case, we all sell something. We sell ourselves every day. We sell our capacity to be a good employee. We sell our ability to be a good friend. We sell the fact we are a good colleague. We sell our capability to be good parents. We are constantly selling. If we want more, we need only sell more!

Here is another example. Let us suppose, what we want is to have a better business relationship with each of our clients to increase our profitability with them. While there are many ways to achieve this, we can start with this question. What does our client really want? Some of the answers might be:

Better attention

Better payment terms

Technical expertise to optimize the use of our product

A product or service which better satisfies their specific needs
With these answers we can begin to create new strategies to provide them with better service, more favorable payment terms, technical support and products which better meet their specific needs. While it’s quite possible we cannot directly influence or provide each of these elements, this process leads us to focus on “how” to give them what they want so we in turn can get what we want.

“How” to achieve any objective depends on each individual and there isn’t a magic answer which works for everyone. One of the most wonderful things about life is that we are all different and there are indeed many means to achieve our objectives. When we clarify “what” we want, we can then determine “how” to achieve it and implement a plan daily to give direction to our destiny.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 44


Lunar Letter / Rocks in the Road

It’s not the rocks in the road, rather what we do with them which makes a tremendous difference in our lives. Obstacles impede some people while they empower others. We can see rocks in the road as barriers to avoid or as opportunities to grasp. When we use the stones in our path as building blocks rather than hindrances. We can ascend rather than descend.

It’s common to believe the difficulties of life inhibit our progress. Yet we see people who achieve great things in life are those who have encountered many rocks in the road and have been able to use them to build, rather than fall under their weight.

When we reflect on our own life, the moments of which we are proudest tend to be those when we encountered and overcame challenge.

What are the stories our parents and grandparents tell?

Are they tales of comfort and convenience?

Or, of trial and tribulation?

The only time we truly have no obstacles is after we are dead. Each living thing must overcome adversity. It could be the need for more water, more sun, more nutrients, or more food. Something is always necessary and it’s the same for every living being. In some way, shape or form we must all move and shake in order to rise and fly.

Think for a moment of all the obstacles you have faced in your life. Some surely have been relatively easy, others particularly difficult. Some have been resolved, others are unresolved. Regardless, we rise with the dawn of each day and to continue to fight in our own way. The days, months and years slip through our fingers and somehow we continue despite all the rocks we encounter in the road.

There are only two alternatives for any challenge we currently face; we will resolve it satisfactorily or not. There is no other option. If we can use our marvelous mind to work it out to our satisfaction, then hallelujah. If not, we need to somehow adjust to the circumstances and carry on.

When we begin to see rocks in the road as an opportunity to get up and go, we can rise and continue. rocks in the road can inhibit or inspire. Each time we trip and fall, we determine our direction and build our character. Facing challenge is a sign we are truly alive. To achieve what we desire is not always easy, though it surely need not be so complex. Stone by stone, we can construct a stairway to heaven rather than to grovel on the ground.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 43


Lunar Letter / Good and Bad

The concept of Yin Yang captures the essence of what normally happens in life. In all that is good, there is a little bit of bad; and in all that is bad, there is a little bit of good. When we understand the best and worst of times will come to an end, we can look at life from a different perspective.

In the sea of dark

There is a spot of light

In the sea of light
There is a spot of dark

When we analyze our most memorable moments, they generally come from one of these two extremes, good or bad. Nevertheless, right now the great majority have changed in some way, shape or form. The most intense feeling of happiness has changed into something steady, or has disappeared completely. At the same time, the most uncomfortable circumstance has also diminished or been completely resolved.

The phrase, “The only thing constant is change,” promises each and every situation will change. Although the change is not always for the better in the moment, everything will indeed change for nothing stays the same forever. When we focus on what we can control, we influence the intensity and frequency of the majority of what happens in life.

If we are happy and content, we know change will come. The magnitude and direction depends entirely on us. If we notice this pleasant sensation is diminishing, we can do everything possible to maintain the energy and positive vibration. Instead of lamenting what might possibly happen, we can construct an environment where our actions and attitudes steer us toward what we most desire.

If we are down and despondent, we know also change will come. If we keep doing the same things, and do nothing to improve the situation, things will more than likely get worse before they get better. On the contrary, if we begin to change what we do and how we do it, we begin to attain different results. While they may be the same or worse in the short term, with perseverance we will achieve new destinies.

What is “good” and “bad” depends not on what happens, rather on our interpretation of what happens. We can consider the good which comes from even the most difficult of circumstance. While not everything is rosy and bright, we can extend and magnify the magical moments in our lives. When clouds come to conceal the sun which previously shone upon us, we can find comfort knowing the same wind which brought the darkness will also whisk it away.

Life is to live and part of “living” is to take the good with the bad. When we do our best to accentuate the positive and diminish the negative, we begin to live with intention instead of slowly dying through distraction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 41

Lunar Letter / A Little Magic

Magic surrounds us…

* The flight of a bird

* The petals of a rose just bloomed

* The wind blowing through our hair

We all live in different circumstances, yet we are all the same. The way the human body works is magical and this magic is inside each and every one of us. Incredibly, this marvelous magical machine in which we all live continues to function most of the time with very little maintenance.

If we add a little more magic to what is already magical, there is no limit to what we can achieve. We need only believe and then take action to achieve what we want to receive.

* Be useful in all we do

* Be tenacious toward challenge so as to believe and achieve

* Develop a deep desire to help others get what they want in life

* Initiate new trains of thought to improve constantly how we do what we do

* Eat fresh vegetables and fruit to sprinkle a little magic dust on our marvelous magical machines

* Have a positive and enthusiastic attitude despite the knowledge life is not always rosy and bright

* Have confidence in ourselves despite difficulties which will sure come by knowing they will be an integral part of our experience

* Be tolerant of others because no one is perfect, including ourselves

* Develop a deep driving burning desire to achieve what we believe

Life is not as it should be, it is as it is.

There will be times when the curtain falls on the magic at the end of the night.

We need only know, and according to current forecasts, tomorrow will dawn with a new day enabling us to go forth in a new way.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 40


Lunar Letter / Flow

When we go with the flow
We can constantly grow

So many obstacles in life
It need not be with strife

So many ups and downs
Too frequently with frowns

Yet with a heave and a ho
We can simply say, “Let’s go!”

Each day takes us to and fro
And so, it isn’t easy to grow

Voices often come from below
Telling us that they really know

“Life is difficult,” they can say
“So, just hold tight and pray…”

Yet life is much more than that
We can live like the Cat in the Hat

Pure pleasure can indeed be our prey
All we need to do is to choose the way

So much in life to live, so much to see
In our minds we can choose to be free

There are those who typically say, “Nay”
Those unwilling to jump into the fray

We can take a firm hold of each day
And do our best to get out and play

The child within each of us never dies
Though far too often this child hides

In those moments we want to cry
We can spread our wings and fly

In life we can live and let live
To achieve this we can all give

What we give to the world
We will receive two fold

What we do not get today
Will come on another day

When we give we will grow
For we will reap what we sow

Things are not black and white
So there is no need to take fright

When we look deep into the light
We come out of the dark of the night

Things are not always as they should be
Though this is not so very easy to see

We can accept things as they are
And we don’t have to go very far

The answer we now hold within
To come inside out of the din

We need only know this is so
We are here to go and grow

So relax, simply let go
And go with the flow

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 39

Lunar Letter / Face in the Mirror

The face in the mirror
Is always so very near

The eyes shine bright
With all of their might

They plead, “Have no fear”
Shed not ever for me a tear

And in the light of the night
The face is never out of sight

What is that now you say?
Please, show me the way

Shall I go this way or that
Or, just sit here and get fat?

“Well, go this way my fine friend”
And remember please to always bend

While the end may seem so very near
Just get up and get your rear in gear

There is so much to live and love
And it can all fit just like a glove

No, it does not always seem so
Yet we can always get up and go

So many places to be and to see
In our heart we are ever so free

We glance away and then back
The eyes in the mirror attack

They never ever take leave
Not even when we grieve

Our forehead always high
Sometimes scrunches in sigh

Our nose which is placed just so
Is in just the right place just below

Also our mouth and ears just so
They go with us everywhere we go

And in this way we all go to and fro
So let us go forth daily to sow and grow

Plant the seeds of greatness within
This surely is the way best way to win

The face in the mirror knows good from bad
And this often is what really makes us sad

Though really what is right and wrong?
Does it come truly from the throng?

Is there really white and black?
Or shades which stare back?

With a nice smile and grin
The face comes out of the din

Our face can and will be our ally
And what’s more it can help us fly

We need only to know it will always be so
We can create glee which surely will show

All it takes is a simple laugh and a smile
To bounce back and go another mile

And so each day we can make it so
And continue to grow and to grow

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 38

Lunar Letter Review / 88 in a Row

Seven years ago
I decided to get into flow
With a mission to build and grow
With each full moon, a chance to sow

And so then the days came to and fro
Sometimes high and others so low
So I now say, “Get ready to go”
Rock and roll for the soul

Now bit of review
To go through and view
Each and every full moon
Each has come none too soon

We started with Experience to energize
Preparation, such a find, for peace of mind
Perseverance to bounce back time and again
Attitud² to forge forth fabulously and take action

We Empowered Creative thought with Powerful goals
Made a Tremendous Difference with The River of Change
Got more Bang for our Bounce with a Well of Abundance
Heard others Knocking to Create Powerful Energy

Created Character with Adversity while Riding the Wave of Change
Obtained the Energy of Life sometimes Bouncing and others getting Bounced
Took Eight to Create Motivate and Stay in Shape with the Resilience of a Sponge
Diligently developed a Creative Bounce with “Retensive Learning”

Fired the FUD’s with a Feast Fit for a King
Tastefully Tuned In to others with a Work of Art
Faithfully Fanned the Fire to constantly Challenging a Problem
Bounced back from the Bottom of a Bounce by Conceiving, Believing and Achieving

Looked out and took a Leap of Faith while Doing the Right Thing
Succulently Seized the day and discovered big blaring Blind Spots
Empowered thought resulting in marvelous Magical Moments
Saw Tantalizing Temptations fade away in No Time Like Now

Reached Beyond our Grasp to hop up On Top of the World
Stepped boldly up A Stairway to Heaven to find Food for Thought
Experienced Intention and Action deriving Direction in the Game of Life
Then bounced back boldly Across the Americas while Daring to Be Great

Overcame Challenge constantly and in the process Learned so very much
Reached Out and Touched others internalizing Imperfect Perfection
Got Pretty and Practical in order to feel Comfort in Discomfort
Flowed through Challenge with the Tenacity of a Tree

Used the Curiosity of a Kid to constantly Challenge Routine
Focused on “How” rather than “What” while Doing the Pacheco
Bettered the Boomerang Effect to combat Another Day for Another Dollar
Emblazoned a Burning Desire on our soul while collecting so many Crazy 8’s

Got On our Marks, to Get Set and Go to Prune Excess
Gave just a Little Extra to Focus on What’s In It for others
Meandered through Moments which are Easier Said than Done
Decided all it takes is a measly 2.22% to create Time for Everything

Did it Wrong every once in a while to realize it is often A Matter of Focus
Intensely and intelligently Imagined a Life with big bright Guiding Lights
Hummed to, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” to belittle A Busted Bounce
Charged forward with It’s Showtime while Remembering When

Fired up the Engine of Life in The Eye of the Hurricane
Sang “I Will Survive,” with a very Vivid Imagination
Were Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
With the Sweet Sensation of Success

And finally Got Uncomfortable
Before going a bit farther into flow
To began a new exciting way to grow
As this now cleverly marks, 88 in a Row

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 38

Lunar Letter / Get Uncomfortable

Take a moment and think about the following:

In this instant are you where you want to be and how you want to be?

If the answer is yes, congratulations you have absolutely nothing to do except to keep doing what you are doing. If, on the other hand, like the majority of us you feel something is lacking or there is a part of your life which can be improved…

Get uncomfortable!

While it’s true we love to be in a cocoon of comfort, it is also a surefire way to continue getting more of the same and, in some cases can lead us to the edge of an abyss.

Mankind’s greatest achievements have occurred as a result of discomfort. In addition, many of us have achieved our greatest feats after feeling uncomfortable with a situation or result.

Discomfort drives us to find other solutions and take alternative courses of action to obtain a different direction. When we face an uncomfortable situation, we can choose one of two courses of action: The first is to manage the pressure and do nothing. The second is to get up and find another avenue to achieve what we most desire.

Our most outstanding successes tend to come after situations which shake our world like an earthquake. For example: marriage, the birth of a child, taking on an obligation which is greater than we believed possible and even the death of a loved one. Pressure and discomfort can stimulate or diminish our ability to establish new ways of working and acting.

Following, a story about discomfort: An older gentleman is rocking in his chair on his wooden porch. A traveler requiring assistance walks up to ask for help and notices the dog lying down beside the man is visibly troubled. The dog whimpers and whines in agony. The traveler asks the man, “What’s wrong with your dog, is he sick?”

The man laughs and says, “No, he isn’t sick. He is sitting on a nail which sticks out of the porch and it’s poking one of his testicles.”

“Why doesn’t he move?” the traveler asks.

“Well, you see he doesn’t move because it hurts him just enough to complain but not enough to move,” answers the owner.

This same situation happens frequently in life. We are hurt enough to complain though are not in enough pain to move. If this is the case, we can get more uncomfortable with regards to our present situation, get up and take action to effect positive change.

“It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action.” ~ Al Batt

When we get uncomfortable with goals and objectives which go beyond what is comfortable and convenient, we can go farther than we ever imagined possible.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 37

Lunar Letter / The Sweet Sensation of Success

Success and how we achieve it is of interest to most. The books on the shelves in bookstores throughout the world “shout” out promises of success to all who follow the advice of the words which fill their pages.

What are the characteristics of success and how we can assure it comes to our doorstep more often?

We have all felt the exhilarating sensation of success at some point in our lives. It generally comes after a particular event or as the result of achieving certain goals or objectives.

This feeling is typically the result of several things which come together to make us “feel” successful. This being the case, success is a sensation, not a situation. It isn’t what happens which makes us feel successful; rather how we sense what occurs.

For example, a student who gets 100 (on a scale of 1 to 100) on a test has a good reason to feel successful. Does this then mean someone who gets a 70 is a failure?

The answer isn’t so evident. For a student who has learning difficulties or, for a test where 70 was the highest grade given, it is quite possible for these students to feel successful. In addition, there are students who think it is the end of the world if they get a 90, while others celebrate the same grade for days on end.

It is not what happens or how it happens which defines success. Rather, how we perceive what has happened which gives the event context and significance. Success is not achieving a certain position in life or a making certain amount of money, rather the value we give an event.

How then can we get the sweet sensation of success more frequently?

We tend to be our own harshest critics. Our internal dialogue can be brutal when we don’t achieve what we desire. Instead of beating ourselves up mentally, we can start by realizing no one is “perfect.” While we all have desirable character traits, we also make mistakes.

Instead of concentrating on what is “wrong” with our lives, we can instead concentrate on what is “right.” If we perceive there is nothing “right,” we can permit our marvelous mind to soar to another space and time when we have had the sensation of success.

Success does not depend on what we have achieved or lost, rather on how we interpret these events. For some, simply getting up in the morning is success. We can broaden our definition of success, giving ourselves permission to fall and fail every once in a while. Success is a feeling and there is no ceiling on the number of times we can feel the sweet sensation of success.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 36

Lunar Letter / Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

All we really want in life is to be happy. As stunning as this astounding discovery may seem, what is not quite as obvious is how to attain this worthy ideal.

Everything we do is related in some way, shape or form to our search for happiness. The mate we choose, the job we select, our desire to have children or not and the people we choose to be around. Along the way these decisions frequently seem to be errors in judgment and instead of bringing us happiness, instead they bring anxiety and anguish.

What happened?

Did we really make a mistake or is some other dynamic taking control? It is not “things” or “people” who make us “unhappy,” rather our perception of what is happening. Notwithstanding, there are three things which can lead us to be happier regardless of the circumstances. We can all do our best to internalize the following characteristics.

HEALTH: It’s much easier for someone in good physical shape to be happy. While it is possible for an unhealthy person to be happy, physical well-being makes it much easier. When we eat well and exercise regularly, our energy and drive instantly change for the positive. To achieve our goals and desires, it’s fundamental we have the resources necessary. While some of these things are “beyond” our control, many are “within” our control. Taking care of our body as if it were a sacred temple rather than a wrecked ruin gives us vitality, strength and enthusiasm to achieve all we desire.

WEALTH: If we have the option to choose between being “wealthy” or “poor,” it is obvious we would choose prosperity. Let’s look at different types of wealth. To the chagrin of many, material wealth is important. Anyone who says money is not important hasn’t been to the supermarket lately. We need money and other kinds of material wealth to fully enjoy this marvelous journey we call life. Equally important is inner wealth and this type of prosperity has no limits. In this instant, we can all become “wealthier” by simply giving thanks for all we have rather than lamenting what we don’t have. Prosperity is measured as much by the number of zero’s in our bank account as by the richness of our emotional bank account.

WISDOM: People who are wise have problems like anyone else. What sets them apart from the rest is their ability to see the world from a different perspective. Beginning with our very first breath, challenge lurks around every corner. Those who see obstacles as a norm are able to flow and grow. Those who continually strive to know more about our world and themselves discover quickly it is a never ending search. What we do not know will always be greater than what we know. Yet the power and value of a single idea has no limit. When we are willing to continually grow, life turns into an adventure to enjoy rather than a chore to endure.

Being happy is a decision, not an obligation. When we are healthy, wealthy and wise, happiness becomes the rule rather than the exception.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 35


Lunar Letter / Vivid Imagination

We all possess a magical mind with an incredible imagination. Everything begins in the mind. All we have and know today was once merely a seed of thought. Napoleon Hill said:

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

When we look around us, we see thoughts do indeed become realities. As we ponder our own possibilities, it is useful to reflect on the research of Dr. Maxwell Maltz. He discovered the mind cannot tell the difference between something real and something vividly imagined.

Vivid imagination can take us to different spaces in faraway places.

Vivid imagination can create new truths to previously conceived realities.

Vivid imagination can develop different solutions to common challenges.

Vivid imagination can help alleviate piercing pain in uncomfortable circumstances.

Vivid imagination can determine new means to distinct destinies.

Vivid imagination can sow the seed of thought for new possibilities.

Vivid imagination can allow us to experience existential ecstasy.

Vivid imagination can generate gentle thoughts in turbulent times.

Vivid imagination can form a fortress of peace and serenity.

Vivid imagination can give rise to the greatest of achievements.

When we allow our minds to soar with vivid imagination, we amplify our own possibilities and begin to take full advantage of our true potential.

For so many years of our lives we are told, “No you can’t do that!” and, “Don’t even think about it!” As a result, we are often conditioned to reject new thought and imagination.

Our minds create our own reality. If we want to change our circumstances, we need only change our thoughts. Empowering creative thought and vivid imagination is the first step to create the experience and the life we desire.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 34

Lunar Letter / I Will Survive

We are born as the result of incredible series of events and begin breathing for a purpose which is difficult to comprehend. Our body is a magnificent machine which functions amazingly well with water, food and exercise. From the moment we begin this marvelous journey, there is only one absolute truth in life… One day we will pass to another place in a different time and space.

The way in which we pass is unknown and no one knows for sure if he or she will live for 8 minutes or 80 years. What is assured is our body will transform from its current shape and form. Yet the human body is extraordinary and can survive the incredible array of circumstances we face every day.

Think for a moment about all of the challenges you have faced in your life; economic difficulty, sickness, hunger, pain and the myriad of other situations and emotions. Regardless of how tough they were, you have survived to live and breathe for another day. This I can say because otherwise, you would not be here to read this today.

It’s easy to fall into the bottomless pit of anguish and desperation as we face life’s challenges. Our lives are full of circumstances which in time become the grains of sand which make our own beach of life. Some parts are soft and soothing while others are rough and ragged. As difficult as any situation may be in the moment, it normally is not a determining factor of how long we will live.

Think for a moment of a challenge you had previously and which has now been resolved in some way, shape or form. If you are normal, you may have pulled out your hair, imagined all the terrible consequences and become an emotional wreck. Then, as with everything in life, eventually the situation changed, though granted not always in the manner you would like.

What determines if we will survive does not generally depend on a specific problem, situation or challenge we face daily. Our life expectancy is determined by many factors, and while one is our emotional state of mind, this is a state which can be influenced positively with an optimistic and expectant attitude.

The time between birth and death consists of moments. Each of us determines if these will be magical or malignant. One option we can all choose when facing challenge is to quite simply say, “I will survive.”

Friedrich Nietzsche phrased it this way:

“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

This doesn’t mean we have to like and enjoy everything that happens to us. On the contrary, there will be horrible things which happen. Knowing we will survive can give us faith and courage to carry on and create new solutions to silly circumstances.

Not everything in life is wonderful, beautiful and bright. Knowing circumstance bothers yet seldom kills, permits us to flow and find new remedies instead of resist and desist. We will survive everything in life except for one thing, and that day will come when it will come. In the meantime, to each problem, inconvenience and challenge in life, we can simply say:

I will survive.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 33


Lunar Letter / The Engine of Life

Habits are the oil in the engine of life.

How long has it been since you have changed the oil in your engine?

Car manufactures recommend people change their oil frequently. The more often we change the oil, the longer the engine will last. If we never change the oil, it is likely the engine will “die a premature death” as it becomes clogged with dirt and debris.

We can relate our lives to the engine. Habits and routines are the oil in our own engine of life. When we change our habits and routines, we extend the life of our own engines by producing new and exciting results. While any path will generally do in the journey of life, it is our habits and routines which empower our path.

As this year comes to a close, we think about what we would like to do differently for the following year. We go through a period of review and reflection. We think about the past year and what we have achieved while planning the coming year to make things better than before.

We can all think about how long it has been since we have changed our habits and routines. “If we keep doing the same thing, we will keep getting the same results.” In computer terms we call it, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

If we are currently getting the results we desire, there is no need for great change in what we are doing. Even if we are going down the right path, it makes sense to look in our rear view mirror every now and again to make sure we don’t get run over.

Most of us begin the year with great intentions. Our New Year’s Resolutions may include:

Losing weight

Stopping smoking

Doing more exercise

Making more money

Being more productive

Improving communications

While these are all worthy ideals, as daily routine sets in after the euphoria of the holidays, often our goals and objectives are set aside as we take care of more “important” things.

In order to realize any significant change in our lives we need to first “change our oil” and make sure we have the proper lubrication to ensure our engine is running as it should. To do this we can review what we do and how we do it on a daily basis. Many complain, “I just don’t have enough time!” Time is a limited resource. It is not always possible to get everything done though it is possible to do the things we concentrate on. What is missing is not “enough time” rather a lack of focus.

We also need to have a strong reason to change. Many of us take better care of our cars than we do of ourselves. Why would do we do this? The answer is simple, our automobiles represent a significant investment and we want to take care of our investment.

How much is our body worth?

Regardless of the value we place on our own body, in order to keep it in optimum condition, we must “change the oil” from time to time. Unfortunately, the catalyst for many of us to “change our oil” is a life threatening situation where we face dire consequences if we don’t change.

Habits can be empowering or they can be destructive. Starting right now we can choose empowering habits over destructive habits.

Imagine what we can achieve when our thoughts are congruent with our dreams and desires. The sky is the limit. The only limits are self imposed. Our health, our income and our well-being are in our hands.

How then can we change our habits to drive our direction and determine our destiny?

Life is not as it should be; it is as it is. No magic wand can take a lifetime of habits and change them overnight. We can start to “change our oil” more often to guarantee our own engine of life is running as it should.

Here are some questions we can ask ourselves:

“How is what I am about to do going to effect the oil in my engine?”

“Is the food I’m about to eat going to make my engine run better or worse?”

“Is the cigarette I am about to smoke going to make my engine last longer or shorter?”

“Instead of taking the elevator up two or three floors, how about if I take the stairs instead?”

“What if I do more for what I am paid for rather than doing the bare minimum to get by?

“What is the most valuable use of my time in this instant?”

“What can I do to listen more effectively and talk less?”

Dramatic changes in our lives are not the result of some secret formula which will magically solve all of our problems. Instead, it is the small things done on a consistent basis which make a tremendous difference over time. People are not overweight because they ate “one” chocolate bar. People are not out of shape because they took the elevator “one” time. Our habits and routines over a lifetime create our realities.

Our bodies are finely tuned machines which in most cases keep working despite abuse and negligence. As this year comes to an end and a new year lurks on the horizon, we have the power to take action today, change our oil and make sure our own engine of life runs smoothly and soundly into the days, months and years to come.


∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 31

Lunar Letter / Do you Remember When?

While I am a firm believer in living in the “Here and the now” there are situations when it is worthwhile to let our mind travel to other times. Our mind is a marvelous machine which allows us to soar to another space and time in an instant. We have a “library” of memories which can be accessed to create a myriad of emotions when convenient.

At one time or another we will all have to face difficult and unfortunate circumstances. Perhaps one of the most uncomfortable situations is dealing with the terminal illness of a loved one.

What do we say?

How can we help?

In this situation it is likely we already know what is coming and the prognosis. It is natural to ask:

How did all this start?

What did you feel?

What did you do?

These are common questions and although they may satisfy our curiosity, it isn’t a line of questioning which will necessarily lead to a positive or valuable dialogue for the patient.

What value is there in rehashing the sickness and circumstances which they are facing?

In most cases, there is absolutely no value! Another way to manage the situation is to stimulate the mind to soar to more joyous and happy times. For example, we can ask, “Do you remember when we took that trip to the beach during Spring Break when we were in the university?” This and any other question starting with the phrase, “Do you remember when…?” will take us to another space and time. Our mind will begin to remember those times when we shared magical moments.

“This is simply skirting the inevitable!” you may say. I don’t argue with the fact that living in the past is simply a way to forget about the present. My response is, “So what?”

Not everything in life is, “Cheery, jolly and bright.” There are times which are challenging and uncomfortable. During these inevitable moments in life, it is preferable to travel to another time which allows us to smile and remember the beautiful moments we have lived rather than dwelling on the inevitable.

When we have to face the death of a loved one we can take one of two paths. One is to enter into a deep philosophical conversation about what awaits and the other is to paint a picture of what once was. While everything has its moment and there is a time and place to face the inevitable, in other circumstances we can be of support and assistance by creating images of how wonderful their spectacular journey we call life has been instead of feeding the fire of anguish over what is sure to come.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 30

Lunar Letter / It’s Showtime!

There comes a time when we need to say, “It’s Showtime!” We are all actors in life. William Shakespeare expressed it like this:

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts…”

As we head out into the world each day, we are like actors making our entrance onto the stage. While each of our roles are different, we are all on stage performing. Some of us are salesman, others are doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, or a myriad of other professions and occupations. While it is healthy and wise to be in harmony with what we feel and say, the “world” really doesn’t care how we feel. All that matters is our performance in the theater of life.

Let’s look at an example. When a patient goes in for surgery, he or she really doesn’t care if the surgeon had a fight with their spouse, has economic difficulties or has an upset stomach. What’s most important is for the surgeon to do their job well!. While the doctor’s performance will change depending on the circumstances, it’s critical to get off the emotional roller coaster of life and perform.

Regardless of what we do, we are all in a similar situation. While our closest friends and family can be of tremendous support when we are facing difficulties, the backdrop of our emotional challenges isn’t important to the rest of the world. Imagine the following situation. A client walks into a car dealership and asks the salesperson, “How are you doing?” Imagine the salesperson replying, “My teenager is about to get kicked out of school, they haven’t paid my commissions from last month, my landlord is asking for my house and I am depressed.” Would we really want such a detailed explanation?

While this is obviously an exaggeration, we frequently demonstrate these same sentiments without ever speaking. Our body language and attitude towards life explains the entire script. It is not necessary to ask someone, “How are you feeling?” Most of the time it’s apparent from their behavior and demeanor how they feel. In fact, for those we know best, we know in an instant how they feel.

Like most, I have learned a great deal from my parents. My mother, “The Beautiful Lady,” passed in peace on October 18th. As a result of her passing, I have thought a lot about all I have learned from her. While there have been so many different things, the most important is regardless of how we feel, we have to get up and say, “It’s Showtime!” With our best foot forward, it’s crucial we go out on stage with courage and confidence.

We are all actors in life. We will not always feel great and not everything in life is wonderful and beautiful. It’s not realistic to think we will always be energetic and motivated. Nevertheless, those who are able to shake themselves off and go out on stage with an excellent attitude are those who will achieve greatness. Let’s be superstars as we go out on stage in a constant effort to give our best performance in this wonderful theater we call life.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 29